
Bondrewd, a new beginning

What we know about Bondrewd from the epic "Created in the Abyss" - scientist, genius, "father of the year" and a lot of positive and not so positive qualities. Making this character extremely curious against the background of crowds of schoolchildren and other characters as bland as cardboard. After another "successful" experiment "Lord of Dawn" died, this time finally, and got into a new world, with a clear goal - to save the world, Will Bondrewd be able to save the world, will his attitude to life change, will he get a harem... maybe yes, maybe no. Read it and give me feedback. Postscriptum: this is the author's first work, so don't hit me, at least not hard.

DaoDasin · Anime e quadrinhos
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45 Chs

I'll get you  

Bondrewd rushed to the first floor, after passing the stairs he found himself again in front of the cursed painting, in general the landscape on it did not change, but the dog and the woman were gone. The lord came closer, and immediately felt the beginning of the curse's action, and without waiting for something he charged his hand at the painting with all his might.

And in the brief interval between the swing and the blow, the dog came to the fore. The beast managed to react to the threat from the real world, and jumped back, baring its monstrous fangs. The impact came in the very centre, and was so strong that plaster fell from the walls and the wall cracked.

'As expected.' Thought to himself Lord of Dawn, just as he had expected, nothing happened to the painting, and only the dog inside with fear and anger, opened his maw wide, halfway up his torso.

'I see, hmmm, what have we here.' - The Lord's attention was attracted by a large crack in the wall, and more specifically, something shiny lurking in it, the man stuck his hand into the crack, and grasping something that looked like a wire, pulled with all his might. The stone wall cracked, but did not yield, except that Bondrewd had his own plans for it, and he only increased his efforts. 'Come on, show yourself to the light!'

Bondrewd thought to himself, by this time he had already put his feet against the wall. The wall cracked and split open, exposing its depths. The man stretched out his hand in front of him, a glowing cable in his palm.

The man rose to his feet, and began to look closely at his find, a hand-thick, strange wire, covered with glowing wires, they smelled of magical energy. For a moment the man wanted to break the cable, but his sense of danger shrieked, so much so that Bondrewd decided to postpone the idea, at least for now.

"Okay, and if so," Lord took the cable, it went into the walls tightly intertwined with its brethren. The man came closer and broke through another small piece of the wall near the painting and pulled with force, the cable did not give in so easily.

The inhabitants of the painting seemed to feel the threat to their existence, and both of them pushed each other to get out, accelerating the effect of the curse twice as fast, Lord was already pushing with his feet, it seemed to him that he was trying to move a mountain. The curse was growing, the first drops of blood were coming out of his mouth, and the damn wire wouldn't budge,' 'Bitch, come on!

And the cable gave in, Bondrewd fell on his back again with the torn cable in his hands, the man quickly orientated himself and turned his gaze to the painting, it was empty, that is, not at all, instead of monsters and dull landscape only a white canvas looked at him.

"So, quite interesting, so paintings need a power source, and without it they are just useless," the man thought, "and if the wires transmit some kind of, let's say magical, but it's not important now, then somewhere there is a source, it's all just on..." Bondrewd did not have time to finish, out of the corner of his eye he noticed a vague shadow, and more importantly a magic projectile flying straight at his face, dodging at the last moment Lord of Dawn charged towards the vague silhouette, a line from 'Sparagmos'.

"GKHHH." The shadow somersaulted towards the door and opened it with its body and flew inside, Bondrewd immediately rushed in after it and flew into the room like a battering ram, knocking everything in its path.

'Missed.' The room was empty, the lord only shrugged nervously, and rushed back down the corridor, he had a lot of work to do.


Lana sat silently by the pool, cats were scratching at her soul, she was grateful to Dick for not giving her up to her master, but she didn't dare to thank him. Turning her head in his direction, she looked at her saviour 'well, in general, if you look from the other side he is not such a bad man - brave, matey, and most importantly kind, Dick paid attention to our heroine, and she blushed shamefully averted her eyes to the nearest wall.

As time went on, the shame wouldn't let Lana go, she'd been brought up wrong, her parents had taught her that you should return kindness for kindness, and even though her parents were foolish idealists, Lana loved them dearly, and after their deaths, she kept their memory alive as best she could. 'Ah hell,' unable to contain her mental turmoil any longer, she stood up and with a confident stride walked towards, Dick.

"Dick, I've been meaning to say..." The seated man turned his attention to her and turned in her direction. His gaze made Lana blush.

"Well, you helped me out in that situation with the ladle, and I want to say thank you..." Lana took a step forward, and very unluckily stood in a puddle and slipped.

"Watch out!" shouted Dick, rising to his feet with a jerk, stretching his arms towards the girl who had lost her balance. 


The situation was surreal, Dick was on his knees holding Lana who was looking him straight in the eye, the awkwardness lasted just a couple of seconds and the girl red as a cancer jumped out of the man's arms.

"You, You!!!" Lana couldn't find the words, she was filled with anger and her hand reached for the knife hanging on her belt. A low rumble prevented the bloodshed that was about to ensue, the sound was loud enough for everyone to pay attention. Lana and Dick got into fighting stances, and began to visually search for anything. But the sound wouldn't stop, and the source couldn't be found.

The strange phenomenon lasted for a couple of minutes and then stopped as suddenly as it had started. Everyone present looked at each other in incomprehension, searching for some answers in the faces of their colleagues. 

"Well, what was it?" Dick asked Lana.

"I have no idea, it's... well, I wanted to thank you for not ratting me out." Dick nodded back, a slight smile on his face.

"You're welcome, it's no big deal." Smugly said, thug. The smugness was interrupted by a tremendous jolt.

"And what is this?" questioned Lana in turn, looking at the ceiling.

"And this is definitely Bondrewd."


At the same time, the lord was making cosmetic repairs, tearing wires out of the wall, if his theory was correct at the other end of the magic rope, the source of this mayhem would be waiting for him.

The man had already gone down to the ground floor, it was much easier to work here, there were no paintings on the ground floor. The work was hard even for him, every metre of magic cable was given with some titanic labour.

At the same time Bondrewd did not relax his vigilance, the vague shadow could return at any moment, and if you think about it, it could appear anywhere.

- It seems to me or this shadow is behind everything, because if we take into account that at the time of its appearance the picture, which is a kind of detector, it could not appear, and there are two options or I did not notice another transmitter, or it does not need an external guide.

"Interesting thought process." System Assistant chimed in.

"You're still here, I told you to talk business or hide." Bondrewd bit his lip, it was already hard for him, the muscles of the homunculus were burning with fire, after all, the process of unravelling the stone walls, which were most likely reinforced with magic, was not an easy task, and the last thing he wanted was someone nagging him directly into his brain.

"You're heading in the right direction, but I have a question, you realised Dick had tricked you, didn't you?" Lord of Dawn sighed heavily.

"Why do you care? I realised it the moment Lana was huddled behind me, and Dick was stalling like he'd been stepped on."

"So what do you think you're gonna do?"

"Strangle them."

"Both of them?" The system assistant asked, startled.

"No, not two, one, but more specifically that one dumb intangible moron who's interfering with my work. The man was expecting another barbed response."

"Watch out!" Bondrewd didn't sense where the danger was coming from, so he went on a roll, and that's where he miscalculated.


A deafening blow came to the centre of the body, Lord was flipped in the air, and thrown aside, sealing his body into the wall. Bondrewd glimpsed his body, the armour was intact and the shadow was gone again.

"Bitch, I'll get you!"