
Blood and Bliss: A New Beginning for a Once-Cursed Vampire

This story begins when our main character, who is actually a villain, is betrayed and killed by his best friend, which puts him in another world full of magic and strange creatures. Vincent Ulbrecht, the new identity of a former villain who is now a young lord of one of the most powerful families, wants to live a peaceful and happy life, but it turns out that his dream may be more difficult to achieve than he thought. Please forgive me for any spelling mistakes. English is not my first language, so there will definitely be grammatical mistakes. Enjoy

Maxxie_E017 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

The Beginning of the Troubles and the Start of the Academic Year

The morning was quiet as usual, even though everyone had to get up an hour earlier than usual to get ready, eat breakfast as well as see the children off before they went to the academy they had been preparing for so long. Vincent and Deon were both wearing white button-down shirts, black trousers and shoes, with black jackets and red ties and accessories to match. Ian, on the other hand, wore a female uniform because they had registered him as a girl. His uniform consisted of a white shirt, a red checked skirt that came up to his knees, black shoes and long socks that came up to just above his knees, and of course a red tie in the same pattern as the skirt, a black jacket with red accessories. As soon as they passed through the gate of this academy, they headed towards the crowd where the ceremony was likely to take place.

|| I can't believe I was forced to wear a woman's uniform.... Even though I expected this turn of events, it is still quite painful. ||

|| You look fantastic in my opinion, although I would prefer it if I could only see you in this outfit, we have only just got here and here you are already attracting the attention of the boys. ||

|| From what I can see, it's not just boys.... Somewhere in the crowd I can see a couple of girls looking at me out of the corner of their eyes.... Although I can see you have a few fans yourself. ||

|| Then they will be disillusioned because my heart belongs only to you. ||

|| You can stop flirting with each other, the ceremony is about to start and I don't want to hear Vincent's sweet talk. ||

|| My goodness, the wolf has regained his voice, and I thought you were going to be quiet for the rest of the day. ||

|| Po prostu łaskawie się zamknij, jestem tu tylko dlatego że martwiłem się o bezpieczeństwo Iana, jak i z nudów a nie dla twojej prowokacji. ||

|| You can't argue when so many people are around, believe me, you don't want to get a bad reputation before you even get started. ||

|| Actually, Bill, you were fresh out of the academy at the time of your recruitment, weren't you? ||

|| That's true, but I'd rather not draw too much attention to myself, most of the staff have something wrong with their heads. ||

|| Great, these are going to be the best four years of our lives.... ||

|| I have a feeling that this is not the worst that can happen.... ||

While they were talking to each other, an older man, who must have been the headmaster of the school, came on stage. As in every school, he began a long and boring speech that no one in the audience wanted to hear, and then he clapped his hands, which caused all the first-year students to move into the large arena. In fact, the headmaster, who turned out to be a magician, wanted to divide the pupils into classes by having them fight each other. Of course, the fights were divided into different categories, such as melee, ranged, and magic. Each student had to join one of the three groups and then fight three duels each. Vincent and Deon joined the melee group, while Ian had no hesitation in joining the ranged group. The servants were moved to the stands, where they could see the whole arena. Bill and Rabell were worried about how their three friends would cope. Once everyone had been given a number, the fights slowly began. However, there was a small problem: some of the students had not brought their weapons with them, so they had to use the academic weapons, which were not of the best quality. Fortunately, all three of our characters had the foresight to carry their weapons. Ian naturally had his crossbow, Deon a greatsword and Vincent a longsword. All three stood together when there was little need to stand in their own groups.

|| What number did you get? I got the number fifty. ||

|| I got number ninety-two. And which one did you get, Ian? ||

|| Thirteenth.... Looks like I'll be the first of the three of us to duel.... ||

|| Forgive me, but doesn't your hair bother you? Apart from your outfit.... ||

|| I want to tie it, but I didn't bring a hairband.... ||

|| Don't worry, I happened to bring one, turn around and I'll tie your hair. ||

|| Why did you decide to take it with you, Vincent? ||

|| I just thought that Ian was going to need it. What can I say, I am a good fiancé. ||

Vincent tied Ian's hair back in a high ponytail. In the meantime, improve the rest of the hair to make it look right. Deon rolled his eyes at the sight. In between, a young boy approached their group. The boy looked at least four years younger than both Ian and Vincent, but what caught their eye more was his silver hair that was slowly turning white at the ends, his lapis eyes with a bright sparkle, and a scar on his cheek that looked like it had been caused by some kind of blade. His skin was a pale shade of brown, the perfect complement to his exotic appearance. His skin was a warm shade of medium brown, which gave the boy a certain exotic charm.

|| Forgive me for interrupting, but I was curious about the scars on the face of the lady you are talking to. I just wanted to let the lady know that these scars are a great way to define a lady's beauty. ||

|| Thank you for your kind words, the scar on your cheek adds to your charm, I'd say you look very cute with it. ||

|| P-please don't say that, I don't deserve a compliment from a beautiful lady like you. ||

|| You're really cute, if you don't mind, would you like to be my friend? ||

The boy, who was not used to being called cute, blushed with embarrassment.

|| I w-would be honored to be called a f-friend by this lady. ||

|| Please stop with the formalities, just call me Ian. After all, I'm not going to eat you if you stop using polite phrases in your speech. ||

|| In that case, simply call me Adian. And what are your friends' names? ||

|| Meet Vincent and my brother Deon. ||

|| It's nice to meet you, you have the look of someone who has a lot of combat experience. ||

|| That's nice to hear, but it's actually going to be the first time that I fight with a sword. I didn't have a lot of practice before, so I might be a little rusty. ||

|| Wait, wait, wait. Have you never fought with a sword before, Vincent? ||

|| I used to practice swordplay more, but in the past few years I've neglected it to the point where I don't know how I'm going to do. ||

|| You're impossible.... ||
