
Eradication Mission part 1 (THE BANDIT CAMP)

A lone man in a black cloak and a black Kasa hat walks the vast desert that seems to be endless. As he walks, a strange voice speaks to him from his sword. "Do you need our help this time?" remarked the disembodied voice." No, it's just a simple eradication mission" replied Kiyoshi as he looked down at the bandit camp from above a Sandhill. As Kiyoshi walks down the Sandhill a bandit scout spots him from a tower.

Kiyoshi takes out a bag of gold coins from his pockets and holds it up in the air in the scout's direction as he walks into the bandit camp. As Kiyoshi enters the bandit camp everyone in the camp stops what they were doing and all eyes were focused on Kiyoshi from the youngest child to the elders of the camp watched Kiyoshi with fierce and deadly intense eyes, with everyone at least having one hand on or close by a weapon.

With most of them living in beat-up tents and old rustic sheds with the only structure being proper housing was old wooden homes, as Kiyoshi walked by everyone he headed to towards the largest tent in the middle of the camp which had two large lion dragon hybrid statues placed in front the tent." This must be it," remarked Kiyoshi as he entered the tent.

As Kiyoshi entered the tent, he was met by a group of at least fifty men all eating, and drinking among them at the back of the tent sits a man on a wooden throne. Bareback in red short pants with small tears and beer stains on it. His body was covered with bandit tattoos and symbols. His skin was a dark charcoal tone, his eyes were a fiery red, and his hair was a reddish-black styled in a Mohawk. The men take notice of Kiyoshi's presence inside the tent as he walks closer to them. But they paid him no mind as they continued to enjoy themselves on beer, food, and women. Kiyoshi walks up to the nearest table and the men were still wary of his presence, continued to pay him no mind as their current activities were more interesting than a lone stranger in their tent which they can easily get rid of if needed.

Kiyoshi dips into his pocket and pulls out a bag of gold coins. The men pause for a brief second to look at the gold coins and immediately go back to enjoying themselves. Kiyoshi pulls out several more bags of gold coins and places them each on the table. With each bag of gold coins placed on the table, the men's attention was drawn more and more to the lone stranger with seemingly deep pockets.

With fifteen bags of gold coins on the table, the men have long forgotten their vices and their attention is solely forced on Kiyoshi. Loud laughter could be heard throughout the large tent which came from the man sitting on the wooden throne now with a pair of women sitting on his lap.

" Now that's how you make a fucking introduction," replied the man with a ghoulish grin that made even devil quake with fear. The man makes a hand sign and the women quickly flee the tent. The man on the throne signals to one of the men. A man that looks like the crossbreed between a man and a sewage rat. Skinny, dirty, with one eye bigger than the next and a nervous shake and only nine strains of hair on his otherwise bald head.

" Sketch, bring me one of those coins," commanded the man on the throne. Sketch slowly walks to the table where Kiyoshi is, as he walks up to Kiyoshi, he can see the burns and cuts marks on Sketch's arms, a slight bend in his back, and a slave brand on his neck that has healed poorly. His fingernails were a rotting black with his fingers and hands wrinkled and looked like they age fifty years ahead of his body, which was saying something.

As sketch is face to face with Kiyoshi, all that comes to mind Kiyoshi is that his man looks like a dying toucan bird with his enormous nose.

Sketch drips his hands into a bag of gold coins as he pulls out a coin. His hands tremble rapidly as if to say the coin is taking all his strength to hold. Sketch walks back, shaking rapidly as he holds the coin in both of his hands as he walks to where the man on the throne is. Sketch reaches in front of the throne and drops to his knees, bowing with his two hands up to the sky as he presented the coin to the man on the throne. As the man on the wooden throne takes the coin from Sketch, Sketch remarks," It it it's a go-go gold coin from Zion, my lord a gold coin of Zion".

The man on the throne took the coin and brought it up to his right eye. He played with the coin in between his fingers for a brief while, then he bit the coin then looked back at the coin, and began laughing. While laughing, the man remarked that he would keep it as a consultation fee. Then the man places the coin into his pants pockets ." So, what can we do for you?" The man on the throne said with a ghoulish grin. "Are you the leader of this bandit camp?" replied Kiyoshi.

The man on the throne laughed and replied," Where are my manners? My name is Maxwell and yes, I rule this entire camp of good boys" as he continues to smile devilishly." So how can I and my men help you", It must be a serious mission for you to take the chance to come here alone". It's a raid, no you need us to take out someone or maybe it's an escort mission, so what will be stranger? " asked Maxwell.

All the men looked at Kiyoshi curiously, waiting for him to reply. Kiyoshi raised his head to look at Maxwell and replied "Do you know the town of Pwaters?" Maxwell's face became serious for a moment but a ghoulish grin appeared almost instantly as he replied" Yes a bit, I think we visited that place once or twice mainly to pick up supplies. Why do you ask?"." Do you raid and attack that town?" replied Kiyoshi. "And what if we do?" Replied Maxwell." I am paying you guys to leave the town and people of Pwaters alone and find a new target," stated Kiyoshi.

Maxwell watched Kiyoshi with an intense facial expression whilst the other men kept silent, waiting for Maxwell's response. Maxwell sat quietly for a moment and then began bursting out laughing with his men immediately bursting out in laughter with him. "You expect us to stop raiding them for a shitty fifteen bags of gold" stated Maxwell as he and his men laughed at Kiyoshi's request." So let me guess, they sent you to kill us. What a fucking joke. Well, let's get this party started," remarked Maxwell. "Don't feel I didn't notice the sword tucked away on the left side of your cloak. I just believe no one person was fucking stupid enough to attack us," laughed Maxwell. "We don't have to do this. Just take the gold and leave the town, alone, "replied Kiyoshi, almost like he was begging Maxwell and his men not to do this.

" We are way past making deals now my friend pull out your sword and let's go," remarked Maxwell with his devilish smile still on his face, as his men shouted and cheered viciously for Kiyoshi's death as they took his request and presence as a disrespect." Fine, have it your way." Replied Kiyoshi as he open ups his cloak slightly to draw his sword, which for a moment relieved the hilt of his sword just enough for Maxwell to notice the weird symbols and signs on the sword's handle." It can't be, "Maxwell thought to himself. When Kiyoshi drew his sword, Maxwell opened his mouth in shock. "It is hahaha I can't believe it." A sword with demonic and ancient symbols whose blade looks like blood always runs down it".

The sword that is said to contain the power of hell's army, the sword of the legion," proclaimed Maxwell with surprising excitement." Then you must be Kiyoshi Kataigure the blood samurai," remarked Maxwell with his ghoulish grin becoming bigger and bigger as Kiyoshi stood silent and his men sat shook, mumbling to themselves. "The blood samurai. I thought it was just an old story. He's real can't be'' the men sat scared and unsure of themselves, but Maxwell was overjoyed." This is perfect, the blood samurai hand-delivered to me," laughed Maxwell. "But master, why are you so happy he's a monster, right?" remarked Sketch.

Maxwell grabbed Sketch by this t-shirt and replied" You fool don't understand we are set for life the peacemakers will pay millions or even billions of gold coins for him dead or alive, we will never have to raid again" remarked Maxwell in excitement as he then pushes Sketch to the ground shouting and screaming hysterically " we going to be rich rich rich". As Maxwell repeated this phrase, the fear in the men grew less and less and turned into joy as they shouted'' rich rich rich". Even Sketch began to join in the chant." Now my men get him and let's fulfill my dreams," commanded Maxwell.

The men, including Sketch, drew weapons from under the tables and behind potted plants and rushed Kiyoshi with dreams of the good life, filling their heads with hope and confidence. Maxwell sat back on his wooden throne relaxing and thinking to himself," This was too easy". But before he could daydream about his soon-to-be riches, Kiyoshi appeared in front of him with his blade armed and aiming at Maxwell's neck. Maxwell, shocked, was frozen for a moment, but he quickly snapped out of it and reached behind his throne, and pulled out an ax to block Kiyoshi's attack. As he blocked Kiyoshi's attack and tried to push him off, he looked slightly to the left and saw the decapitated and disembodied bodies of his men, torn and scattered in pieces on the ground.

Even Sketch lay lifeless on the ground. Maxwell shouted," How can this FUCKING be? Not even five fucking seconds have passed. How did all my men fall to you in such a short time? '' Kiyoshi remained silent and instead kicked Maxwell through the tent to the outside.

Maxwell scrambles to pick himself off the ground, still bewildered from what he just saw. The entire camp paused to look in Maxwell's direction as Maxwell dusted himself off. Behind him Kiyoshi appeared from out of the tent, Maxwell looked back in shock, and as fear began setting in him as he tried running away from Kiyoshi.

As Kiyoshi walked towards him, he ran whilst thinking to himself" I must get my gear to stop this man". Maxwell then shouted, '' Get him, kill him. He's the blood samurai and he must be stopped " as he ran off into the distance. The bandits surrounded Kiyoshi with weapons drawn and eyes filled with intense rage and hatred." Release the dogs!'' shouted one bandit. With the command given, vicious growls and barks could be heard at a distance in a sandstorm, as well as huge shadows can be seen. The shape of the shadows looked like demons from the next world with red piercing eyes coming from the shadow, glaring at Kiyoshi with vicious and violent intent. As the dust settled, the shadows became visible, relieving three large black dogs about seven feet at the shoulder in height. Their fur was thick and shiny, matte black, their eyes were red and explosive like an erupting volcano.

Their teeth were sharp and plentiful, like those of a shark with two large fangs, like those of a saber-tooth tiger. The three dogs looked like a group of Yeth Hounds as they launched towards Kiyoshi with bullet speed as drool and smoke came out of their mouths. As the dogs ran towards Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi sheathed his sword and ran towards the dogs barehanded. The three dogs' mouths opened wide at Kiyoshi, but Kiyoshi dodged the attacks and jumped behind the dogs, striking them behind the neck simultaneously with his elbow, knocking each dog out. Kiyoshi, who stood in front of the unconscious dogs, proclaimed he doesn't kill animals.

Then he turned to the dogs shaking his head, and whispered to himself" No creature should have to be used for the greed of man like this". Kiyoshi looked towards the bandits with eyes untamed and wild, which caused an unsettling feeling among the usually hardened group of men. After a moment of silence, one bandit ran towards Kiyoshi with a large ax in hand scream" you're just one man, so die".

As the man swung his large ax at Kiyoshi, Kiyoshi bent over with his head dropped low and drew his sword moments before the ax touch his face and swung his sword across the man's body in one quick leaping motion. Making Kiyoshi end up behind the bandit at some distance with one of his knees bent to the ground.

While Kiyoshi rose to his feet, the other bandits noticed blood dripping from his sword into the sand." That fresh blood" remarked one bandit who was looking on, as a sudden gust of wind blew between Kiyoshi and the bandit, causing a small sand storm to pass between them. The bandit with the ax turned around to face Kiyoshi and said" you missed" with a smile on his face. "Are you sure?" replied Kiyoshi. The bandit looked at him, lost. He looked down at the sword and saw the fresh blood, but before he could process his thoughts, his arm, which held the ax was cut clean off from the elbow falling to the ground. As well as the top half of his head from the tip of the nose bridge. The bandit's body fell to the ground lifeless and semi-decapitated. The rest of the bandit camp looked on in shock and horror as the blood of their dead comrade flows through the creases of sand-like how the Nile river flows through Egypt.

The hardened men of the camp, whose bodies were full of scars and holes from various battles and raids, stood motionless with a primal fear, like prey looking at the predator in the act of hunting knowing if they might be next on his list. As Kiyoshi just stood silent and without movement with his hand on his sword handle.

The bandits looked at each other and without words came up with the same conclusion as if they were members of a hive mind, that they cannot kill this man coming at him individually or even in small groups of men but only as a giant mass of destruction and rage. The bandits began screaming and shouting battle cries as they formed a unified circle surrounding Kiyoshi. Surrounding Kiyoshi, the men no longer looked like scared prey but like blood-thirsty predators. Like wolves cornering a lamb with ghoulish grins and various weapons in hand, the men were ready for what they now believe to be an easy slaughter for them.

With a brief moment of silence, the two parties of the flight stood still as the desert sand blew through the air. Amidst the crowd of men, a spear was shot out of nowhere, which flew with frightening speed and high velocity directly towards Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi dodged the spear BY darting to his left, which caused the spear to land at the side of his feet and, as if the spear was a declaration of war, the battle began.

The men began running towards Kiyoshi simultaneously, thus closing in on him. As the first wave of men closed in on him, Kiyoshi withdrew his sword in a circular motion causing him to make a three-sixty turn which allowed him to slice through the first wave of bandits instantaneously which created a ring of blood to briefly float in the air surrounding Kiyoshi, as the ring of blood fell to the ground so to did the bodies of men fall like trees being cut down. Even with the fallen bodies and the pools of blood, the army of bandits still rushed forward to Kiyoshi's position. In the crowd of men, one of them leaped out and launched himself towards Kiyoshi with a board sword in hand.

The man's eyes were dark and had an off-putting craziness about them. His right eye had a scar and his left eye was blind. The left side of his jaw had a hole in it relieving at least six teeth. His hair was a dark blue but his skin was light, like tropical beach sand that was hit by the sun. As he came closer to Kiyoshi, Kiyoshi remained still until the bandit's board sword was centimeters away from his neck, and in a flash, Kiyoshi swung his sword, dissecting the bandit in half from the waist.

The blood of the dissected bandit splattered across Kiyoshi's face whilst the lower half of his body fell in front of Kiyoshi's feet and the upper half fell behind his back, and even with the gruesome slaughtering of several men the four hundred plus bandits still swarmed Kiyoshi like moths to flame will to risk being burnt for sweet warmth of victory.

As the bandits try to overwhelm Kiyoshi with their numbers, they continue to be cut down in gruesome manners one after the other and even several at a time. One bandit tried to immobilize Kiyoshi but wrapping his whip around Kiyoshi's wrist which handled his sword, Kiyoshi quickly and almost simultaneously switch hands and continued to cut down bandits whilst gripping onto the whip, preventing the welder of the whip to move as well.

Kiyoshi then stomped the whip, which caused the welder to be pulled forward with accelerated speed towards Kiyoshi, which made it easy for Kiyoshi to cut the whip and decapitate him quickly with little to no effort. The battle continued to drag on with bandits falling left and right in rapid succession whilst Kiyoshi remained virtually harmless until something tore through his cloak grazing his shoulder, causing a small amount of blood to spill.

At first, Kiyoshi ignored it whilst continuing on his genocide until several unknown objects grazed him about his body, as he tried to continue fighting he saw in the reflection of his blade a bandit in a tower with a rifle aimed at the far end of the battlefield. Kiyoshi turned his head and realized that it was the same scout that let him into the camp earlier and was now taking aim at him. As he continues to fight, he realized he will need to get rid of the scout first as he continues to get grazed by bullets with one even going thru one of his shoulders. Kiyoshi turned around mid fights, trying to figure out a way to get to the scout's tower. As he looked around, he realized that the tower was connected to several housing structures, with a few bandits blocking his path.

Kiyoshi darted towards the housing structure, mauling down every bandit in his way and jumping on the roof of one structure. As he landed on the roof, a shot was fired, hitting the roof, barely missing Kiyoshi's foot.

As he looks up, he sees the scout reloading Kiyoshi dash over to the direction of the tower, dodging several shots and blocking the rest with his sword. He ignored the spears, knives, and other weapons being thrown by the men below. At the base of the tower, Kiyoshi began hacking and slashing the tower, causing partial metal but mainly wooden structures to fall over. With the tower collapsing, the bandit scout held his rifle, still looking below for the enemy he can hear footsteps from above. The scout looked up to see Kiyoshi running down the collapsing tower, heading straight towards him.

The scout fired several shots, but Kiyoshi managed to dodge them and launched himself at the scout with the sword in hand and blood lust high. The scout aimed his gun at this enemy waiting for the right moment to pull the trigger, but before their battle can come to a climactic conclusion; the tower landed on the ground, causing a gigantic mushroom cloud of sand to appear and a sandstorm to blow throughout the battlefield because of the collision.

As the sand storm subsided, the remaining bandits looked on at the crash site, wondering who won the battle at the tower as the sand was blocking the visibility of the crash site. "You think Robert got him?" asked one bandit. "Robert is the best sharpshooter we got. Of course, he got him. The problem is if he is down for good," replied the other bandit.

As the sand subsided and the crash site became visible, they could see a shadowy figure. "You think it's Robert?" shouted a bandit. The rest of the gang remained silent as they already knew the answer to the question. The figure leaped out of the sand cloud and launched towards the remaining bandits.

Meanwhile, whilst the battle rage on Maxwell still dazed from his encounter with blood samurai scurries about his house looking for his ultimate weapons to combat the threat, as he scurries and scampers through the house removing the wooden panels from the floor a woman approaches him from behind. She wore a white dress that flowed down her body like the dresses that would have been worn by a goddess of a story told long ago. Her skin was like obsidian and her eyes were hazed gray with hair dark black braided past her shoulders. As she walks towards Maxwell, she continues repeating the sentence, Maxie are you ok? What's going on outside? As she continued repeating herself, she reached out to touch Maxwell with her hand.

In his fury and frustration, he sprung around in a rage, slapping her across the face while stating "be gone woman am busy", and began his search again. Until he found a box gray with a lock, Maxwell punched the lock, snapping it open. As he opened the box, his facial expression grew from one of depression and anger to one of overwhelming hope.

Back on the battlefield Kiyoshi and only three men remain out of the four hundred plus men with corpses littering the desert and the sand being turned to a dark red as it was soaked with the blood of hundreds of men. Whilst the birds of the desert were already feasting on the dead, as only death filled the air at this point. The three remaining men looked at Kiyoshi with bewilderment and shock as they stood in front of him, surrounded by a sea of corpses. That used to be their friends. " How can this be? We had over four hundred men and now we are down to three," stated one bandit as he grips his ax.

"Impossible, this is impossible. One man can't commit genocide at such a scale all by himself," replied the next bandit as he holds his head in terror. "That's because he, not a man, he's a monster." Proclaim the last bandit. "More like a demon," replied the first bandit, as Kiyoshi stood still waiting on the men to make a move while covered in blood from the men he had killed.

The three bandits each looked at each still in disbelief. When one of them shot an arrow from his bow. Kiyoshi's quick reflexes allowed him to catch the arrow with one of his hands whilst, from the corner of his eye, he saw one bandit flanking him with a spear towards him. Reacting fast, Kiyoshi grips the spear with his remaining hand. With a burst of speed, the last bandit rushes towards Kiyoshi with the ax. As he swings down the ax, Kiyoshi blocks the attack with his foot. Kiyoshi then jabs the arrow into one of his eyes.

Whilst the bandit with the ax holds his bleeding eye in pain, Kiyoshi disarms him of his ax and brings the ax down on the bandit with the spear neck in one smooth motion, killing him. As the next bandit in the back stands motionless in fear. Kiyoshi walks up to the other bandit, who still holds his bleeding eye. He looks up to see Kiyoshi in front of him. Kiyoshi swings his sword quickly, slitting his throat. As he bleeds out on the ground, Kiyoshi walks towards the final bandit calmly and slowly.

The bandit shakes as he aims his arrow at Kiyoshi with tears of terror running down his face. He fires several arrows at him. Kiyoshi continues to walk towards him slowly as the arrows miss him because of the overwhelming fear the bandit had all his shot missed their mark. Kiyoshi and the bandit stood face to face with each other, Kiyoshi's face barely being visible due to it being drenched in blood.

The bandit looked at him with absolute terror, even dropping his weapons in the process. "Finish me, I'm done. Let me rejoin my brothers in peace. " Kiyoshi smiles and then impales the bandit through the chest with his sword as the body of the last bandit falls to the ground. Kiyoshi looks up at the sky. Suddenly and without warning, Kiyoshi falls to the ground in exhaustion. As he kneels to the ground composing himself, a male disembodied voice speaks to him." We asked if you wanted help''. "And I said it was a simple mission" replied Kiyoshi as he composed himself on the ground. He realizes the women and children of the fallen men surround him. As he brings himself up, a loud but familiar voice shouts out to him." KIYOSHI" far off into the distance.

Hi am new to writing but just love doing it so please leave any feedback so i know how to improve thank you

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