

Kirigaya_22 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


[That's right as a descendant of the demon king Lucion, you have inherited his special system along with his brain inbuilt in the system]

When Joe saw this message, he was convinced that his system gives an answer to all the question he asks, the ones said out loud, and even the one thought about.

"Time to put you to work" Joe said. "Okay system, if I'm a descendant of a Demon, does that necessarily mean that I'm a Demon?"

[I don't have an answer to that question, but your mother should]

"You say that I have the blue flames ability, but how do I activate the skills related to it?"

[Unlike rider skills, demon skill don't just come by a reaction in the brain, they need to be created by the owner of the ability through combination of combat with the ability]

"And how can I do that?" Joe asked in excitement

[You can do that by going to the Demon realm and looking for a teacher or by training on your own which will take you almost a year to create just one skill]

As he saw this message, Joe was a little disappointed, there was no way for him to go to the demon realm because he was still in school and that means he will have to wait for two and a half years when he finishes school just to learn an ability. An idea suddenly came into his mind.

"Why don't I ask a rider to teach me normal skill then when I'm on my own then I can combine it with my demon ability"

[That's an idea even though it's against the demon rules but you can still give it a try. I just wanted to warn you that you should keep your ability a secret so that your rival won't find out]

"I have a rival that I don't know about?"

[Yes and that's why I'll advice you to start your training immediately]

"For my next question, is this much strength of mine an addition to being a demon?"

[Yes, all Demons have inhumane strength, Stamina and agility depending on their class]

[Strength 3/3]

[Stamina 6/6]

[Agility 4/4]

[As you can see, a normal rider your age doesn't have stats as high]

"You just wrote something about class of Demons, what does it mean?"

[Yes, Demons are grouped in classes and right now, you're still a Demon Prince in training]

"This means I have my first quest, to become a Demon King" Joe said to himself.