
Mugai is limitless

I was teleported to some unknown place. It was dark except for the white illuminated stairs that lead upwards, having no other way of knowing what this was about I started to climb the stairs one by one. Each time i climbed a stair, my body would get pressured by an unknown weight. As I kept climbing theore the weight started to pressure me. However the effect of it was minimal at best on me. It wasn't even enough to influence my breathing pattern.


I don't know how many stairs i climbed but their was no end to them, I had started counting from step 1 and I was currently at step 23,236. Suddenly a message popped up in my head.

[You have evolved].

As soon as that message came a door appeared at the end of a stair and I ran towards it opening it into what looked like a fighting ring that was 10 times as large as a normal one.

At the end of the ring stood a silver humanoid dummy with what looked like knuckles attached to a glove. It was quite tall and muscular and I was able to sence it's Reiryoku which was quite dense and immense.

I already knew what was to come. It probably was Hakuda or hand to hand combat. The dummy started to shadow box and move from one place to another with what could only be Hoho moves.

'So that's how you do it, just put Reiryoku onto your legs and kick the ground and the air to speed up your movement'. Mugai thoughtas he instantly copied his opponent.

[You have adapted].

Mugai already knew how to perform Shunpo and basic Hoho as well as how to fight in hand to hand combat due to the knowledge he got from the void. However he lacked real life battle experience which was what this training was supposed to accomplish.

A Bell Rang signalling the beginning of a fight and the dummy instantly charged towards Mugai at blinding speeds as it appeared in front of him delivering a powerful left hook.

Mugai blocked it with his right hand and countered with a left hook of his own onto the dummy's face. Mugai felt his knuckles break a little due to how hard and tough the dummy was.

Suddenly a notification popped up.

[Room's effect auto healing has been activated].

[You have adapted].

"So that's how it is, I keep breaking myself by punching this guy and the room heals me ha. Well might as well go all out". Mugai thought as a smile tugged on his face.


Both parties exchanged blows after blows as they blurred in and out of sight moving super fast. Although at first Mugai wasn't able to keep up, he eventually went from trading blows to going blow for blow to eventually overpowering his opponent in terms of speed and techniques by copying his opponent and adapting to it as well as forming counters to his attacks.

However the problem lie in the fact that despite overpowering the dummy it wasn't damaged at all. Cracking it's steel like skin and leaving any damage was proving way too difficult for Mugai.

Eventually though after a very long time he the match was a one way fight with Mugai beating down the Dummy however not being able to do any damage to it.

Suddenly a new notification popped up.

[Trainee has hit a Roadblock... calculating problems... Reiryoku control training required].

[Special instructions have been sent into users mind].

[New training regiment has been created and applied].

Mugai felt a jolt of pain and suddenly his mind was flooded with new information about Reiryoku control. The silver dummy he was beating up vanished as a blueish transparent ball Appeared in front of him.

[Objective: turn the colour to red and keep it so for 2 hours].

"So I can't control my own Reiryoku,does that mean I had kept my Reiatsu active all this time?". Mugai wondered to himself.

Mugai then picked up the orb and and it instantly turned black.

"Well it seems like I need to rein it in more since black means 'too much'".

Mugai spent an hour on the orb as it changed its colours from black to yellow when he reained in his power too much and his Reiatsu was too low or back to black when his Reiatsu was too much. Eventually he was able to control the colour to red for a small amount of time. The instance the orb turned red A timer appeared and started counting down from 2 hours however each time the orb's colour changed the timer would go back and restart once again when the orb was red from 2 hours.

Eventually 2 days passed as Mugai was finally able to keep his Reiatsu controlled and turned the orb Red for 2 hours as a notification popped up.

[You have completed training 1/1].

[You will be transported to room no 2].

Suddenly Mugai was in the familiar fighting ring he was first in and the silver coloured metal dummy was still present.

The dummy upon seeing Mugai rushed at him with all his power and punched at Mugai. However the moment he punched the Mugai in front of him disappeared as his first went right through him.

"That's an afterimage". Mugai's voice rang behind the dummy. The dummy turned around and tried to attack however it was blown away with five Fist etchings like dent on its metal like body, one on each shoulder, one on its head, another on his stomach and the last on his chest.

[Congratulations you have defeated adamantite fighting dummy].

[Final room has been opened].

[Error Error..@₹&#+#-₹]

[You have gained spiritual eyes].

"Ahhhhhhhhh!". Mugai screamed as his head hurt like hell. He was used to unbelievable levels of pain however he couldn't take this one, it was as if someone was stabbing his very soul. Suddenly he started to bleed from his eyes and eventually the pain subsided.

"What the hell!". Mugai.was shocked by the pain but even more so by his vision. He could see his own Reiryoku and reshi present in the air. He could see the flow of it to the very minute detail. How vision was much clearer and his presentation had slowed down colors where dimmer but the world itself was much clearer.

[Admin has invited you].

[Do you accept?].

"An admin?.. well it seems the training is over If the last message was anything to go by. I guess I will meet him!".

[You will be transported in 3,2,1].

Suddenly Mugai was standing on grass. The sky was blue and a breeze was going around the place. In front of him stood a man in a tuxedo and a top hat if he could be called a man. He was 165 cm or so in height with a lean build. He had a cane in his hand. However his most defining feature was the fake dummy mask he was wearing.

Mugai looked at him for a while before he spoke. "So..why did you wanna meet me?".

"Hoho straight to the point i see". The admin said in a joking tone as he continued. "Do you know what the training up untill now was all about?".

"Is that why I was called?.To answer about my training?". Mugai asked.

"In a way...well you see the last test was cancelled and you gained the reward of the Omega brutal difficulty due to an error.. however It's a problem".

"A problem..let me guess it was something like the last test was the hardest one or something". Mugai said in an condescending tone.

"To be exact it was the reson this difficulty is called Omega brutal..but it doesn't matter..we can make up the test once again if you can tell me what it was that each training was supposed to give train you in?". The bunny masked admin asked.

"The first one was to break me and give me Zanjutsu training as well as awakening my instinct.. The second one was to highten my senses to my current level as well as combining my instinct with logic and understanding. The third was learning Hakuda and Hoho along with Reiatsu and Reiryoku control...That's pretty much it". Mugai said after thinking back to all the events he had experienced.

"Hm it seems I was worried for nothing..good job..i shall now send you to your destination. Know this everything you know including that world is real..even the people in it..so live your new life to your fullest".

Saying so the admin snapped his fingers and Mugai felt his head spin as the world around him started to change.

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