
Veil of Talent

In the days leading up to the Shin'o Academy's admission process, Yami immersed himself in intense physical training, drawing inspiration from various anime characters like Toji from Jujutsu Kaisen and Baki. However, despite his efforts and perseverance, the image training techniques he learned from Baki didn't yield the desired results. He struggled to imagine himself fighting opponents in his mind as vividly as he had seen in the anime.

Nevertheless, Yami recognized the significance of this skill. He knew that through image training, one could sharpen their combat instincts and visualize battles with unparalleled precision. Though he couldn't replicate it perfectly, he remained determined to improve his abilities.

Intrigued by Watchdog Man's supernatural feats achieved through utilizing all his limbs, Yami embarked on a unique training regime. He practiced moving on all fours, using both his arms and legs to increase his speed. The sprawling gardens of the estate became his training ground as he pushed himself to the limit.

Each fall only fueled his determination, and with time, Yami's movements became more fluid and agile. He discovered that by combining four-limbed movements and dynamic jumps, he could achieve incredible speeds beyond his initial supernatural strength. The resemblance to Toji's muscular physique from Jujutsu Kaisen further inspired Yami to push his physical boundaries.

The anticipation of the Shin'o Academy's admission day weighed heavily on his mind. As he observed others demonstrating their reiatsu during the test, Yami realized he lacked the ability to do so. Despite his superhuman abilities, unlocking reiatsu remained a mystery to him.

Doubt gnawed at his resolve as he questioned his place among the students who had readily displayed their reiatsu. He wrestled with thoughts of inadequacy, wondering if he was out of his depth in the realm of the Soul Reapers.

On the day of admission, Yami joined the long line, trying to blend in despite feeling like an outsider. The examiner's continued disregard for him stung, but Yami was determined to prove his worth. When he obtained his sheet, he sneakily marked himself in the average class, cautious not to draw attention to his presence.

The academy's three classes - special, average, and low - were meant to accommodate students with varying reiatsu levels. Yami didn't want to risk his unconventional methods accidentally exposing him in the special class, where those with powerful reiatsu were placed. So, he opted for the average class, ensuring that he remained unnoticed.

Walking among the successful candidates, Yami observed how they confidently showcased their reiatsu. He knew he needed to find a way to unlock this hidden potential. A deep longing to understand his unique abilities and harness them like his peers fueled his determination.

As Yami ventured deeper into the Shin'o Academy, he knew his journey had just begun. Amidst the challenges and revelations that awaited him, he yearned to uncover the secrets of reiatsu.

With each step he took, Yami's resolve strengthened. The training and challenges he faced taught him the value of perseverance and the importance of unlocking his hidden potential. He realized that becoming a Shinigami wasn't just about physical prowess; it required understanding the depths of his unique abilities, including the enigmatic reiatsu that eluded him.

As he stood on the precipice of this extraordinary path, Yami marveled at how far he had come from being a mere observer in this world. The once-confusing world of the Soul Society now beckoned with promises of adventure and self-discovery. Yet, uncertainties lingered in his mind.

Had he made the right decision by sneaking into the average class, altering his result without anyone noticing him? What if he had chosen a different route? Would the future hold different challenges and opportunities?

The journey ahead seemed both thrilling and daunting, filled with hidden truths and uncharted territories. As he stepped into the Shin'o Academy, Yami couldn't help but wonder about the destiny that awaited him. How would he fare in a world where he still remained unseen by most? What secrets would he uncover as he delved deeper into the mysteries of the Soul Society?

With determination in his heart and curiosity guiding his path, Yami ventured forth, ready to embrace the uncertainties and forge his destiny as a Shinigami. As he walked into the halls of the academy, he knew that the future held infinite possibilities. The choices he made and the discoveries he would unravel would shape his journey and redefine his place in this enigmatic world.

Only time would reveal the answers to his questions and the true extent of his abilities. And so, with a deep breath and an adventurous spirit, Yami took the first step into a world filled with wonders and challenges, ready to embrace whatever the future held for him.

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