
Visitors in the middle of the night.

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, half of the school year is over.

In this half year, Wang Kun learned much more than the first grade. He not only learned Kido with Tsuno Hiroshi, but also Shunpo.

In particular, Kido, Wang Kun now has 20 of Hadō and 15 of Bakudō.

As you master more and more Kido, and the larger the number, the greater the difficulty and the longer it will take.

This pace of speed has far exceeded that of his teammates.

The students of the Academy of Spiritual Arts did not dominate other Kido, they only know one and they use it repeatedly.

These Kido are relatively versatile, such as Hadō # 1, Hadō # 4 Byakurai, Hadō # 11 Tsuzuri Raiden, Hadō #31 Shakkahō, etc., and Bakudō # 1 Sai, Bakudō # 4 Hainawa, Bakudō # 8 Seki, Bakudō #12 Fushibi, Bakudō # 21 Sekienton , and so on.

At the end of the school year, students will be able to meet the standards as long as they have five Hadō and five Bakudō.

Wang Kun has mastered a total of 35, except for the Kido Corps and some formidable Shinigami, few people can master so many Kido.

Wang Kun's goal is to dominate all Hadō and Bakudō from 1 to 60. Anyway, he has a fifth level Reiatsu, and intermediate Kido can also dominate him.

While you dominate so many Kido, it represents the diversity of the battle.

Hinamori Momo can combine Hadō #12 Fushibi (It is a kind of spider web of energy) and Hadō #31 Shakkahō (It is a big ball of red energy), the two Kido, form several times the power of the explosion.

Wang Kun also hopes to be able to combine more formidable movements.

Wang Kun's improvement is very big, and now he is much stronger than Abarai Renji.


At this time, Wang Kun and Renji were in the training room. Renji held a Shinai and ran towards Wang Kun.

Wang Kun stepped forward, but did not use Reiatsu, and immediately dodged the attack, next to Renji, moved the index finger of the right hand gently.

A shockwave flew out and shot Renji.

Seeing that he was about to be hit, Renji suddenly turned to one side and dodged it. At the same time, he bowed, took the sword and stabbed Wang Kun.

When he was cornered, a white light appeared, and disappeared, falling into Renji's hands.

The next moment, Renji was stunned, felt the sensation of paralysis.

Hadō # 4, Byakurai.

When you shoot a thunder, you can penetrate the human body, but Wang Kun left the chant and controlled the power, so that the power is greatly reduced, Renji felt paralyzed.

Renji Shinai fell to the ground and looked at Wang Kun. "Your strength is increasingly terrible."

Wang Kun said with a smile: "Big Brother Renji, after you learn Kido, you can naturally do this."

Renji waved his hand and said, "Hadō #1 you taught me that day, I learned it for two weeks, and I have to chanting it." It takes too much time and the power is normal. I can not learn it so fast. "

Renji's Kido talent is not too high. If you use Kido while singing, it will take too much time and you will give up your reaction time. In real combat it is a disadvantage.

Unless the intermediate Kido, like Sōkatsui (Rain of blue fire), is a powerful Hadō.

Also, if you reach the high level Kido, whether it's Sōren Sōkatsui, Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō or Kurohitsugi, there is a change in the power of the battle.

Even if he is his own master, Tsuno Hiroshi, he can only show some high-level Kido.

As for the forbidden Kido, not even the current Chief of Kido Corps of Grand Kidō can do it.

Wang Kun and Renji left the training room together. It is the holiday season at the end of the first school year. Otherwise, they would not be in the same bedroom.

There is not much time to talk.

The two returned to the room, Kira Iziru had packed and returned home, leaving only two people in the room.

It was already night, and the two bathed and slept.

But when night fell, a figure appeared in the window, He reached out and grabbed Wang Kun, put him on his shoulder and disappeared instantly.

Wang Kun was surprised.

Wang Kun was caught, but he did not open his eyes, he kept his body relaxed, he let the "individual" get away.


Along the way, Wang Kun is analyzing the situation he was in.

The "Individual" is squatting, the figure is not tall, the height is limited and the shoulders are not wide.

However, Wang Kun did not dare to sleep. The speed of the figure was very fast. Using Shunpo, he was 30 meters away in an instant, and not only limited on the ground. Even if it's a building, it could easily jump.

In addition, the speed of the enemy is very smooth, which shows that Shunpo is much better than him.

also your breath, the rhythm of breathing is very slow, and there are almost no ups and downs in the body.

This person is very strong, at least in Hakuda and Shunpo, with a strength far superior to his.

But the "individual" does not know that he is awake. If he attacks, there may be probability of success.

Wang Kun remained pretending that he was asleep.

First to the south, then to the east, this is the address of the Seireitei center, and it is the position of the east center.

It went to a part in it, the "individual" climbed the mountain. This mountain is in front of the central 46. The cliff is the hill of the double squat, which is the location of the scorpion, and then it stops in the middle of the mountain.

This mountain is actually the location of the 2nd Division and the Onmitsukidō Corps.

Plus the exposed Shunpo of the "individual" and the technique to control it.

Wang Kun knows that this person must be closely related to the 2nd Division, but why would they kidnap him?

Wang Kun did not understand, he does not believe that he is an enemy, but the interrogation is a matter of the 9th Division.

The duty of the 2nd Division is execution. The first squad of Onmitsukidō is execution and murder. The second is patrolling. It is similar to the duties of the 10th Division, but it is monitoring the Shinigami movement. The third is the monitoring team, the fourth team is unknown. The fifth team is the team of Riteitai, (is to act as messengers in the Seireitei, carrying orders important enough not to be carried in the conventional way).

In any case, they will not be your objective. Once they become your goal, they must have died.

Therefore, Wang Kun judged that this has nothing to do with the duties of the 2nd Division and the Onmitsukidō Body itself, but if they are not allowed, they will not be able to enter this area.

Its height is not high, only about 1.50m, capable of entering and leaving the 2nd Division and the Onmitsukidō Corps, with excellent Shunpo skills and maximum control of the body.

All Gotei 13 of the guards have only that person.

Then, when the "individual" places Wang Kun on the other side to wake him up, Wang Kun opens his eyes, looks with black eyes over the mask and asks softly: "Soi Fon Captain, it's too late, ¿what are we doing here?

When he heard Wang Kun's words, his body stiffened and asked, "You, how do you know?"

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