
Ch 2: The Prince and The Sorceress

Had it truly been five years? Five long years since Prince Calder had left on his journey. Actually, five years was a short time compared to most royals, some took 10 years, the longest being 30 to complete their quest and come to claim their place on the throne. That time had been known as a dark one. Many generations before King Josnan had come to rule, his Great Great Grandfather had set out to achieve his right to the throne. But the current king was already old, and his son took long to return and he passed, leaving no one to take his place. The land fell into chaos, advisors, and sorcerers clamoring for the power to control the people. When finally the prince returned, he set into place rules and regulations, appointing the most trusted of advisors to take leadership should another prince fail to return before the king's passing.

The king was allowed only a single heir. Before this time, princes had fought and slain one another for the right to the throne, bloodshed had filled the now peaceful palace, and so a great sorcerer had worked a powerful spell on their bloodline, that they should bear only a single son, thus ending the fight for the throne.

Now here stood the one true heir, Prince Calder. He smiled at his father, a smile that could melt the heart of any maiden.

"Father." He bowed slightly and the old king chuckled, grabbing his son into an embrace.

The crowd that was gathered broke into cheers and applause, Astasha with them, but it was only a mimic. Her attention was fully focused on the man before her.

"Five years. Well done Calder!" Exclaimed the King, holding his son at arm's length to look at him.

"I do believe that is two years shorter than you father. Could it be I have bested the unbeatable King?"

"If any were to return swifter than I, it would be you!" They smiled and chuckled together. The King then turned to his gathered crowd, Calder standing beside him. "Let it be known in all the land, the heir to the Kingdom of Trenue has returned! A celebration is in order! For five days and five nights, we shall feast and make merry to rejoice in the return of Prince Calder! Let every village join in the festivities! For today, is a joyous day indeed for all!"

There were more cheering and applause but this time, Astasha did not join. She was honed in on the prince, whose gaze turned to her. Their eyes locked, fire meeting water and a wave of energy she had not felt in a long time washed over her.

As the crowd began to disperse, Astasha silently slipped away, finding a small quiet corridor where she leaned against the wall, exhaling sharply. She closed her eyes. Five years she had had to prepare for this, yet she was completely caught off guard. She had known when she had come to live in the castle that this day would eventually come, but she had ignored it, told herself she had more time to seal her heart and prepare her mind. Had she truly wanted to though? Could she have even if she had tried?

"Tasha?" Her heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. Not here, not now. "It really is you." The voice was like silk running through her veins, her heart hammering in her chest.

Finally, she opened her eyes. He was there, at the entrance to the corridor, the prince, her prince, the man who had stolen her heart long ago. He stepped toward her and she stood herself up from the wall, bowing.

"Your highness. I am rejoiced by your return."

Calder stepped swiftly toward her shaking his head. "Tasha...."

She took a step back quickly. "Astasha, Royal Sorceress Astasha, your highness."

He stopped dead in his tracks. They both knew what that meant, but his eyes still searched her and his fingers trembled, almost reaching out.

It was taking every ounce left of Astasha's energy to put up the little barrier around her heart that was the only thing keeping her strong. She could feel the pulsing ball of light inside her, feeding it, fueling it, but she had not regained enough from the earth before his return and she could feel it begin to flicker. She needed to get away, as fast as she could before it faltered and she did something she knew she would regret. She was in a small corridor though, one she knew led only to a storage room. She had no choice but to go past him. What was wrong with her? She never made foolish decisions like that, she knew how to hone her skills to deduce and plan. She had to get away from him.

"I'm sorry, the Magic Advisors will be searching for me. I must go." She put her head down and tried to rush past him but his hand gently grabbed her arm.

"Tasha, please..."

It was like an electric current running through her body, every fiber of her being tingled, and the little ball of energy around her heart exploded into a thousand shards. She couldn't remember it being so intense before, the last time she had felt his touch, but she knew she couldn't look at him.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, and with her last shred of strength, she pushed past him and out into the hall, disappearing, leaving the Prince standing in the corridor, his hand still outstretched.

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