
Bloodbound Devil (Multi-Cross, DxD, Rosaria Vampire, Seikon no Qwaser)

Carl Bloodriver, an Half-Vampire set on a path of domination. There was nothing truly special about him, apart from his Sacred Gear, the Longinus, Bloodbound Dominion, fabled to be created from the blood of a God. Leading the life of a player, he ends up being stabbed to death, and with a second chance at redemption, he awakens in the body of a Dhampir who was experiecing the process of Eternal Slumber, his fate uncertain. If he messed around with his first life, not amounting to much but a player, maybe in this new life, he would better make the smart decisions. (Insert)(Multi-cross)(Rosario Vamp, Seikon no Qwaser, New Sis Devil, Uzaki-chan, Ikki Tousen, Beelzebub) ======================== - Reviews of any kind are welcomed. - Opinions do matter, especially constructive ones. - Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Morpheus146 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Mindscape Exploration (2)

Chapter 21: Mindscape Exploration (2)

"Quite the setting we have here," Carl remarked, while trying to keep his composure the entire time, even joking a bit as he grasped the situation. "Feels like something out of a nightmare, but I suppose that's appropriate."

"So, what are we doing today? If we're here, I have the feeling it's not magic, right?"

"Indeed. To accommodate your increasing worries regarding your lack of combat experience. I decided to derail the progress of honing your Mana Control, which as you have noticed would allow us more time in the Bloodbound's Mindscape."

"Mhmm, thanks. Much appreciated gesture for looking after this weakling."

"Therefore, today, we will focus on honing your skills in both swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat," Nosferatu began, his eyes locking onto Carl's with a piercing intensity. 

"As a Vampire, you possess immense physical prowess and agility, but it is crucial that you learn to wield your strength with precision and control."

'Well, he's not wrong. All I need is to drill my inexistent techniques.'

Carl nodded, his expression determined as he prepared himself for the challenges ahead. He knew that mastering these combat techniques would be essential for his future confrontations with the Vampires chasing after him or the Exorcists breathing down his neck.

"Let us begin with swordsmanship," Nosferatu continued, gesturing towards a rack of gleaming weapons that lined around the Training Ground. "Choose a weapon that speaks to you, and we will begin."

Carl approached the rack, running his hand along the polished blades as he considered his options. After a moment of deliberation, he selected a longsword with a finely crafted hilt, its blade shimmering in the ambient crimson light.

With a weapon in hand, Carl turned back to face Nosferatu, ready to begin his training. The ancient vampire nodded in approval, a hint of pride in his gaze as he observed Carl's choice.

['His choice is not bad. For his current and future frame, a longsword would suit him better. Greatswords are also handful for a Vampire since the weight wouldn't be an detriment while wielding it.']

Nonetheless, for Carl, reading this middle-age man's expression became a challenge in itself, since he was stoic the entire time.

"What now, mister?"

"First, we will start with the basics," Nosferatu said, stepping forward to demonstrate the proper stance and grip. "Look closely, and root my movements in your mind."

Seeing Carl nod at him, while his crimson eyes got serious, he proceeded with the Basics of Swordsmanship. 

"Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and hold the sword with a firm but flexible grip. Your movements should be fluid and controlled, allowing you to strike swiftly and decisively."

Carl watched Nosferatu demonstrate the basic strikes and footwork, carefully observing the finesse that the legendary vampire displayed. He knew that learning from such a powerful source would be invaluable towards honing his skills.

"Remember, the key to effective swordsmanship lies in timing and precision," Nosferatu instructed Carl. "Strike when your opponent is vulnerable, and retreat when you sense danger."

Carl nodded, absorbing the advice, knowing that a single slip-up could mean disaster in a real fight.

He mimicked Nosferatu's stance, gripping the longsword firmly but not rigidly. The weapon felt comfortable in his hands, as if it belonged there.

"Now, practice some basic cuts and thrusts," Nosferatu instructed, watching Carl's form closely. "Start slow, focusing on technique, and remember to maintain good posture."

Carl began experimenting with different swings and thrusts, moving cautiously at first, afraid of making a mistake. However, as he started to grow more comfortable with the sword, he began to swing and thrust faster, gaining confidence.

Nosferatu, ever vigilant, watched Carl's form and corrected him while pointing out potential weaknesses for the young vampire to exploit.

"Your attacks must be unpredictable," Nosferatu advised. "Switch between swift cuts and slower, feigned moves to catch your enemies off guard."

Carl nodded, absorbing the information, and began implementing these tactics into his practice. As he sliced through the humid air cutting through the misty tendrils surrounding him, Carl couldn't help but feel empowered.

The crimson glow of the setting sun painted the Training Ground crimson, casting eerie shadows across the cobblestone courtyard. He adjusted his grip on the longsword, feeling the reassuring weight of the weapon in his hands. The sharp edge of the blade reflected the dim light, appearing as a thin, glowing line.

"Good, Carl," Nosferatu praised, his gaze fixated on Carl's movements. "Now, try to mimic my style. I will initiate the attack, and you counter it."

Carl nodded, his senses heightened from the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

He watched Nosferatu's fluid, graceful movements and tried to anticipate his next attack. Their surroundings seemed to fade away except for the two figures locked in battle, their swords clashing with an intensity that belied years of pent-up frustration.

Carl shifted his weight, adjusting his grip on the hilt as he prepared to defend himself. Nosferatu lunged forward, swinging his sword in a wide arc. Carl parried the blow, his reflexes kicking in as he blocked the incoming assault.

The clash of metal reverberated through the Training Ground, filling the air with the sonorous symphony of steel meeting steel.

"Excellent, Carl," Nosferatu complimented, his voice filled with admiration. "You're adapting well to my style. Now, attempt to predict my next move."

Carl nodded, his concentration intensifying as he studied Nosferatu's movements. The middle-aged vampire swung his sword again, this time aiming low.

Carl recognized the maneuver and moved to block it, his instincts screaming in warning. The tip of the blade brushed against his arm, leaving a stinging sensation behind. He cursed beneath his breath, but the thrill of the sparring match surged through him, fueling his determination.

"Come on, Carl, show me what you've got!" Nosferatu taunted, grinning wolfishly. His eyes smoldered with intensity, reflecting the crimson light cast by the dying sun. Carl could hear the soft whisperings of the wraiths, their whispers stirring unease.

Though Nosferatu remained unfazed, Carl's nerves tensed. He wondered if he'd become the target of their playful torments.

"No need to worry, boy," Nosferatu assured him, noticing Carl's growing discomfort at being watched as he got trashed down. "Ignore them, and focus on our task at hand."

Carl hesitated only briefly before returning his attention to the count. "Righto," he agreed, drawing the word out into a sassy retort.

He didn't want to let Nosferatu think he was easy prey. He needed to put up a front, even if it meant acting a bit cocky. "Don't look too worried about me, old man. Just because you're older doesn't mean you'll be stronger than me for long. I bet I'll be able to beat you in a couple of years."

Nosferatu looked at him blankly, his stoic demeanor slowly shifting to amusement. Before responding, the corners of his mouth twitched into a slight grin. "Oh, dear boy," he chuckled softly, his deep voice echoing around the courtyard. 

"Age is but a number. All of those defeated foes that I've imprisoned inside the Domain, we're ancient beings, far older than me." Nosferatu raised his sword, preparing for the next round. "Experience counts, Carl."

Carl smiled confidently, gripping his sword tighter. "Let me drain you of your knowledge, old man!"

Their swords clashed once more, sending sparks flying. The tension between them escalated, the air crackling with electricity. Carl pressed forward, testing Nosferatu's defenses. Each strike was met with a parry, the rhythm of their exchanges becoming a dance of skill and wits.

Carl, who initially felt awkward about wielding a sword, started having fun as he clashed swords with Nosferatu. The memories of Krassius, his experiences that were rooted down in his muscle memory created a path for Carl to follow. 

'Swordplay is quite the blast. Now I understand why those people recommended fencing as a sport to destress.'

He knew his opponent had centuries of experience under his belt, but he refused to surrender to intimidation.

Instead, he channeled his inner resolve, letting the excitement of the duel propel him forward.

"Now, do you get it why?"

"Mhm, I see," Carl jeered, feigning nonchalance. "You're trying to psyche me out, huh? Well, guess what? I've played enough video games to know how to dodge a few swings. Dark Souls trained my reaction time, all for this moment."

Despite his playful banter, Carl knew he had to stay alert. Nosferatu's mastery of swordplay was evident, and he had to rise to the occasion.

He dodged, weaving deftly past Nosferatu's strikes, the metal humming as it slashed through the air. He couldn't help but admire the Count's skill, knowing he stood in the presence of a legend.

"Not bad, Carl," Nosferatu, a note of respect creasing his steely facade. "But you're not giving me enough to work with. Let's amp things up a notch."

Carl's eyes widened, and he paused to catch his breath, while the ancient vampire didn't show any signs of slowing down.

The air was thick with tension, the scent of sweat and spilled blood permeating the Training Ground. Nosferatu's blade whizzed past Carl's cheek, his flesh opening up seconds later, oozing blood, before regenerating at a rapid rate. 

Carl exhaled sharply, his heart pounding in his chest. 'Fuck me, if he had targetted my neck, instead of the cheek, I would have been dead now…'

"Is that all you've got?" Nosferatu challenged, his voice dripping with sarcasm while reading his inner worries that made him pleased with Carl deep down. "I expected more from someone who claims to pursue World Domination. You'll not be able to subdue those High-Class Devil whores or Ultimate-Class with this little effort."

Carl scowled, the sting of Nosferatu's words burning him deep down. "Those words might have stirred me up if I was some perverted retard only interested in breasts. You've picked on the wrong guy."

His grip tightened on his sword, his knuckles whitening. He wasn't about to let the Count underestimate him, not when they were so close to reaching their goals.

"Just wait and see," Carl muttered, swallowing his anger. "You'll soon regret messing with me."

He launched himself toward Nosferatu, his movements precise and deadly. With each strike, Carl grew more confident, his sword dancing through the air like a deadly ballet. He dodged Nosferatu's strikes like a pro gamer, leaving the Count impressed.

His grin widened with each successful maneuver, and his heart thumped in sync with theirs. The Training Ground buzzed with excitement, its walls humming with eager anticipation.

"That's more like it, Carl," Nosferatu acknowledged, his voice deep and resonant. "You're starting to come alive! Now, it feels like a workout for me too."

Their sparring heated up, their bodies drenched in sweat, muscles straining under the weight of their desire to win. The Training Ground held its breath, and the wraiths watched the Sparring between student and mentor.

Carl, feeling rejuvenated, replied cheerfully, "Great! I was hoping you'd say that. Let's see if you can handle my best shots."

Nosferatu smirked, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Go ahead, Carl. Show me what you've got."

Carl took a deep breath, gathering his energy, and lunged forward, swinging his sword with all his might.

Nosferatu deflected the blow effortlessly, his blade singing through the air. The pace of the clash of swords between the two vampires was something a normal human wouldn't be capable of even conceiving, since in their exchanged blows, their movements were blurring into a whirlwind of flashing steel.

"Urgh!" Carl yelled, jumping backwards from a surprise deep cut that surfaced on his thigh.

"Don't grow careless or impatient, Carl," Nosferatu warned, "I am holding back, but don't expect mercy from the real enemy."

Carl grimaced, his wound healing quickly, even the deep cuts meant nothing to a Vampire. But the pain was still fresh, reminding him of the stakes involved in combat. This wasn't a video game that he used to enjoy in his spare time, but real combat.

And every action carried consequences. Yet Carl found himself enjoying the challenge presented by Nosferatu. The exhilaration he experienced during their sparring session was unparalleled; it surpassed even the most intense gaming scenarios he had previously encountered. 

As they continued to engage in combat, Carl began to explore the vast array of possibilities within his powers. He discovered that by tapping into his primal instincts, he could harness a level of strength and agility that far exceeded anything he had experienced before.

It was akin to accessing an untapped reservoir of power that lay dormant within him until now. Carl reveled in the feeling of raw power coursing through his veins, his heart pounding with renewed vigor.

Nosferatu, sensing a change in Carl's demeanor, couldn't help but feel a glimmer of pride in witnessing the younger vampire's progress. He had seen potential in Carl from the beginning, and it was gratifying to see that potential blossoming right before his eyes.

Though Carl was relatively inexperienced, he possessed an undeniable hunger for knowledge and an unwavering dedication to mastering his craft. While lazy at times, it was understandable since he got imprisoned for one year straight, confined to the walls of a coffin. Besides, it was in the Vampiric nature to be 'lazy'.

Nonetheless, Nosferatu sensed that Carl's raw talent, combined with his passion, would make him a formidable warrior in the future.

In order to continue fostering Carl's growth, Nosferatu proposed breaking from their training, without even feeling it himself, the young vampire trained without complaining much for one hour straight, absorbing the knowledge he was sharing like a sponge. 

"Kid, you can take a break for today," Nosferatu declared, his voice reverberating through the sparring grounds. "I'm satisfied enough to give you time alone so you can contemplate what you've learned."