

Taehyung opened his eyes briefly at the feeling of a prick in his wrist and then he fell back into unconsciousness.

His mind was confused and he experienced a vivid dream of his past with the Bulletproof Boy Scouts.


Taehyung walked down the street with a cheque for a ridiculous amount of money in his pocket. The cheque wasn't his- it was his stepfather's. He had woken up with a fever and hadn't gone to school. Instead of resting in bed, his stepfather had sent him out to get some fresh air and exercise and mainly because Dr. Kim was too exhausted from work to go to the bank himself.

He shivered when a gust of wind blew and put his hands in his pockets to keep warm. He wasn't feeling great to say the least. There weren't many people around as it was peak working hours. Taehyung frowned when he reached the end of the street.

It was official; he was lost.

The road sign indicated that he was very close to the bank. He just needed to walk down the road and turn the corner. The street he was on now was full of upmarket jewellers and he wasted a little time looking at the display windows as he made his way down.

The necklace in one window looked absolutely gaudy and cheap looking in a certain way. Taehyung thought it would be perfect as a present for his stepmother. One that he wasn't going to get for her because he didn't have that many zeroes in his bank account.

Then he walked past an alleyway and he saw something strange. In the AB district there wasn't any street crime. The only real criminal activity that occurred was fraud and computer hacking.

Taehyung blinked and rubbed his eyes again.

He was definitely seeing six people dressed in black coats with sunglasses and face masks.

No one else on the street had noticed anything. They all seemed to be intent on getting to places.

One of mysterious people looked around and Taehung knew he had been caught looking at them. The other five turned to look at him and that was when he knew something was up.

They didn't look like they belonged in Type AB district. Their clothes weren't right and their sunglasses were too battered and old.

Instead of walking away and reporting it to the nearest law enforcement officer, he folded his arms and spoke. His illness seemed to be making him braver.

"How did you lot get over the border to this district?"

"RM," one of the shorter ones said. "He's worked it out."

"He's not reporting us yet," the second tallest one said.

The leader of the group was definitely the person with the best sunglasses. He was tall and well built. Taehyung didn't feel like he would be the type of person to hurt him.

"He's curious," the leader noted.

"Were going to rob a bank. Are you coming?" a different member asked.

The answer as a law abiding citizen should have been no, but Taehyung had agreed to it before he realised. He was sick of everything Type AB and shallow.

"Jin, why would you ask that?" another member growled. "He's the enemy."

"I don't have any interest in turning you lot in," Taehyung spoke up. "I have feelings of dissatisfaction with the system myself."

Where the words were coming from he didn't know. He had never consciously thought he hated the system and why would he? As a Type AB he was living the best life.

The leader pulled two members aside and Taehyung could hear whispers. Clearly they were deciding on what to do. The other members were just staring at him. He coughed self consciously and took out a cough sweet to relieve his throat..

"We've come to an agreement," RM announced a minute later. "You can come along. We aren't going to hurt you and we aren't going to take that much money. In return you aren't going to betray us."

"Agreed," he said and paused awkwardly. "Do I get a mask and sunglasses?"

The shortest member took off his battered backpack and pulled out an equally battered pair of sunglasses and a mask. Taehyung accepted them and when he pulled them on, he realised the full gravity of what he had agreed to.

He was going to help rob a bank.


"How are you going to rob it?" he asked ten minutes later. "Do you have any weapons?"

They all shook their heads and Taehyung sighed.

"I'm surprised you were able to sneak across the border with these skills," he complained. "Is there even a plan?"

It was beginning to be obvious why they had recruited him so easily. They didn't have a plan in mind and were making it up as they went along. Why had he agreed to this? He was regretting the spur of the moment decision from ten minutes ago.

"No, we have some fake guns and bulletproof vests here," the second shortest one retorted.

The shortest one with the highest pitched voice started passing them out and Taehyung was handed a very lightweight handgun whilst RM had a shotgun. Was this going to work?

"What's your plan for getting away?"

"Run," another one answered.

Taehyung sighed. What had he got himself into? However, the more he thought about, the more they had a point. The bank didn't have that much security- he had been there before. Type ABs weren't expecting a physical bank raid, they might actually have a chance. Bank robberies were done online now.

The counter was also very open and it would be easy to grab cash. He was feeling more confident about it now.

"Let's go," he said.

"You've changed your tune quickly," his biggest anti fan observed.

"Suga, leave him alone," another member ordered. "We're lucky he hasn't run away and called the Police on us."

"True," Suga acknowledged. "RM, are we ready to go?"

The leader cocked his shotgun and looked around at all of them. What he saw must have satisfied him as he boldly stepped out of the alleyway and they all followed him out. Taehyung followed after a second of delay. This was his last chance to do the right thing as a Type AB and turn them in.

Instead he followed them into the bank and participated in the robbery. Together they stole over a billion won and he became an honorary member of the Bulletproof Boy Scouts.


Taehyung opened his eyes and groaned. There was a pain at the back of his head and there were too many bright lights around.

Then reality hit him as his brain caught up with everything that happened before.

He had been busted in the server room of the government office.

Taehyung froze up and his brain went into overdrive trying to work things out. He closed his eyes again and listened. He could hear a humidifier nearby and there wasn't any sound of anyone breathing so he was alone at least.

He opened his eyes again and saw a white ceiling.

Perhaps it was a hospital.

He began to look around. He was on a white bed which supported the hospital theory. There just wasn't anything else in the room to support that theory.

Was he in any danger?

Something red and long swung into his vision and his heart thudded ominously. There was an IV in his hand which he hadn't noticed before and the fluid flowing in from a bag on the IV stand was red.

What was going on?

His breathing became panicked and he couldn't think straight.

His life was over.

Taehyung's mind began playing a range of his life's regrets. He hadn't sampled enough of Taeyeon's cakes or spent enough time with his true family. His life hadn't amounted to much.

The part of him that wanted to survive took over his mind and he began to look for a way out of his. He was still in his school uniform and his shoes were on the floor by the bed. There was a white door in the corner that didn't look to be locked and a window on the other end.

He went to yank out the IV and remembered reading somewhere that it could damage his veins so he settled for dragging the stand with him to look out the window. It was a hard ten steps with his fatigued and shaky legs.

A look out the window didn't help him much. The scenery was actually quite pleasant, but he didn't recognise it. If he looked out his window at home all he could see was other high rises.

The view outside was green and plush. There were flowers and the light from the setting sun reverbed off the flowerbeds well. It was an unexpectedly calming view. The problem was that he had never seen it before.

Was he in the SKY castle area?

The door opened and he stayed on the spot, paralysed with fear. He didn't want to face his death yet.

"You're awake," the newcomer noted and stepped closer.

"...I am," Taehyung said and forced himself to turn around.

The person was a female dressed in a white coat. She was inhumanly pale and he felt that something wasn't right about her.

"You're lucky you're a Type AB+, if you were any lower, you would have been killed on the spot," she said vindictively.. "Vampires are the only worthwhile people around here."

Taehyung blinked.

Vampires were real.

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