
Bleach : System? I Refuse!

A boy who had died after refusing the system. A fate? A choice? Sai had land in the Spirit World. Having enough of striving one world after another, will he do it again? Credit for all original world builds, characters and all original indicators goes respectively to the owner, Tite Kubo. I'm just writing a fan fic.

Cute_Melon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


11 Rage

After winning his second fight, no one else stepped out to challenge Sai. The people who originally wanted to challenge the seat had already been convinced by his strength.

As for the next seats, they didn't face any challenge from any the members. It was as if all the members were already convinced that they couldn't win over them

After the even ended, Kuruyashiki greeted the other division captains before bidding farewell as they left.

Kuruyashiki dispersed the members to their own team and left Touma to be in charge of arranging the new recruits.

"Sai. Come with me." Kuruyashiki ordered as he walked leaving the field.

Sai followed Kuruyashiki until they arrived in front of a building.

Entering the building, Kuruyashiki brought Sai into a large underground hall.

"This.." looking at the surrounding hall, Sai was surprised on what he had saw.

"Yeah. They are all Sekkiseki." Kuruyashiki confirmed what Sai was guessing.

It turned out that the whole hall was build with Sekkiseki stones.

"This is the special training hall that I had built so I don't have to worry about affecting anyone when a huge amount of reiatsu were used." Kuruyashiki told Sai.

"From today onwards, you will be coming here every weekend for your personal training. And it starts today. Now, draw your zanpakuto." Kuruyashiki smiled as he unsheathed his zanpakuto.

"But, today isn't weekend." Unsheathed his zanpakuto, Sai answered his captain.

"Today is special introduction day." Kuruyashiki went on and attacked without the second warning.

"Tch." Raising his zanpakuto, Sai readied himself for the upcoming attack.

He had a lot of questions that he wanted to ask, but facing the attacks from Kuruyashiki, Sai didn't have any chance to do so.

"Give me your best, or you'll hurt badly." Kuruyashiki slashed his sword down.


"I see... Hmmm... That might be it. I have a rough understanding of your strength now." Rubbing his chin, Kuruyashiki stared at Sai.

Lying on the floor, Sai breathed heavily with sweat.

Fighting Kuruyashiki, Sai felt like facing a big hurdle that he passed.

While Kuruyashiki kept everything in his strength on the same level as him, Sai felt all the skills that he was proud for, had been crushed badly by his captain.

He had been falling one after another. While he had giving everything, Kuruyashiki kept sent him flying with laughter.

Walking towards Sai, Kuruyashiki grinned.

"You have a lot to improve. I'm sure you have realised about them already."

Sai closed his eyes and accept his reality. Since the beginning, he had been confident with his swords skills and only need to improve his reiatsu to become stronger.

It turned out all of them seems like a garbage in front of his captain.

"Seriously. Do you really think you can win against season fighter like me? I have been fighting for more than a thousand year to lose to a newbie like you. Hahaha." Kuruyashiki laughed seeing Sai's reaction.

"With that being said..." Kuruyashiki sat in front of Sai.

"Tell me why you kept on holding back on those fights."

Kuruyashiki stared as Sai raised up and sat on his ass.

"Hufff.. How should I say this... I don't see the need to accept more responsibility as new shinigami. I just want to be a normal shinigami. Not the one with too much burden on his back from the get go. I might climb these steps in the future after I understand more about the path I'm about to go.

Like I said, what is the difference between the 7th and 5th seats? The later just have a higher rank than me and I'm fine with that. I'm new here. I'm glad to have senior to guide me." Sai gave his explanation.

Hearing that, Kuruyashiki sneered.

"Yeah Yeah. Bla bla bla. Yada yada. Stop with that nonsense. Just tell me what is stopping you from fighting forward."

"Hmmm? What do you mean?" Sai frowned as he heard his captain words.

"So, you don't even feel it. Your zanpakuto spirit and your soul are not in sync. Something stopped you from hearing its desire. I can hear it. You zanpakuto was roaring with anger every time you swung it."

Hearing Kuruyashiki words, Sai's eyes enlarged. He stood up and breathed heavily as he was suddenly fuming with anger.

Unsheathing his zanpakuto Sai roared with anger.

"Anger? I'm the one with anger. I'm spending years of my time and patience just to communicate with you. And what I got? Nothing. Not even a squeak. It's ok if you want to test me so much. But you dare to roar at me now? It's me who picked you up, taking care of you back then. And you are my master now?

You want to replace that fucker System? Desire? What about mine? Am I having good times with those silent treatments every time I try to communicate with you? Fxck off. It's not like I have no other option to fight." Sai hurled his zanpakuto to the wall and left the training room.

Seeing the zanpakuto which was stabbed to the wall and Sai who was leaving, Kuruyashiki rubbed his chin as he was in deep thoughts again.

Before long, the zanpakuto was suddenly disappeared from the wall.

"Idiot. You are lacking everything. No strength, no skill, no standard. What's good for me to be held by you. You will only explode to death if I tell you my name...." Sai stopped his steps as he heard a little boy voice ranting in his mind and felt his zanpakuto reappeared in its sheath.

"And why you're coming back to me." Sai sneered as he continued with his steps.


On the weekend, Sai came again to the training room with an extra zanpakuto in his hand.

"Owh. What's up with the new asauchi?" Kuruyashiki asked as he saw the new asauchi.

"A little brat doesn't like when a weakling swings it." Sai sneered to his own zanpakuto.

"Hahaha... How Interesting. I had never heard that a zanpakuto is that arrogant. Usually it was the holder." Kuruyashiki laughed as he heard Sai.