
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

When It All Began

Staring at the beautiful shiny moon painting the dark sky with its smooth gentle light, a 15-year-old boy with white pale skin and a childish young-looking face let out a long tired sigh as he turned towards the big luxurious mansion behind him. 

Entering through the balcony's door, the boy moved through the dark empty hallways of the big mansion… 

Even though there were some candles here and there, they didn't seem to make the place any less scary than it already is, especially with the presence of the historical and old paintings hanging suspended on the dark golden walls of the hallway. 

After a long period of walking through the maze of hallways in the mansion, the boy appeared to have finally reached where he wants because he was, after a long time, able to see some light, focusing his eyes he managed to recognize a shadowy figure of an old Italian man holding a lantern which seemed to have been the source of this light.  

The old Italian man had this elegant attractive-looking face despite the many wrinkles on his face, in fact, they only added another layer to his beauty just like his small white beard and his blemished hair. 

But the most important detail was the man's clothes which revealed his job as a butler, which was completely surprising due to his pretty looks as well as his noble behaviour and the way he held himself… 

"Master Kai, dinner is ready and your family is waiting for your presence in the dining room." 

"Finn, tell them I'll be there in a second."

The boy, Kai went to his room opening its door slowly creating a creepy creak sound echoing through the empty hallways adding to its scary atmosphere. 

Kai entered the room he has been familiar with for the past 15 years of his life, though it was really dark and he needed to turn on the lights. 

Reaching his hand to the light switch on the door's side, Kai looked around the white walls surrounding his belongings, the wall, unlike outside, was so lifeless and had no type of adornment or decorations that one might expect from such a luxurious house. 

In fact, it wasn't only the walls that were so colorless and palled but even the bed and the little desk in the corner. 

Disregarding the lifeless atmosphere Kai was already used to, he walked up to his wooden desk tracing his fingers through its surface and feeling the smoothness of the soft maple wood it was made of until he reached a pile of books scattered on the side, glancing at the war tactics and strategies books he once read, Kai reached to one specific red book about the human emotions.

After a while of staring at the book's cover like it was some sort of treasure, Kai eventually put it back and opened one of the desk's drawers to get what he originally came here for. 

Moving his hand around through all the mess inside, his hand finally stumbled upon something metallic which he grabbed out instantly. 

The metallic object he grabbed was a black necklace which connected to a porcelain doll of a boy protecting an infant child, the doll didn't have many details put into it and was obviously of low quality, but it seemed to have a high value in Kai's heart because he held onto it so gently as if it would break at the slightest increase in pressure. 

Losing his sense of reality as he fell deep into his thoughts, Kai didn't realize nor feel the tear pooling in his eye before coursing down his cheek as a picture of a smiling little dark-skinned boy with gray circular eyes that matched the shape of his chubby face, quickly flashed before his eyes. 

"Is everything alright in there Master Kai? Your family are still waiting for you… "

Getting Kai out of the old memories was the familiar knocking of his servant on the door reminding him of his family dinner… 


Kai immediately hid the necklace in his right pocket while wiping the tear off his cheek as he got up opening the door after taking a deep breath to regain his composure. 

"Let's go… "


After a while Kai finally reached the dining room where the rest of his family were waiting for him, his servant Finn stood to the side and waited as he walked elegantly towards the dining table. 

Noticing the expensive, delicious-looking plates on the table, Kai wasn't surprised at all because he knew how much his family loved bragging and wasting money, though, they were wealthy so it was only expected of them. 

"What the hell took you so long? We've been waiting for you for more than 15 minutes…" 

A calm tough voice hiding a sea of anger behind it started scolding Kai without even greeting him despite their relationship as brothers. 

Taking his attention away from all the types of meat displayed along the table, Kai coldly gazed at his brother who had just been talking to him in his passive-aggressive tone before grabbing the opposite chair of his. 

Kai's brother, Mark, was the complete opposite of Kai in every visible way, as Kai always had this calm and peaceful expression upon his face, Mark seemed to give the vibes of always being furious and aggressive towards everyone and everything. 

Also, while Kai's face was childish and young-looking, Mark's appearance was entirely different as he had this old mature facial expression of a grown adult man… 

But the big differences between the two brothers were not of any surprise to anyone inside the mansion because they all knew the two were both adopted after the death of their real parents or being left at the adoption centre. 

"Let's start eating…" 

In hopes of lighting the mood and releasing the stress, their mother Martha tried to interfere with her soft caring and gentle voice which seemed to have given some effect as the tension between the two decreased massively for a few seconds before going back to what it was after Martha turned her head towards her husband. 

The hostility between them reached a new level as sparks were visibly flying between their eyes like those anime rivals or something… 

"Can the two of you please stop being so annoying, we're trying to eat in peace here…" 

Kai's and Mark's cheeks partially turned red, ashamed, after hearing the annoyance in their big sister's voice, after all, Nora had a special place in both of their hearts as they both respected this strict, caring, tsundere big sister of theirs. 

The five then continued to chew on their food in silence before their father Kim, decided to drop a big bombing announcement on their heads… 

"Kai, tomorrow you'll have to go through the black ocean test…" 

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