
Desired room



(serafal) "Bryan give me one solid reason why I should break off the engagement"

(Bryan)"serafal I don't like you in the romantic way I see you as a lil sister that grew up with me and it was a mistake that our grandfathers made is get in engaged."

(serafal)"Ok soooo we've been living together for hundreds of years and now you say you want to break the engagement!??"

(bryan)"I...I didn't.."

(serafal)"oh shut up will yah? I know the reason why you want to break off the engagement... its because of tha new servant of yours.. if I'm not wrong One of you have to marry her in order to get this fortune but you are not eligible to marry her Bryan because you are engaged to me and your going to marry me.... to begin with have you told her that that she's forced to live with one of you 2 I guess not."


(serafal)"well good luck trying to break off our engagement because I'm not cooperating with that and also telling your lil bitch that she's going to be used by you guys...."


(mia)"now where should that garden be?"

(???)"what are you doing? shouldn't you be cleaning?

(mia)"oh my bad I was looking for the kitchen.."

(???)"you are such a liar the kitchen is on the first floor not on the second floor"

(mia)"who are you anyways?"

(???)"my name is Michael nice to meet yah what's your name beautiful?"

(mia)"mine is mia nice meeting you too"

(Michael)"so are you hungry I'll give you some human food in the kitchen I work there"

(mia) "sure I'm hungry lead the way"

(Michael)"ooook "

as we were walking down to the kitchen the atmosphere got lively with Michael here he looked weird but not weird you know He was handsome he had red like red,pink hair and huge present tag and he is always holding a fork... but he is really nice he offered me some food he is the nicest person that has treated me nicely since I got here..

(Michael)"...ok mia what would you like to eat?

(mia)"anything would be fine thanks Michael"

(Michael)whispers[you won't be thanking me so much later]


(Michael)"oh nothing am just missing some ingredients mmmhhmm mia would you be a dear and go down that room to get the rest of the ingredients that I need... pretty please"

(mia)"sure what room"

(Michael)"that one over there"

(mia)"this one?"

(Michael)"yup that one"

"door shuts"

(mia)"what was that,? Michael is that you? if you playing a prank it's not funny open the door it's dark in here!!!"

(Michael)"well now see who you really desire my dear Mia"

(mia)" what the? wasn't I in the kitchen locked up what am I doing here in my room?"

(???)"what are you doing standing there get back here"

(mia)"bryan? you talking to me?"

(Bryan)"who else is in the room besides me and you?"

(mia)"your right its just that I was in the kitchen with Michael and then he shut the door closed and locked me in there and ...."

(bryan)"mia calm down its just you and me here nobody else forget that Mia I want you and only you I want you to be my woman I want to make you mine and want you to marry me Mia I LOVE YOU..."
