

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


The Village had stone boundaries around, high as a hill, and was surrounded by mountains and small cliffs from all sides. These mountains and small cliff acted as a barrier to enter the village, making the village quite strong in defense.

From the edge of the cliff, the village sprawled out below, a breathtaking sight under the canvas of the night sky. The most enchanting feature was undoubtedly the multi-storey pavilion nestled amidst the clustered houses, standing tall like a guardian of the village's secrets. Its intricate architecture glowed softly in the moonlight, casting a gentle radiance that painted the surroundings with an ethereal charm.

As his gaze drifted forward, a majestic palace took center stage, its grandeur evident even from a distance. The palace commanded attention, a symbol of regality against the backdrop of the cliff's edge. Its silhouette was a testament to the village's rich history and the tales it held within its walls.

And then there were the village houses, scattered like small, luminous lamps in the darkness. Each dwelling emanated a warm glow, forming a tapestry of light that mirrored the stars above. The village seemed to come alive at night, a twinkling constellation on the cliffside canvas.

As they stood there, taking in the panoramic view, the beauty of the scene enveloped them—a harmonious blend of architecture, nature, and the quiet life of the village, illuminated by the soft glow of a thousand miniature stars.

Vivek's heart raced as the man carrying him in the basket made the daring leap off the cliff. The sudden plunge sent a shockwave through Vivek, his breath caught in his throat as the world around him blurred in a dizzying descent. The wind whistled past, drowning out any rational thoughts. It was an exhilarating freefall, an experience that would have given anyone a heart attack.

As they touched the ground, Vivek was astonished to find neither of them had a scratch. The man, seemingly unfazed, carried on as if he had just taken a casual stroll. Vivek, still catching his breath, stared wide-eyed at the fearless individual.

"How can he jump from a cliff over a hundred meters high and still be undamaged?" Vivek wondered in disbelief. His mind raced with questions, trying to make sense of the seemingly impossible feat.

The man, however, paid no attention to Vivek's astonishment. Without a glance in his direction, he strode purposefully towards the entrance of the village, leaving Vivek dumbfounded in the basket. The village beckoned mysteriously, and Vivek couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this man than met the eye. As they moved closer the village entrance , the enigma surrounding the man and the daring cliff jump hung in the air, adding an unexpected layer of intrigue to Vivek's journey.

Approaching the village entrance, Vivek marveled at the colossal wooden gate that stood before him, reminiscent of a house back on Earth. Its imposing presence hinted at the tales and secrets held within the village. As the man carrying Vivek in the basket reached the gate, the magnitude of the structure became even more apparent.

Two guards, donned in armor similar to the man's but distinguished by the violet glow of the spheres in the middle, stood on either side of the entrance. The guards exuded an air of authority, and their vigilant eyes followed every movement in their vicinity. The violet glow emanating from their armor added an otherworldly touch, casting an eerie and intriguing ambiance around the entrance.

The guards, standing tall and resolute, snapped into a salute as the man approached with Vivek in the basket. Their acknowledgment of the man's presence was followed by a respectful bow, a clear display of deference. As their gaze shifted toward Vivek, a silent question hung in the air, their eyes inquiring about the unfamiliar presence of the baby in the man's care.

The man, seemingly understanding the unspoken query, spoke in a language that sounded like gibberish to Vivek. Despite the incomprehensibility of the words, Vivek could sense the conversation revolved around him. The man's gestures and expressions hinted at an explanation, as if he was clarifying the circumstances that led to Vivek's unexpected presence.

Caught in the middle of this cryptic exchange, Vivek could only speculate about the content of their conversation. The village, its gates, and its inhabitants seemed to be part of a world with its own rules and traditions, leaving Vivek with a sense of both curiosity and unease. As the guards continued to regard him with a questioning gaze, Vivek braced himself for the unfolding of events in this mysterious village.

Vivek couldn't help but wonder about the significance of the colors, the imposing gate, and the guards. It was evident that the village held secrets and traditions beyond his understanding, and the entrance was a threshold to a world waiting to be explored.

Soon one of the guard moved towards a window next to the wooden entrance and whispered something to the person on the other side of the stone wall.

The guard, having exchanged words with the unseen figure on the other side of the stone wall near the window, triggered a series of events that resonated with a low rumble. Vivek felt a surge of anticipation as the massive wooden gate began to creak open, revealing the passage into the heart of the village.

With a resounding noise, the gate swung wide, granting access to the village entrance. The loud creak echoed through the cliff, resonating with a sense of mystery and unveiling the village's secrets beyond. The man carrying Vivek in the basket continued forward, seamlessly gliding through the now-open gateway.

As Vivek entered the village, he found himself immersed in a vibrant and bustling market. Stalls adorned with a kaleidoscope of colors lined the streets, each offering a unique array of goods. The air was filled with the enticing aroma of various foods, and the lively chatter of people mingled with the night breeze.

The market was a sensory feast, with stalls displaying items in red, yellow, green, and an array of other colors. Some stalls showcased mouthwatering dishes and exotic foods, while others featured an assortment of toys, personal items, and even armor and weapons. The variety of goods spoke to the diverse needs and interests of the village's inhabitants.

Though the night had fallen, the market remained lively, illuminated by the warm glow of paper lamps suspended above the streets. The wooden houses on either side added to the picturesque scene, giving the village a quaint charm. The broad road, wide enough for three trucks from Earth to move through simultaneously, was paradoxically filled to the brim with people.

Despite the crowded streets, a noticeable hush fell over the crowd as the man carrying Vivek advanced. People respectfully made way for them, creating a clear path through the throng. It became evident that the man held a position of authority or significance in the village, as individuals in armor with the same colored spheres as the man's paid no heed and stood their ground.

Vivek, overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the village, marveled at the unique blend of tradition and modernity. The lively energy of the market, combined with the enchanting atmosphere created by the paper lamps and wooden houses, painted a vivid picture of life in this extraordinary place.

The man moved forward and approached the second entrance, Vivek observed guards clad in the same distinctive armor and adorned with spheres similar to the man carrying him. Unlike the guards at the village entrance, these guards didn't bow in deference, but their scrutiny was apparent. With a measured and thorough investigation, they seemed to question the man and inquire about the unexpected presence of the baby in the basket.

The exchange between the man and the guards unfolded in a series of gestures and brief conversations, during which the guards appeared to verify the man's identity and the circumstances surrounding Vivek's presence. While the guards were cautious, there was no disrespect shown toward the man, hinting at a level of familiarity or understanding.

Once satisfied with the explanations, the guards signaled to a counterpart positioned above the stone wall. A series of synchronized gestures led to the opening of a metal gate, marking the way forward. The mechanism of the gate clanged and rattled as it swung open, revealing a passage into a different section of the village.

Vivek, still in the basket, could sense the intricacies of the village's security and the layers of authority within its confines.

As the man carrying Vivek moved into the different section of the village, a noticeable shift in atmosphere became apparent. The streets, while still broad, were only half as crowded as the bustling market outside. The houses, constructed with bricks and adorned with vibrant paint, presented a more refined and structured appearance compared to the wooden houses in the previous area. Paper lamps continued to cast a warm glow, maintaining the enchanting ambiance of the village.

The market in this section marked a stark contrast to the outside stalls. Here, the stalls were made of complete wood, showcasing a level of craftsmanship that surpassed the makeshift structures outside. The quality of items on display was noticeably superior, with food, precious items, and weaponry standing out as particularly refined. The offerings here seemed to cater to a more discerning clientele, reflecting a higher standard of living within this part of the village.

In this area, the man carrying Vivek did not receive any special treatment. No way was automatically cleared for him, and he had to navigate through the crowd on his own. It became evident that the dynamics of authority and recognition varied across different sections of the village. As they moved deeper, Vivek couldn't help but be intrigued by the social and economic distinctions that seemed to exist within this mysterious and captivating village.

Approaching the third entrance of the village, the man carrying Vivek encountered guards whose armor appeared more like a second skin, distinguished by the blue glow emanating from the spheres in the middle. Unlike the previous entrances, the dynamics shifted here. The guards, adorned with the blue-glowing spheres, exuded an air of authority as the man approached.

In a gesture of respect, the man gave a deep bow to the guards, signaling a recognition of their significance. However, instead of the guards deferring to the man as seen in the first entrance, they asserted their authority. With a thorough investigation, they inquired about Vivek and scrutinized the man's identity.

The interchange seemed to emphasize a different hierarchy and protocol within this part of the village. The guards here were vigilant and assertive, showcasing a level of security and scrutiny not witnessed in the earlier sections. As the man navigated through this entrance, Vivek couldn't help but feel a heightened sense of intrigue about the complexities that defined the inner workings of the village.

The man, speaking in a language Vivek couldn't understand, made a request to meet the clan leader, showing deep respect by bowing towards the two guards.

"Huh, as if the leader would be interested in meeting a low life like you," retorted one of the guards dismissively.

"I have a very important reason to see him, your authority," the man replied, maintaining his bow.

"You should first satisfy us with the reason or else forget about entering," insisted the other guard.

"Of course, your authority. I found this baby near the Moon River; he was being surrounded by a group of rank two stone tigers, and..." The man's explanation was abruptly interrupted by a skeptical guard.

"Cha, Nonsense! How could this baby have survived? The stone tigers are always hungry beasts; if they had found him, not even the basket would be left," argued the guard, expressing doubt about the man's story.

The man, still bowing respectfully, addressed the guards in the language Vivek couldn't comprehend.

"I too was skeptical, your authority, at the moment, but I confirmed it. This is not a normal basket; it has a rank five protective barrier. The barrier seems to have intelligence; it can detect malicious thoughts. If anyone approaches the baby with ill intent, the barrier on the basket will activate," he explained, providing an additional layer of information to support his claim.

The guards exchanged glances, seemingly processing this new piece of information. The mention of a protective barrier added a mysterious and powerful element to the baby's presence.

"Nonsense! Rank five protective barrier, i.e., almost a rank six barrier? Even the geniuses of geniuses couldn't make that!" the guard exclaimed, dismissing the man's claim with a tone of incredulity. The assertion of such an extraordinary level of protective barrier seemed beyond belief for the guard.

The man, still bowing, maintained his composure in the face of the guard's skepticism. The tension in the air thickened as the guards seemed unwilling to easily accept the extraordinary nature of the protective barrier. The village entrance became a stage for the clash of explanations, each layer of mystery peeling away to reveal more enigmatic elements surrounding the baby and the man who found him.




Vasudeva : The guard scoffed, "Rank five protective barrier? Someone's been shopping for magical baskets at the fantasy Walmart!"

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