
Blue Net

A world without crimes? Nothing like that will ever happen in the planet Bruaic, An Advanced, futuristic, and sci-fi genre. This world is nothing like you have ever seen before, Actions from every different nations and war agains one another. Earth has just been bombed by an anonymous terrorist, who knows where he is from or who even is he. The earth cracks as a blue ripples appears in the flow of electricity, blue roots coming from the holes of the cracks, then a large amount of water poured from the sky, a glimpse of their last breath as they all get electrocuted, but as then they were shock as they opened their eyes to see a new world, a new start, a new beginning, for change? No, for freedom? No for eternal havoc to happen all at once.

Venison_5386 · Ficção Científica
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Misconception

The apocalypse has just started and everyone around you is likely to betray you and become your greatest enemy, what would you do in the "END OF THE WORLD" well a Man Named Ruiss Steele. In all started when Ruiss came across a girl in the alley way, she looks pale and sad and lonely so Ruiss approached her and ask "Hey young lady! Are you lost? Do you need help? I'm Ruiss by the way, Don't worry you can trust me!"

The girl then looks at Ruiss with a gentle smile, "she looks cute!!" Ruiss said in his minds, "oh thank you R-Ruiss! I am not lost, I am not in need of any help whatsoever but thank you for the worryings!" She said politely trying to be silent as possible. "Why are you so quiet? By the way, what's your name?" Ruiss ask "I mean you don't have to tell me if you are not comfortable, I understand and I respect your privacy!"Ruiss Continued saying it confidently to try and cheer her up. She giggles at what Ruiss said. "Don't worry I don't mind telling it to someone as handsome and kind as you." she said "o-oh well thanks for the compliment then, you are pretty as well, probably the most prettiest." He replied with a shy emotion, his face is blushing pinkish and redish.

As Ruiss and the girl continued their conversation in the dimly lit alleyway, the atmosphere seemed to shift, as if the world outside was holding its breath, waiting for something ominous to happen.

The girl's name was Lila "Im Lila by the way!", and as she shared bits and pieces of her story with Ruiss, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her than met the eye. She spoke of a past filled with secrets and shadows, of a world on the brink of collapse long before the apocalypse began.

As they talked, Ruiss couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with Lila, as if they were two lost souls brought together by fate in the midst of chaos. Yet, lurking beneath the surface was a nagging doubt, a suspicion that perhaps Lila wasn't who she claimed to be.

As the night wore on and the streets grew increasingly dangerous, Ruiss found himself torn between his desire to trust Lila and the growing sense of unease in the pit of his stomach. Misconceptions clouded his judgment, whispering doubts and suspicions that he couldn't ignore.

But despite the uncertainty surrounding Lila, Ruiss couldn't bring himself to abandon her in the darkness of the alleyway. As they stood together, facing the unknown that lay ahead, he made a silent vow to protect her, even if it meant risking his own safety in the process.

Little did Ruiss know, their encounter in the alleyway was just the beginning of a journey that would test his courage, challenge his beliefs, and ultimately lead him to confront the greatest misconception of all: the nature of trust in a world where betrayal lurked around every corner.

Ruiss walked Lila home to his house.

"Hey Lila, You can stay with me if you'd like, I wouldn't mind!" Ruiss Said, "Oh sorry to say but I decline the generous offer, Don't worry Ill just go back to my home so I wouldn't disturb you."Lila Said to Ruiss, "No I don't Mind"Ruiss Said. "Im sorry but.... I must go"Lila said to Ruiss and then left hurridly.


A man is talking in a court room, its a Lawyer, "Your Honor my client is not guilty!"He is talking about Ruiss Steele, Turns out Lila dies and Ruiss is accused of the murderer.

Ruiss Steele sat in the courtroom, his heart pounding against his chest as he awaited the jury's verdict. The accusations against him were grave: murder. The victim, Lila Ormaley, was a young woman whose life had been tragically cut short. But Ruiss maintained his innocence, vehemently denying any involvement in her death.

The trial had been intense, with the prosecution painting Ruiss as a cold-blooded killer and the defense presenting him as a victim of circumstance. Throughout it all, Ruiss had to navigate the complexities of the legal system, relying on his defense attorney, Sarah Donovan, to fight for his freedom.

As the trial progressed, evidence was presented, witnesses were called, and emotions ran high. Ruiss found himself grappling with his own memories of the night in question, trying to piece together what had truly happened. But the more he searched his mind, the more confused he became.

In the midst of the chaos, one person stood out to Ruiss: Lila's best friend, Emily. She had been with Lila on the night of her death, and her testimony was crucial to the case. But as Emily took the stand, her testimony painted a different picture than what Ruiss had expected. She spoke of Lila's fear of a mysterious stalker, someone who had been following her for weeks leading up to her death.

Ruiss's mind raced as he tried to make sense of it all. Could this stalker be the real culprit? Had he been framed for a crime he didn't commit? With each passing moment, the truth seemed to slip further from his grasp.

But then, a breakthrough came in the form of a piece of overlooked evidence: a security camera footage from a nearby store that captured the moments leading up to Lila's death. In the grainy footage, a shadowy figure could be seen following her, lurking in the darkness.

The courtroom erupted into chaos as the footage was played, and Ruiss felt a glimmer of hope ignite within him. Could this be the evidence that would exonerate him? As the jury deliberated, Ruiss could only wait, his fate hanging in the balance.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the jury returned with their verdict: not guilty. Ruiss collapsed in relief, tears streaming down his face as he was surrounded by his friends and family. But even as he celebrated his newfound freedom, he couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease.

For while he may have been acquitted in the eyes of the law, the true perpetrator still lurked in the shadows, his presence casting a long and ominous shadow over Ruiss's newfound freedom. And as he left the courtroom behind, Ruiss knew that the fight for justice was far from over.

Emily, Lila's Bestfriend then approached Ruiss and shouted "I KNOW YOU KILLED HER! HOW DARE YOU STAND HERE AND NOT BEHIND BARS!"Emily said angrily, The whole courtroom stands in silent, Then Ruiss's Mother, Hailey said "Don't Accused my son of your best friend's murder, He has nothing to do with it, his name is already in the clear!" Then emily pulls out a gun and shot Ruiss's Mother, there laid on the floor an unconscious, deceased body of her mother, The cops dragged her out and she was put in jail for a short time, Ruiss was depressed, sad, bargaining, and angry for what happened that time. He swore to never let anyone hurt him and his loved one.

He went to a rooftop building near the courtroom and he a sits on the edge of it, "How did everything turn out like this...", then a ripple appeared in the sky, covering the clouds, a huge sphere appears, with blue glowing roots!

The end of chapter 1: Misconception of Blue Net.

Dear New Readers of my new story.

I hope you liked this story that I created, I have always dreamed of creating something to make people happy, to make recreations, I only write for fun so don't take this seriously, I am a begginer writer with no knowledge whatsoever so forgive me for any flaws there are in these stories. Once again please leave a review, it would help me out a bunch if you do.

Thank you for your support!

Jin Tanaka!

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