
OO2. Figuring out the system

Well… that's actually a task for later. As a baby, moving is kinda hard, so it rules out punching. Right now, analyzing my surroundings would probably be my best choice moving forward.

Who exactly is "?!%"? As the question remained on my mind, the more of a headache I felt ensue. My abilities aren't hidden, so does this mean everyone could see it? I could of sworn he told me his name anyways, but who exactly was he?

The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I became. If he had only given me an able body, I'd of written down the details. Well I wouldn't, too lazy, but this is still his fault. A kid with elf ears and silver hair…? was it? and did he know I wouldn't remember? I swear I will get back at him!

Although I wanted to sigh, I physically couldn't. Being a baby is much harder than it looks, speaking of which, are these people certified to raise children? Who leaves a newborn alone?

Opening my mouth, I decided to babble out any sound but nothing came out other than a few wails, making even my own ears ring. Sounds like I won't be babbling any time soon, I thought. Staring up at the ceiling, it felt humiliating.

According to all the information, this was a duchy, my mother is pretty, my brothers think of me as a freak due to my eyes and they are calling a priest, and then the priest will expose me. Seems like my plans will be out in broad daylight then, to overbuild myself like a video game character.

Just as I wanted to think, maids begun to rush into the room and made a beeline to my crib. Oh my goodness please don't put your cold hands on my baby cheeks. Despite my efforts to cry out a no to being picked up, the maid in front of me begun to pull me close and rock me, patting my back with her cold hands.

"Don't worry My Lady, you have us." The woman calmly said as I was now sure she doesn't have experience in child raising, considering how dizzy a normal baby would be from her rocking. It's also been like two minutes why are you all trying to wake me? I angrily thought.

"You've been resting for five hours, time for your milk." She muttered, as if reading my mind. Meanwhile, another maid brought a bottle with warmed milk in it. Just maybe I am stupid if it's been five hours and no progress has been made.

As I opened my mouth the bottle was aggressively shoved in nearly choking me to death five hours into being born. As I was trying to move my little arms, it just hit me. Why not let these terrible maids take care of me?

If she thinks a baby can fit half a bottle up her mouth, who knows the other wonders in her mind. Better yet, my healing ability doesn't save me from choking on a bottle of milk.

As my ideas conflicted, one between wanting to be so powerful that even the mortals of this realm would fear me, and the other being why do I exist just to suffer, a third maid interfered.

Picking me up, she angrily took the bottle out of my mouth and told off the other two. "Did you two suddenly forget how to raise children? Master Raphael was only born four years ago." she hissed out as she tried to soothe me.

This is pure humiliation, me, a not baby in a body of one is being burped. Staring intently at her, I was trying to memorize her face. When I can talk we will be having words. How dare you be a responsible adult?

My hope that this would be like a manhwa; one where the protagonist is mistreated, slowly faded as more responsible adults ushered themselves in.

"Her eyes seem like neither parent's." A maid commented. One by one my eyes became a centerpiece topic once again. Was it really that strange?

As they agreed, they begun to debate what could of happened to me, while I had decided to close my eyes out of pure spite of them treating me as an object and for ruining my plans.

It really seems like this man wanted me to live, huh? Jokes on you I'm indecisive. I'll try both to be powerful and to return to grass. I'm a double edge sword that will make you quake in fear when we face off. I specifically remember thinking even a toddler could throw him.

By the end of the session, I had been grabbed by fourteen different cold clamy hands, drank two bottles of milk, and had stared at intently because of my eyes.

Thanks to these responsible adults, my knowledge has expanded. They think my mom has an abnormal child. Also, all their eyes are different regarding shapes. There were five shapes, and none of them had a cross like the two of my family members.

They made plenty of speculations, making my job easier in the long run regarding getting information. Reading would take too long with learning how to read this language, and also just reading. Talking is a no go since I can't even babble. There's also the problem of eavesdropping when I can't walk.

Thankfully, they don't want to stare at me anymore, but a priest is definitely coming. Although it's obvious healing is my magic due to the system, they don't know that. But it sounds like there already was a light magic?

My mother and brother are rare cases where a recessive trait was likely passed down making their eyes crosses, those are light users, what's the difference between that and healing in games?

Then there's the dominant trait of earth, which were asterisks apparently making me unfit to be a powerful fighter. Some theorized that I was a mix. Perhaps some new evolution of a cross between light and earth made for the first time in centuries when a new magic came.

Others said that maybe they weren't actually hearts. Just pupils that haven't adjusted properly, making me feel uncomfortable.

"Oh sorry, your pupils haven't set in." What does that mean please don't ever say that to a toddler or a baby. It's also annoying they didn't mention their's though. It'd be nice to know all types of magic. But aren't there also abilities? Such as appraisal?

Sighing in my head, I decided to test out appraisal by staring at the chandelier above me, wondering if my level was high enough to see what it was, and to my surprise, my answer was no. I couldn't tell what it was.

It was clearly just a hanging light, but why couldn't it be appraised? Is my appraisal broken? Or do I just not know how to appraise things? Do I squint my eyes and glare?

"[System] open abilities." I tried to say, but it came out as little sobs instead. Suddenly, a screen popped out in front of me confirming I was at least doing one thing right.

Once again my abilities were all displayed for me to read off, [Self-Healing], [Healing-Wish], [Purification], [Pain Tolerance], [Authority], [Prayer], [Appraisal], [Inventory] were all, but is there a way to find out how to use them?

Just as I was brooding over it, the system spoke to me once more. "You do not need to say system to open system, only think it, you'd look weird saying system out loud." It said, making me want to punch it.

Oh who knew a baby talking about systems would sound weird to the adults around? Thanks for confirming common knowledge, my unwanted system.

Interrupting my angry rant in my head, the system continued on. "In order to use appraisal, you will need to speak and move freely." It explained, making me angrier.

Thanks for a useless system that gives dumb restrictions, mister. "A baby cannot typically use magic that involves talking or moving if they cannot talk." It replied to my rant with a solid argument, making me even angrier.

After telling the system to get lost, there were only a few minutes to think. The priest will be coming soon and exposing me, and also there's the issue of me developing like a normal baby since it takes months for babies to develop.

Then again, I'm already conscious. If the priest exposes me, that only gives me better reason to develop quicker than normal surely? And if that doesn't work out, then perhaps I'd be thrown in a fire and burned for some weird abomination.

Either way, it'd be a win in my book, content with my limited knowledge at the moment, I tried to go to sleep for the first time since being reborn before the door swung open once more, are you kidding me?

Hello, sorry for the writing style change between chapter one and two. Between seven months, it’s changed sort of a bit, just not too much.

Mocha_Bunnycreators' thoughts
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