
Busy month

The next month were quite busy as every third day was busy with Frozen Cloud Sect business during mornings and Dates with Yuechan in the evening.

Our dates were quite eventful and I even got full blown passionate kiss yesterday.. That was awesome. Let me tell you guys, Yuechan is Hot with a capital H. She should have been a seductress, I still don't know how she got in Frozen Cloud Asgard that cheeky minx. Anyways, Yuechan and I had a lot in common as she was what you can say a generalist. Canon did not delve into much of her character aside romanticism but she is definitely a genius and could have achieved Sovereign level by now if not for that faulty Cultivation manual.

She is incredibly skilled and has a high comprehension level, although if compared to mine and Chen's, it is quite lackluster but I would have to remind you guys that we are both reincarnators and I happened to be a cheat so it would be ridiculous to base her on us but her inheriting my bloodline seems to be the catalyst for her genius to truly shine..

She is good company and she definitely reminds me of Xiu. I have gotten over it but I shall never forget Her. She was a good friend even if there was no romance between us. She could have been my first wife if not for my overconfidence. That is the time when I seriously started to work towards Cultivation so that I never have to relive that.

Many would say that I should have control over time so I could save her but Time doesn't work that. See, I am an anomaly within this universe therefore there is only a single timeline with me in it as I am just too big of a player. I am a multiversal level being in the future as my gut feeling indicates.

Therefore, even if I use my time related abilities nothing should change in the past for them to work else I would be destroyed by my future self as he definitely would not want another of his power level roaming around who could have a grudge for any one of his family members.

Let me put it this way. Maybe I diverge the timeline but that would result in another me existing as an anomaly in the timeline so some actions taken by him could lead him to be in conflict with a family member the first future me could have made and thus even if they are different versions of people. The second future me could still hold a grudge over it and proceed to battle with first future me thus bringing too much destruction to each other. And a multiversal level being will always have Murphy's law applied on them on the multiversal scale so this type of situation will definitely arise should a second timeline with me should be created in any manner.

Therefore, I can't do shit in this matter as I definitely have seen Xiu's death with that bomb in front of my very eyes.

Anyway, Yuechan is a sight for my eyes and a good companion even if a little yandereish. But I definitely have the hots for yanderes. Can you blame me? Have you seen how awesome they are? Why do people even reject them? If they are rejected, they would definitely react badly. So why reject those lovely girls. I know I am a bit unhinged but yeah fuck you if you don't see the hot and sexy yanderes!

I think I know why she became that way. She did not have any experience in love and then I came with that truckload of my charisma focused on her. Apparently I was too busy in sizing her up that I missed using my charisma's full power on her. With her messed up psyche,no previous experience and my power's impact,she had to have turned into a yandere.Although, I would definitely say that seeing her like that is delightful.

Rest of the 2 days, I either teach Yue about Cultivation and help her through it or set up arrays around the castle for its safety. You would be surprised to find that Formations are considered a lost art. Although it could be my extremely high affinity and my previous life experience in programming that Formation arrays come naturally to me and they are very very useful.

Hmm.. Well now that all that work is finished, it is time for Chen and my ascension to the Divine Realm.

Tell what your thoughts are on making the MC a bit relatable even if I am emphasizing his psychotic nature.

Don't forget to vote. Ciao guys

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