15 Chapter 14

First POV

I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. All of a sudden I heard a loud angry voice shout next to me, "I WANT A REMATCH!" I looked over to see a pomeranian shouting and screaming at me while small explosions came out of his palms. He charged back at me, "I'M GONNA BLAST YOU TO HELL!"

Quickly, I sidestepped and jumped back to avoid his blast, he tried to attack me again, but a light grey scarf shot out and grabbed while the explosions from his palms were gone. I looked to the sidelines and saw Aizy with his eyes glowing red and his scarf extended. I groaned, "You know I could've handled the situation myself right?"

He grumbled and pulled the pomeranian back out of the arena, "I was more concerned for his well being than yours. I did it for him, not you."

I smiled, "If you say so."

He pinched the bridge of his nose, deactivating his quirk, though he kept the blonde tied up so he wouldn't get out of hand again. Aizy called out the next group, "Group E get into positions, you have one minute starting now!"

Midoriya POV

I watched as this new mystery student beat every single group quickly and mercilessly. How overpowered are they!? I watched them as they fought, but I couldn't pick up on a certain style, technique, or pattern. Yet, all their blows were always so calculated and precise. And their quirk is a mystery in its own. Sometimes they appear to have immense strength, while other times they were faster than Iida and moved like a blur. My best guess was a strong body enhancement quirk, but still, something seems off. I watched as they pushed out the last member of Group D out of the ring. I guess it's our turn now.

"Group A you have one minute starting now!"

Hagakure, Ashido, Shoji, and I huddled up together to devise a plan. Since Hagakure was wearing a uniform, we couldn't use her invisibility for a sneak attack, so instead we would have Ashido shoot acid around our opponent to throw them off and trap them, then me and Shoji would go in on the attack with Hagakure standing by. Once, we see them starting to get sloppy with their movements. That's when she will trip them and Shoji will throw them out of the ring.

It was the best plan we could come up with, with such limited time and unknown variables, but they had already fought four other groups before us. They should be at least a bit tired by now, right?

We got in positions as Aizawa yelled from the side, "START!"

Ashido threw her acid as it rained down at the sides of the mystery student. Though, what shocked me was they seemed more intrigued and interested than frightened and concerned. All of a sudden they bent down to the floor and TOUCHED THE ACID! They winced a bit and pulled their hand back while wiping their finger on the ground. Now that was weird.

I used Full Cowling and rushed fast behind the person in the blink of an eye. I was about to kick them when they swiftly turned around faster than I could register and grabbed my leg. I was thrown onto the ground on my back. A shooting pain went through my body. HOW DID THEY DO THAT!?

First POV

I saw the broccoli-haired boy rush behind be and I felt the air changed as he brought his leg up. Using the rest of the stored up happiness and excitement I got from the others, specifically from a certain spiky redhead I fought earlier. I grabbed his leg and threw him onto the floor a little ways away from me. I didn't want to use up all the stored up anger I had so I didn't throw him fair enough to get him out of the ring. A boy with six arms came running towards me.

"I don't think I can get out unscathed in close combat, I could use vibe check to stun him and kick him out of the ring though," I paused for a moment, "Nevermind, I don't want to show all my cards at once. I'll just do what I would normally do and try to take control of the fight. He's young so I doubt he knows what rhythm is. That'll probably work"

I got into a fighting stance as we both exchanged blows. After a second of going back and forth, I found his rhythm. Perfect.

As he threw three of his arms to punch me in my torso, I quickly stepped back avoiding the blow. Once, his arm went full swing I changed the rhythm of the fight by quickly moving forward and punching him in the face. He was shoved back across the arena and out of bounds. The pink-haired girl and the invisible one weren't too hard because they didn't seem well versed in close combat fighting.

As I knocked pinky out of the ring, I used some of the fear I absorbed and heightened my senses. I heard footsteps quickly approaching behind me and the air move.

"Right, I almost forgot broccoli boy was here," I thought. I spun to the side and did two backflips to put some distance in between us.

When my eyes caught his figure I was a bit shocked he was moving. When I threw him earlier, I expected him to be too hurt to move for a while. Though he didn't exactly look like he was in the best shape either. His breathing was uneven and ragged as sweat was dripping down his forehead.

Green sparks covered his body as he ran towards me, "His speed is incredible!" I thought as I dodged. This went on for a bit. I don't know why, but I didn't really want to hurt him…..too much.

"Your speed and agility are amazing!" I exclaimed smiling at him.

"Thank you but," I felt him come up on my right, "I'm gonna win this!"

I turned and made an X with my arms, blocking his punch. Shock all over his face as I smirked, "Sorry, but not today."

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward harshly, as I got behind him, his back was now facing me. I jumped up pinning his body down and secured one of the knives pointed at his throat. He gasped as he stared at me as we made eye contact.

"Round five goes to Alex!" I heard Aizy yell. I got off of the green-haired boy and held out my hand for him to take. He did while mouthing a small thank you. I helped him walk out of the arena, then sat him down carefully on the floor.

I heard Aizy snicker quietly behind me, "You showing compassion? Never."

"Hey, just because you've never earned it doesn't mean I don't have it," I said glaring at him.

He only shrugged and turned back to the students saying who knows what. Mic had only dropped off the case so he was long gone. I sighed as I sat on the floor. I heard small light footsteps come up next to me. As I turned I saw the familiar small figure of the principal come up next to me, "You did wonderful Alex! I'm glad that you agreed to partake in this exercise. Once they all change and made their visits to Recovery Girl we will all head back to the dorms and you can introduce yourself there."

"So you're coming with?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Yes, I will accompany you."

"...Will I have to share that?"

He smiled, "Only if you would like to. However, if I were you I'd do it sooner rather than later."


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