
Soul society.

Mugai woke up from slumber and started to yawn as he looked around.

"Where am i?". Mugai looked around and understood that he was in the Rukongai however he wanted to know which district he was in to assess his plans for the future.

Mugai noticed that he was in a forest and quickly stood up. He noticed that he was wearing a brown kimono and had sandles which usually ment that he wasn't in a place above the 60th districts.

"Well i didn't know I could be this happy knowing I had sandles". Mugai remarked to himself. He was really happy he was somewhere below the 60th district or he knew he would have to fight a lot to survive.

Mugai then looked around the forest he was in and the first thing he noticed was that he could see the amount of Reshi that everything around him was composed of. The trees, the air, the plants, the soil, was all made of Reshi and Mugai could see and deduce the amount, the density as well as the flow of the Reshi. He could also see his own Reiryoku as well as the Reiatsu that was pouring from the vents of his wrists.

He felt an extreme control over his own Reiryokou to the point where the amount of Reiryokou produced by his body was proportional to the amount radiating away from his body in the form of Reiatsu.

He then felt Yasha's presence with in him as well as a black void that was hungry but dormant sleeping inside him.

Mugai then closed his eyes and tried to communicate with Yasha.

'Yashahime!..Can you hear me?'. Mugai yelled inside his own mind.

[Shouting isn't needed Mugai,i am here and always will be here].

'Glad to hear you..so you seeing what I am seeing?'.

[Yes it's a forest]. Yasha answered.

'I was talking about the dormant Void in my soul, but I guess that works too'.

[Oh that's my true form Mugai, i am residing in your soul untill you gain a new Asauchi and transfer me to it]. Yasha told Mugai.

Mugai thought for a moment before answering. 'So that void, is there anything I can do with it'.

[You can and probably should direct your Reiryoku to the void to devour it instead of realising it through your vents into the atmosphere, your Reiatsu as you can see is extremely immense and Dense to the point where if you don't keep your Reiatsu close to your body the density of it will cause Reshi to collapse].

'Can you make it so that the void eats it and lossens the Reiryoku so that the pressure produced by it's density does not affect my surroundings?'. Mugai asked.

[That was the plan all along].

'Alright then here I go'. Mugai said as he started to close his vents on the wrist that let out Reiryoku and started to channel it to the void in his stomach using his Spiritual eyes that allowed his extreme control over his own Reiryoku. He started feel his energy circulate through the void and back into his body as the excess amount was devoured by the void.

"Well that makes me untraceable..I fell like Gojo!". Mugai yelled with a happy expression.

All the while that Mugai was talking inside his mind he was also walking towards the exit of the forest by tracing the amount of Reshi lowering from where he was at. In his mind the lower the Reshi density the more chances of finding a town or a village.

He eventually exited the forest and came across a plain grassland."Ahhh!!!". Suddenly he heard a scream and started to run towards the place where he heard it.

He eventually came to the site of some people running away from something and started to go towards the place from where they where running from. There he saw a creature with a white mask standing on four legs, it was quite big and had an abnormally large neck with a black hole in it's neck.

It was a Hollow, Mugai decided to watch it rather than intervene.

"Rawr". The creature roared and Mugai saw that it had a Old woman in its hand.

Suddenly Mugai heard a boy yell out "Oi Leave Granny alone". As he threw a rock at the Hollow.

The angred hollow dropped the old woman and charged at the boy with white hair.

Suddenly Mugai heard someone chant as he looked at a little girl in a white kimono run towards the boy. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!. Hado number 31 Shakkahō!".

A red flaming orb shot forward from her hand as it travelled towards the Hollows mask hitting it and stopping it in its tracks.

"Oh so I see so that's how you use kido". Mugai murmured to himself.

"Run now Shiro-chan!". The girl yelled as she rushed forward to grab the old woman but suddenly the hollow came to it's sences and charged at her and the old woman.

The girl closed her eyes, shielding the Old woman as she prepared for her own death.

Suddenly she heard a deep and soothing voice filled with power. "Hado number 31 Shakkahō". She opened her eyes to see a Red fire ball almost 5 times the size of the one she had released hit the hollow on its torso and explode into a giant sea of flame before the hollow was disintegrated into ash.

"Hmm i thought I had calculated the force quite well there, guess I was wrong". A voice rang out from beside her.

She turned around to see a extremely handsome man who looked like he was 18 or 19 wearing a new souls kimono staring at the Ash of the Now dead hollow with Ruby Red shining eyes.

"Women..are you alright?". He asked with a serious face.

"Yes sir, I am..Th-Thanku for saving us". she mumbled.

Suddenly the boy with white hair came running towards them with a women having blonde hair wearing a Shihakushō, but the first thing Mugai noticed was the amount of cleavage that was showing through her kimono.

He realised that it was Rangiku Matsumoto, in fact he knew everyone present here. The white haired boy was Tōshiro hitsugaya and the girl was Momo Hinamori however he acted like he didn't know them.

"What happened here?!" Matsumoto yelled as she saw a Handsome man standing near a burned creater while an old woman and a girl were sitting on the ground hugging each other.

Suddenly another person joined them. It was a black haired woman with a beautiful face. The new arriver scanned the situation and walked towards the three people standing near the crater as she introduced herself to them after seeing their states.

"I am Miyako shiba from the 13th division of the Gotei 13. Can you please tell me and my friend here what happened?". Her calm and collected behaviour as well as her smile calmed the two down and Momo eventually answered her.

"I am Hinamori Momo 1st year student at Shinō academy...". Momo kept talking to Miyako and Rangiku all the while Tōshiro held his grandmother and Mugai stayed close to them.

"Grandma..do you have a house?!". Mugai asked the old lady out of the blue.

Hearing her saviour ask her a question she answered turning around towards him." Yes I do..my name is Haru and this is my grandson Tōshiro!". Then she bowed her head as she said. "Thank you for saving that child and myself.. really really Thank you". Tōshiro was shocked to know that this man was his Grandma and momo's saviour, however before he could speak Rangiku and Miyako approached them as Miyako spoke.

"Excuse me sir I am Miyako shiba, could you state your name and division and why you where here at the time?, it's to make a report".

Making a confused face Mugai answered. "I am Mugai, I don't know what a division is, as for the reason I am here is because I heard a scream after I woke up and ran towards it to see what was happening". Mugai said in an monochromatic tone.

Both Rangiku and Miyako where shocked. "That can't be, the girl over there told us about how you defeated the hollow using a Hado spell".

"Oh that..i just copied the thing she did, i saw the girl use a spell after chanting some words and simply repeated the process!".

"Ha you think anyone will believe that". Rangiku said.

"Believe it?..But that's what happened. I am not part of any division as you asked, as for the report it's none of my business". Mugai said as if it was the truth.

"I see". This time it was Miyako who answered. "Well there isn't much we can do except report it to the higher ups any way. However we would like you to stay in the 1st district if that's alright".

"Very well". Mugai answered and Miyako smiled as she took an unsatisfied Rangiku with her to report the incident to their captains

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