
Blood Crown: The Ascent of the Vampire King

weeb_boy669 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

chapter 41 : The Witch's Apprentice

Dark Majesty spent the next few days learning from the witch, soaking up every bit of knowledge she could impart.

He learned about the nature of magic and the different spells and incantations that could be used to wield it.

As he walked with the witch through the woods, they came across a group of young witches who were practicing their craft.

Dark Majesty watched in awe as they chanted and cast spells, manipulating the very fabric of reality to suit their will.

The witch turned to him with a knowing look.

"They are my apprentices," she said.

"Perhaps one day, you will be able to pass on your knowledge to others."

Dark Majesty nodded, feeling a sense of responsibility settle upon him.

He knew that he had been given a great power, and with that power came the responsibility to use it wisely and to teach others how to use it as well.

As the days turned into weeks, Dark Majesty began to notice a change within himself.

He was more confident, more sure of his abilities, and more focused than ever before.

He felt as if he had been reborn, with a new purpose and a new understanding of the world around him.

But with this newfound power came a sense of danger.

He knew that there were those who would seek to use his power for their own gain, and he had to be careful not to fall into their trap.

One day, as he was practicing his spells in the woods, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him.

He turned around to see a group of shadowy figures emerging from the trees.

Dark Majesty was quick to react, drawing upon his newfound power to cast a powerful spell that sent the figures flying back into the woods.

But as he turned to leave, he felt a sharp pain in his side. He looked down to see that he had been struck by an arrow, and he stumbled forward, the world around him spinning out of control.

The last thing he remembered was the sound of the witch's voice, calling out his name in the distance.

When he woke up, he was in a small room, with the witch standing over him.

He could feel her magic coursing through his body, healing his wounds and restoring his strength.

"You've been through a lot,"

she said, her voice filled with concern.

"But you'll be okay. You have a strong spirit, and that will carry you through."

Dark Majesty nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

He knew that he had to be careful from now on, but he also knew that he could not back down from the challenges that lay ahead.

And so, he continued his training with the witch, honing his skills and learning new spells and incantations.

He was determined to become the strongest witch he could be, not just for himself, but for his kingdom as well.

As the weeks turned into months, Dark Majesty's power continued to grow.

He could feel the magic coursing through his veins, and he knew that he was becoming more powerful with each passing day.

But he also knew that there was still much to learn. And so, he continued to study with the witch, absorbing all of the knowledge and wisdom she had to offer.

One day, as he was practicing his spells in the woods, he heard a voice calling out to him from the distance. He turned to see a group of soldiers emerging from the trees, led by one of his most trusted advisors.

"Dark Majesty, we need your help,"

the advisor said, his voice urgent.

"There is a rebellion brewing in the east, and we fear that it could threaten the stability of the entire kingdom."

Dark Majesty nodded, feeling a sense of responsibility settle upon him once more.

He knew that he could not ignore the call to action, no matter how much he long take care of it.

He turned to the witch and spoke,

"I accept your offer, but I must make one thing clear.

I am not your pawn, nor will I be controlled by you.

I am the king of my kingdom, and I will always act in the best interests of my people."

The witch smiled.

"I would expect nothing less from a leader such as yourself. But know this, Dark Majesty, the path ahead will be fraught with danger and challenges. You will need all the help you can get."

"I understand,"

Dark Majesty replied.

"And I will do whatever it takes to protect my people and bring peace to my kingdom."


the witch said.

"Then let us begin. You have much to learn, and we have much work to do."

And so, Dark Majesty became the witch's apprentice, learning the ways of magic and mastering the dark arts.

Under her tutelage, he honed his skills and developed new abilities, becoming more powerful with each passing day.

But as he delved deeper into the world of magic, he also discovered that there were those who would use it for evil.

He saw firsthand the devastation that could be wrought by those who sought power for its own sake, and he vowed to never become like them.

"You have a good heart, Dark Majesty,"

the witch said to him one day.

"But you must be careful. The path you have chosen is a dangerous one, and there will be many who will seek to use your power for their own gain."

"I know,"

Dark Majesty replied.

"But I will not falter. I will use my power to protect my people and bring peace to my kingdom."

The witch smiled.

"I have no doubt that you will.

And when the time comes, you will be ready."

Years passed, and Dark Majesty continued to learn and grow under the witch's guidance.

He became more powerful than he ever thought possible, and his name became known throughout the land as a great and just ruler.

But despite his success, he never forgot the lessons he had learned, nor the pact he had made with the witch.

He knew that his power came with a price, and he was willing to pay it.

And so, when the day finally came for him to fulfill his end of the bargain, he did so without hesitation. He stood before the witch, his hand outstretched.

"I am ready,"

he said.

The witch nodded and took his hand, slicing her own palm with a silver knife.

She held her bleeding hand over a cauldron of bubbling liquid, and as the blood dripped into the mixture, a thick cloud of smoke rose up, engulfing them both.

Dark Majesty felt a sudden surge of power, coursing through his veins like liquid fire. He closed his eyes, savoring the feeling, and when he opened them again, he saw that his skin had turned a pale, almost translucent shade of white.

"You are now one of us,"

the witch said, her voice echoing in the darkness.

"You are now a vampire, Dark Majesty, with all the power and abilities that come with it."

Dark Majesty smiled, feeling a sense of liberation wash over him.

He knew that he would never die, and that he would always be able to protect his people, no matter what.

And with that, the witch vanished into the mist, leaving Dark Majesty alone in the darkness.

But he was not afraid, for he knew that he had made the right choice.

He had sealed a pact with the witch, and he would honor it until the end of time.

As he walked back to his castle, Dark Majesty couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of becoming the witch's apprentice.

He knew that the road ahead would be difficult and full of challenges, but he also knew that he had to do whatever it took to protect his kingdom and his people.

Upon his return, Dark Majesty immediately set to work, studying the grimoire and practicing the spells and incantations he had learned from the witch.

He spent long hours in his chambers, poring over the ancient texts and experimenting with the spells until he could cast them flawlessly.

As the days turned into weeks, Dark Majesty's power grew, and with it, his confidence.

He could feel the strength of the Black Orchid coursing through his veins, and he knew that he was becoming a force to be reckoned with.

But he also knew that he had to be careful. The power of the Black Orchid was addictive, and it was easy to become consumed by it.

Dark Majesty vowed to use his power only when necessary and to keep a close eye on his own desires and motivations.

As time went on, Dark Majesty's reputation grew. People whispered his name in hushed tones, and tales of his power and prowess spread throughout the land.

Some saw him as a hero, a savior who would protect them from all threats. Others saw him as a monster, a creature of darkness who would stop at nothing to achieve his own ends.

But Dark Majesty paid no attention to the whispers and rumors.

He knew that his true purpose was to protect his kingdom and his people, no matter what anyone else thought of him.

One day, while practicing a particularly difficult spell, Dark Majesty was interrupted by a knock on his door.

He opened it to find the witch standing there, a sly smile on her face.

"Dark Majesty," she said.

"I have a task for you."

"What is it?" he asked.

"There is a rival witch who has been causing trouble in the neighboring kingdom," the witch said.

"I want you to go and deal with her."

Dark Majesty nodded, his mind already racing with ideas on how to complete the task.

"Consider it done," he said.

The witch grinned.

"I knew I could count on you," she said.

"But be careful. This rival witch is not to be underestimated."

"I will be careful..."

Dark Majesty promised.

With that, the witch vanished into thin air, leaving Dark Majesty to prepare for his next mission. He knew that the road ahead would be treacherous, but he also knew that he was ready for whatever came his way.