

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs



NOTE : The real story begins from here but I recommend reading the prologues for better understanding of Vivek's character. Also a few chapters from here include world building, that could be slow paced for some, but go through it, to better experience the story.

"It feels warm here"

Vivek tried opening his , it was black around him , nothing was visible, even his own body.

"Where is this place?"

"And why my head hurts so much" he said while holding his head.

"Huh , a hand! , My hand! , but as much as I can recall I was dead"

"Wait, could it be the astral splendor? . No, that is out question , at least my body projected some light in it"

 "Why am I not able to recall most of the things?"

"Mira , Aarav , I only remember these names, even their faces are not clear and some other events, I feel like my memory is fragmented"

"No, I have to get out of this nightmare and what the f**k is this place", he turned, looking around but couldn't come to a conclusion.

He started moving his body in random directions as if he was swimming. Sometimes he moved his hand and other times his legs.

"Is this afterlife 'cause I remember , I shot myself but can't recall why?", as he said this a white light, point sized, appeared above his head , he looked above.

"That is probably the exit , I should move towards it" , suddenly the point sized light became as big as his head and he felt a suction force coming out of that light.

"Or maybe , I am wrong because it's like my soul telling me , not to go there", he may have lost most of his memories but his cautious nature was ingrained in his soul.

In the next moment the white light ingulfed him completely. "Damn it's too bright for me to see" , he wasn't able to open his eyes his completely.

Suddenly he could hear loud noises but wasn't able to understand a word.

"From what I can hear , there are mostly females , cheering and probably with one or two men's"

He felt a cold hand at his back that gave him shivers, "Why is it so cold suddenly?"

"Ouch, who the hell is slapping by butt" he thought. But still wasn't able to see.

He again heard those people talking gibberish, "What kind of a language is this "

"I feel like someone is cleaning me" , when his face was cleared completely , he opened his eyes a little and saw multiple faces surrounding him. Most of them were females and one was male.

"What is happening , why they look so happy on seeing me ?" , he tried to move his hand in front of his face , "What ! , how ?" , he moved his foot and took a look around his little body.

He attempted to move, only to discover the limited range of motion that came with tiny limbs. Panic set in as he realized something was seriously wrong.

His voice, once deep and resonant, now produced only feeble cries. Vivek's hands, once capable and commanding, now struggled to grasp even the simplest objects. He looked down, only to find himself in a small, chubby body adorned with pastel-colored onesies.

"No, no, no," he muttered in disbelief, his baby babble sounding strange even to his own ears. A whirlwind of thoughts raced through his mind as he tried to comprehend the impossible situation. He felt a sudden urge to cry, not out of physical discomfort, but out of the sheer shock and disorientation.

As Vivek surveyed the room from his newfound perspective, everything seemed colossal and overwhelming. The furniture towered above him like skyscrapers, and the toys scattered on the floor resembled mountains in his miniature world.

In his attempts to stand, he wobbled unsteadily on chubby legs, desperately clinging to the edge of a crib. Each movement felt alien and unfamiliar, causing a sense of vulnerability that Vivek had never experienced before. The realization struck him like a lightning bolt – he was trapped in the body of a baby.

Wide-eyed and utterly bewildered, Vivek let out another distressed cry, hoping someone would come to his aid and provide an explanation for this bizarre and unsettling transformation. Little did he know, navigating the world of infancy was going to be a challenge unlike anything he had ever faced before.

"The one thing I clearly remember from my broken memories is that I shot myself" he babbled and the surrounding became happier as they softly pinched his red cheeks.

"The only thing, I can think of is probably that I have been reincarnated but why do I have these past memories and even my intelligence , it is weird", seeing Vivek's constant babbling , one of the female's face frowned and she looked towards the women lying on the bed , with young appearance and yellow golden eyes with her golden hair and fair skin she looked more like a fairy. She had a warm and nurturing aura, and as Vivek's baby eyes focused, he felt a strange sense of recognition. Her face, while softened by the passage of time, held a familiarity that tugged at some distant memory.

"That women , could probably be my mother, I mean this body's mother ", he babbled again.

The women with the frowned face picked him up and took him towards the bedridden women.

The bedridden women moved her hands towards him. the women carrying Vivek gave him to her.

As Vivek nestled into his mother's arms, an overwhelming wave of emotions washed over him. His tiny form quivered, not with distress, but with an unexpected sense of security. The soft lullabies of his mother's heartbeat and the gentle sway of her comforting embrace enveloped him, creating a cocoon of warmth that felt strangely familiar.

Tears welled up in Vivek's eyes, but they weren't the cries of a confused baby; they were tears of relief and a newfound connection. For the first time in his life, Vivek experienced the profound comfort of a mother's love and protection. It wasn't just the physical warmth but a deep, emotional reassurance that touched his soul.

His mother, sensing the shift in his demeanor, whispered sweet words of comfort that somehow he was able to understand, "There, there, my little one. Everything will be alright." She gently rocked him back and forth, creating a rhythm that resonated with the soothing cadence of a mother's unconditional love.

In those moments, Vivek's tears carried the weight of a lifetime, shedding not only the confusion of his sudden transformation but also the emotional burdens his soul carried in his previous existence. It was a poignant release, a cathartic acknowledgment of the profound sense of security and belonging that had been missing from his life.

As Vivek continued to cry in his mother's arms, it was a poignant reminder that sometimes, the most unexpected circumstances could lead to the discovery of what truly matters – the profound connection between a parent and a child, offering solace and sanctuary in the face of life's uncertainties.

In his mother's tender embrace, Vivek's cries gradually transformed into soft whimpers, and then into gentle hiccups. The warmth of her presence, the rhythmic rocking, and the soothing tones of her voice worked their magic on him. As fatigue settled in, Vivek found himself succumbing to a profound sense of tranquility.

His eyelids drooped, the weight of the unfamiliar experiences giving way to an overwhelming sense of peace. For the first time in life, Vivek drifted into a peaceful sleep. The soft rise and fall of his chest matched the comforting cadence of his mother's heartbeat, creating a harmonious lullaby that wrapped around him like a protective blanket.

As he slept, the worries and uncertainties that had plagued him earlier seemed to dissipate. It was as if his consciousness had found a sanctuary, a haven of serenity in the midst of the unknown. In the realm of dreams, Vivek experienced a fleeting sense of belonging and contentment, unburdened by the complexities of his current situation and his leftover memories.

His mother, still cradling him with infinite tenderness, observed the subtle shift in his expression as he slept. She continued to rock him gently, cherishing the precious moments of connection with her child. In this quiet serenity, Vivek's journey into this new and unexpected chapter of life unfolded, guided by the unspoken bond between a mother and her child.

Vivek opened his eyes and saw the moons gentle glow upon his mother's face, it was already night time , the sky was pitch black with moon and stars forming a beautiful painting. He was in his mother's arms in between a bamboo forest next to a river flowing by. He noticed the large amount of sediments that was near the river bank. Next to it was a small cozy cabin .

"Probably that is the place of delivery. But why in the wild? , she doesn't looks destitute but rather rich , more like a young princess of a kingdom"

His mother's face was frowned deeply as she looked towards the sky as if she wanted to appologize to someone. Her gentle and warm gaze fell upon Vivek who was now awake.

She smiled at him and said something in gibberish that he didn't understood. She than moved her gaze towards the women that earlier carried Vivek and said "Nana" , with a gesture of calling her.

Both of the women talked to each other and he kept looking at their faces, trying to figure out some words but the only words he understood were 'Nana' and 'Rudra' .

As Nana presented the basket to Vivek's mother, a wave of emotions overcame her. The sight of the basket stirred a deep well of sorrow within her, and tears welled up in her eyes. Nana, sensing her anguish, tried to offer comfort, her words filled with empathy and reassurance. However, the sorrow that gripped her heart seemed insurmountable.

With a heavy heart, Nana moved towards the river, the basket cradled securely in her hands. Vivek's mother followed, her steps heavy with the weight of an impending separation. The river's gentle current murmured softly in the background, mirroring the emotional undercurrent that enveloped the scene.

Vivek's mother, her eyes still brimming with tears, reached the river's edge. She cradled Vivek in her arms, the warmth of their final embrace etched into the fabric of her being. As she carefully placed him inside the basket, Vivek instinctively clung to her gown, his small hands gripping the fabric as if pleading, "Don't leave me, Mom."

Her heartache intensified as she felt the tugging of her child, the silent plea resonating deeply within her. Despite the agony written across her face, she steeled herself and gently placed Vivek inside the basket. 

The basket was full of flowers and other items that he didn't recognized.

The river's gentle flow carried the basket away, and as the distance grew, so did the ache in Vivek's mother's heart. The water blurred her vision, and she stood by the riverbank, watching her child's journey into the unknown. The decision was made with love, yet the pain of separation lingered in the air, leaving both mother and child connected by an unbroken bond that transcended the physical distance.

"I was a fool to think , I can get love and that too without a reason" , he babbled with tear filled eyes.

"It's good , now I feel more comfortable", he said but none of his words matched his expressions and soon after he felt asleep.

After some time,

The area was filled with bamboo trees all around as Vivek rode the waves in the river. The sky was clear and stars visible , forming a beautiful arc in the plain sky. The moon casted it's gentle glow up on the sleeping baby, who silently was drifting with the water currents.

Vivek's eyes opened abruptly by the roar's of animals around him , he was no longer in the river now but rather on the bank of the river.

"What kind of creatures are these, with head of a hyena and body like a tiger, I haven't seen anything like this before" ,he said while looking at the five creatures around him.

Suddenly one of them jumped towards Vivek but was deflected by an invisible barrier on the basket.

"Whoa, what happened just now to that creature. It was like , it was kicked by the basket"

Suddenly , the other four attacked in unison , but were subjected to the same fate.

"What is this, magic, technology or what?"

In the next the hyena that attacked first tried to grab the basket , but failed again and again.

Suddenly a roar resounded from some distance , as if it could shake heaven and earth.

"What the hell was that now, another weird coming to have it's dinner, that wouldn't be surprising"

The five hyena's trembled in fear and scattered away.

A figure approached towards Vivek from the near by bamboo forest. He wasn't able to recognize whether it's human or other weird creature.

But soon the figure became more prominent in the moon light. It was a man , looking around thirty years or so , and he approached Vivek.

The man said something that Vivek didn't understood but he guessed probably he was trying comfort Vivek.

"I am alright" , Vivek babbled , the man didn't understood what he said but still laughed.

"I was right , I felt a strong human aura coming from here and it was a baby" the man thought

"But how he still survived is a question" , he thought and checked the basket, "Ah ,a strong protective barrier , that explains. But who would leave their child in such place. Or probably they are dead , no I shouldn't come to conclusions so early, I should take this kid to the clan leader and let's see what he says" , the man picked up the basket and flew towards the jungle.

"I hope ,he is not cannibalistic " Vivek thought.

The jungle was full of bamboo trees , with weird creatures all around. Vivek was dazed at the sight of those animals " What the f**k are these creatures , some of them can even fly without wings" he babbled while looking at a wolf sitting on a blue cloud near a tree.

Vivek looked towards the man carrying him , he was wearing an armor with a strange bead in the middle of it emanating a strong purple light, his hair was black and his eyes shining with the same purple light, he looked at Vivek with a gentle smile on his face and said something in gibberish again. He was stupefied at the man's speed.

"Probably even simulation can't give you that speed" he stopped babbling suddenly, "Wait ,What is this simulation?" , he startled at his own thoughts.

"This selective memory loss is really bad, I going to be crazy if this goes on"

"This kid is strange , rather than curiosity in his eyes , I more an investigating one as if he is investigating me and the surroundings" the man thought.

Soon they left the jungle and reached a cliff. A vast human civilization , extending from the end of the cliff to foot of the mountain was visible ahead.

The man again said something in gibberish but Vivek guessed what he said this time.

"We have reached the Village".




Finally the long prologues are over and here I am Vasudeva , with the very first chapter of Vivek's journey in another world.

Thank you for reading

If you have any queries or other concern feel free to comment it down. I will reply to your queries as time permits.

Bye bye :)

Vasudeva_AYcreators' thoughts