

101. I am afraid of myself

Fan Lin was looking at everyone beneath his feet.

There were thousands of Federation soldiers, Mecha pilots, Battle Armourers and Titled Douluos. He was surrounded on all sides.


He smiled a little. He looked at his left. They were all of the strongest beings in the whole Federation floating in the void. They were the Pillars of the current Federation. A Loss of even a single of them could cause a lot of destruction to the federation. A lot.

Sea god Legion commander Chen Xinjie, his vice commanders, Battle God Hall Master and his men, Southern legion commander Angel Douluo, Some other random Limit Douluos from some random department.

On the right were the people from Shrek Academy and Tang Sect. They were Atlas Douluo Yun Ming, Holy Spirit Douluo Ya Li, Light and Dark Douluo Long Yeyue, Zang Xin, Cao Dezhi, Tang Wulin and the seven devil's along with Yuanen Zhentian and other unknown characters.

On the third and the last side were the people from the spirit Pagoda. Six Three word Battle Armourer Limit Douluos and countless other forces. Except for Qiangu Dongfeng and Leng Yaozhu, Fan Lin didn't know any of the others.

Those six were just the normal force of the Spirit Pagoda, the actual combat force were all the soul missiles and Mechas that were locked on his silhouette. They were easily above two thousand in quantity.

And last but not the least, he was flying above the humans who were looking at him with hatred. All of them were yelling and throwing things at him yet the moment his gaze went to them. They stopped doing everything and just started to flee madly. They were trying to escape from his gaze.

"I didn't even use any killing intent."

Fan Lin looked at his hand. Qiangu Dieting's shriveled up head was in his grip. He let go of the body or just the head.

He absorbed every ounce of energy from the body of Qiangu Deiting. He even absorbed the energy in his cells causing his body to shrivel up. He looked at the falling corpse of Qiangu Deiting. He started equipping his broken three word battle armour.

"You know, I have stopped myself from destroying the humans for the past 16-17 year..."

His three word battle armour didn't have a name. He never ever gave one to it. When the four people that helped him create his Battle Armour asked him why?; His reply was, ' Who names their part of the body? I don't... since Battle Armour is like an extension of my body, it is a part of me and it doesn't need a name... I don't need a name.'

The four people looked at him in astonishment and then they felt that this person would be different from the ones whose Armourers that they had created. The advance payment being the main reason for their thoughts. Turns out they were right.

Fan Lin's battle armour was something that was the best of the best. It was made to as much close to perfection as all of them could.

His Battle Armour has just one single type of circuit in it. It was the best type of spirit power amplification circuit that was made by Fan Lin and the Ninth rank Mecha Designer using the best of the both worlds.

This armour was the main reason why he was able to kill those three Titled Douluos at the ambush. This was also the reason why he was able to save the Shrek Academy and Shrek City.

Without the Battle Armour, he would not have been able to control that level of teleportation, nor could he stop that attack. It was also this battle armour that gave him that precious one second at that time.

The armour was mostly destroyed, so was his body but due to that one second he was able to live.

"I controlled my self from turning the world into a hell..."

Fan Lin was still looking at the humans below him. He had already adorned his battered Battle Armour.

His spirit rings were shining. All of them were. A silhouette of a Petrosapien or Diamondhead was behind him. He didn't know about it though.

All the people present in the stadium were surprised when they saw the ninth ring on his body. It was a weird mutated ring once again.

He was a Titled Douluo!!!!

This relevation shocked everyone. All of them were looking at his shining rings and Spirit Souls. All the Spirit Souls were growling at the humans in return as well.

"I tried really hard you know..."

It wasn't his usual apathetic voice. His tone of voice wasn't the tender and soft voice that he often used when talking to Huo Yun. It was also not the one that he used in Shrek Academy.

It was something else and Qiangu Dongfeng knew what it was. It was his voice only used when he killed. It was the emotionless, cold voice that made you shiver at the mere thought of it.

Qiangu Dongfeng had seen the parts where Fan Lin tortured people in this tone of voice. There was no mercy or forgiveness, it was something completely different.

Qiangu Dongfeng was regretting his decision. He was really regretting it a lot.

"I did everything to stop myself. I stopped many things. I saved so many lives and I was not scared of them... Not scared of humans... Not them or Spirit Pagoda. I didn't hide due to that— "

His eyes were locked at the girl that looked like Xing Mo.

"I could have destroyed humanity thousands of times, I could have killed everyone whenever I wanted to, I didn't have to live like a caged animal for all those years"

His words started to mix up. Most of the people didn't understand what he was talking about. He looked at Qiangu Dongfeng. His eyes were filled with myriad of emotions. Qiangu Dongfeng gulped feeling the gaze of Fan Lin.

"I hid from the humans not because I didn't have the strength to kill them... Not because I was afraid of the Federation or humans. The only thing that I was afraid of..."

He Looked at Yun Ming.

"Was myself. I was afraid that the moment my sanity dies, I will ravage this world. I was afraid of losing my close ones, once again. "

"Hence I never created friends or family in this world. I wanted to peacefully sort out everything without unnecessary killings but... "

He looked at the humans beneath his feet once again.

"Everything has loopholes and everyone has a bottom line, mine was crossed today."

Fan Lin said while slowly letting his emotions. He had stopped them years ago as they hindered his decision making and now he released them.

He also released his killing intent. His Eight spirit ring lit up. A glowing ball of energy was created. It was becoming bigger and bigger. His seventh ring lit up.

All of them looked at him warily and then they suddenly felt huge pressure on them.

Flying nearly become impossible for them.

"Fan Lin stop. We can solve it out easily. We really can sort it out. They are not dead. I didn't kill them. They are still alive and in my custody... What are you waiting for? Attack him or he will destroy everything."

Qiangu Dongfeng roared to Fan Lin but Fan Lin ignored him. Finding that he was unable to budge Fan Lin from his decision, he ordered the Spirit Pagoda and Federation to attack Fan Lin.

Fan Lin's fifth spirit ring lit up. The surrounding one thousand kilometres were covered with thick thunder clouds.

The thunder in them were dancing as if electric dragons ready to rampage.

He let the attacks from the Spirit Pagoda and Federation to harm him as most of them were energy attacks from the Mechas. Energy that became his.

"500x gravity."

Just a single command and all the attacking Limit Douluos stopped in turn.

He was going for one final move when he heard a weird voice in his head.

<Yo, don't kill them now. Are you hearing me?>

<Stupid Gloomy forest, you mf, I am know it all. I really am. This is a mental projection, one of the gifts that God gave me stupid. I just have ten minutes left so listen carefully.>

Fan Lin Looked at the projection that appeared in front of him.

To be continued.