
Chapter nine: I'm strong.

Chapter nine.

[Sixteen months later.]

Hideki stood in front of the mirror, the soft light from the andon casting a warm hue across his shirtless torso. The contrast of his skin against the darkened room was striking. Wrestling with his uncooperative locks, a hair tie clenched between his teeth, he dramatically threw his head back, sighing. "Seriously, hair? Planning a mutiny on the most crucial of mornings?"

His fingers danced through his hair, reminding him of times when he didn't care much about its wild appearance. But life was simpler then—before the academy, before the vibrant tapestry of friendships, and certainly before the weight of an advanced course.

"Well, hello there, handsome.'' His gaze trailed down to his torso. The once slender frame now bore hints of muscle, a testament to the intensive training and extra sparring with Jun. He struck a pose, flexing mockingly at his reflection.

Adjusting a stray strand behind his ear, his captivating golden eyes caught his attention. There was an unmissable vibrancy to them, so much so that even he found himself momentarily ensnared by their glow.

"Alright, diva moment over," he declared, prepping himself for the day's challenges. "Let's get this show on the road!" His spirited tone echoed playfully.

Hideki slid into his academy uniform, letting out a satisfied exhale. As his fingers curled around his zanpakutō, a wave of comfort washed over him. It wasn't just the feel of the blade; it was the connection, a kind of silent understanding between them that always set his heart at ease.

"A couple more months and I'll be a Soul Reaper!" He grinned, the thought sending his mind into a whirlwind. ''Man, I still can't believe it." His studies required a great deal of dedication. But despite the grueling routine and the long hours, talent and effort saw him reach the top of his class, even after having skipped several years.

Zanjutsu, although still his weakest discipline, was no longer the joke it had been when he first entered the academy. The countless matches against Jun helped him get rid off any bad habits, leaving him with a refined, graceful, and precise style. Jun, as it turned out, was a prodigy when it came to the art, the kind of talent you see once in a generation.

Leaving his room, the early morning sun greeted him as he stepped into the hall. A light breeze rustled the leaves of the garden's sakura tree, bringing with it the delicate aroma of fresh flowers. The sound of whispers drifted on the wind as Hideki's gaze shifted towards the source, a group of first-year-students stared at him in admiration, their faces a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"That's him! That's Fujioka-senpai!" One of the students squeaked.

"What? No way! Isn't he like, guaranteed a seated position in the Gotei 13?" Another blurted out, awe clear in his voice.

"Shhh, not so loud." A girl's voice cut through the noise, shushing the others when she noticed Hideki's attention shifting towards them. ''He's looking over here!''

Hideki, ever the entertainer, couldn't resist the chance to ham it up for his audience. With a wink and a cheeky grin, he was met with giggles and the kind of gasps that made his day. Every reaction was a pat on the back for his already oversized ego.

"Still seeking admiration from the juniors, Hideki?" Yuna's voice, elegant yet firm, cut through. Without even turning, Hideki leaned casually against the railing, letting the morning breeze play with his hair.

"Good morning, Yuna. You're up early.'' Hideki turned his head, glancing over his shoulder at his friend, who stood with a raised eyebrow. Yuna, as beautiful as ever, wore a simple robe, the morning's breeze playing with her long, black hair. "What can I say? It's not my fault they love me."

"Of course they do." She snorted, walking over and giving his shoulder a playful push. "I heard your class is going to the Human World. You must be excited."

''Nah.'' Hideki shrugged, his tone nonchalant. ""It's the usual – soul burials, a bit of patrolling. Not too thrilling. It'd be a lot more exciting if you and Jun were with us, though." Hideki sighed, a hint of dejection in his voice.

Yuna smirked, nudging him with her elbow. "Stop being such a drama queen. Wasn't it you who wanted the fast track in classes? And come on, you're telling me you haven't befriended any of those fifth-years?"

Hideki looked away, a hint of sheepishness crossing his face. "Most of them aren't exactly my fan club. But, I mean, I did waltz into their year like I was king of the academy. Can't be surprised they find me a tad... overconfident."

''Well, look at that. They nailed it!" Yuna laughed, giving him a playful nudge. "Arrogant, cocky, and would you look at that, Mr. Flirty Pants. But hey, chin up! Soon you'll graduate and be everyone else's problem."

''I guess so.''

"Mhm, well, enjoy your patrol, Mr. Big Shot. I'm off to catch some beauty sleep." Yuna stretched, yawning dramatically, and turned to leave. "Don't get yourself killed."

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

Hideki, amidst a sea of chattering students, felt a tinge of excitement in the air. They were all gathered for a special practical test, and from the animated conversations around him, everyone was eager to see what was in store.

As the morning sun painted the sky with vibrant hues, Hideki's focus was pulled to the front. An instructor, known for being rather strict when it came to his teaching methods, stepped forward. Beside him, two assistants began distributing papers to the assembled students.

"Settle down," the instructor commanded, his voice echoing, and the chatter died instantly. "Today's exercise won't be like your usual training. We're taking it up a notch."

Hideki glanced at the paper he had been handed. 'Group 6?' he thought, the last time they had gone to the World of the Living, they had been given individual tasks, so he found it rather strange. He felt a brush against his face, and a black butterfly, settled on his shoulder. 'A Jigokuchō, huh? I guess that means we are going unsupervised, then.'

The voice of the instructor continued, detailing the rules and expectations, it was nothing too out of the ordinary, just the usual warnings of what to do and what not to do in the World of the Living. But Hideki's attention wavered as he looked around for his assigned partner, he wasn't all that keen on the idea of having someone slowing him down, after all. Before he could spot his partner, a deep voice pulled him back to the present.

"Oi, Fujoka," the voice called. Hideki turned, eyes traveling upward to meet the face of a towering girl. "You are in Group 6, I assume?" she inquired, her height making Hideki take a full step back, making some distance between them.

''You are...'' It didn't take him long to recognize his classmate, even if he had never talked with the girl before, her appearence made it so she was a hard person to forget. "Yumiko, right? Top of the zanjutsu class?"

''Now that's unexpected! You do know me.'' Her laughter was warm and genuine. "It looks like we are paired together for this lesson, huh?'' She held out a hand, and when he took it, the strength in her grip was almost comical as he winced slightly. He forced a smile, trying to keep his pained expression at bay as the newly acquainted duo turned to face their instructor, who was looking over a list, ticking off names.

"Group 6, mhm?" He glanced up, his gaze sweeping across the two. ''I'll open the Senkaimon, so follow me. You'll be patrolling Okinawa. You know the drill, but listen up. You are to cover the northern half, and Group 7 will handle the southern one. Do not, and I repeat, do not venture out of the area you've been assigned."

''You are to perform Konsō on the souls you come across.'' The instructor continued, his voice stern. ''You are allowed to fight hollows, should the situation arise. But don't get cocky, and do not attempt to face anything beyond your skill level. Am I clear?'' Hideki and Yumiko gave a collective affirmative response, nodding along.

The instructor gave them one last look, taking out his zanpakuto as he 'stabbed' the air in front of him, turning it like a key. ''Kaijō!'' He roared, and in an instant, a bright light flashed, and the air around them shifted as light swirled, creating a door out of thin air.

''You'll be travelling through the Senkaimon, so I think I don't need to say this, but just in case...'' The man pointed to the black butterflies fluttering nearby, the one on Hideki's shoulder flapping its wings gently. ''Make sure not to lose sight of them. Unless you want to get lost in the Senkaimon, that is.''

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

''Aw, man... It's raining. Great timing, universe,'' Hideki grumbled as the sky darkened and the heavens opened, releasing a torrential downpour. His hair stuck to his face, the moisture seeping into his clothing as he leaned over the edge of a tall building, looking down at the streets below.

''What, a little water's got you grumbling, Fujioka?'' Yumiko teased as she stood a few feet behind him, her gaze scanning the area, her uniform clinging to her frame. "We're already drenched, so we might as well get moving. No use standing here doing nothing.''

''Hm?'' Fujioka turned, glancing at his partner. ''But where's the fun in that?'' He grinned, taking a seat, and dangling his legs over the side of the building. ''If we split up, we could cover twice as much ground. We could use the Jigokuchō to keep in touch.''

"If we split up, then what's stopping a hollow from picking us off?" Yumiko countered, walking over and taking a seat next to him. ''We're a team, we stick together, end of discussion.''

''Fine...'' He relented, sighing. The rain poured on, a light pitter-patter against the roof. As he watched the streets below, his gaze trailed over the humans down on the streets, observing their behavior. His eyes were drawn to a little girl and her father, both laughing as they walked through the rain, the umbrella in the father's hand protecting the two.

''I'm not sensing much.'' Yumiko muttered, her voice cutting through the silence. "I heard Okinawa is supposed to be crawling with souls, but...''

"Yeah, I'm getting the same vibe. Nothing's happening." Hideki replied, his legs kicking the air. "You think there's been some sort of clean-up? I mean, would they really drop us here if the place was crawling with hollows?'' Hideki sighed, running his fingers through his wet hair. ''Man, I spent like half an hour fixing this...''

"Your hair?" Yumiko scoffed, her voice full of amusement. ''You're worried about your hair? Seriously?'' The girl reached over, ruffling his locks and messing it up even more. Hideki, feigning shock, pulled away, a dramatic gasp escaping him.

''You dare, woman!?''

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

"Hideki's out in the World of the Living again, isn't he?" Jun paused his reading, glancing up from the pages of his book with a sigh and a hint of envy. He ran his finger along the page's edge, contemplating. "Man, I'd kill to be out there instead of being stuck here with all this studying. My brain feels like it's about to melt."

Beside him, engrossed in her own book, Yuna chuckled. "You and Hideki, sometimes you're just two peas in a pod. But aren't you even a tiny bit worried about him? It's his first solo patrol."

Leaning back with a confident smirk, Jun stretched out his legs. "Worry about Hideki? You've got to be joking. I've sparred with him more times than I can count. He might leave a bit to be desired in the thinking department, but when it comes to raw talent? He's second to none. Honestly, I feel for the others. Standing out on these patrols? It's a fast track to getting noticed by the big shots in the Gotei 13."

"Oh, he's going to get noticed alright," Yuna said with a playful roll of her eyes, imagining Hideki in action. "Not just for his skills. I can already see him taking every opportunity to be the center of attention."

Jun chuckled, the image of Hideki's possible antics running through his mind. "You might be onto something there. With how he is, and his skills? I'd bet he's on the fast track to a seated position."

"Did you hear about Lieutenant Aizen?" Yuna began, her tone laced with intrigue. "Word is, he's got his eyes on Hideki. Offered him a seated position for after graduation." She raised an eyebrow, a smirk on her lips. ''I tried prying it out of Hideki, but he just smirked and blew me off."

Jun's eyebrows shot up, surprise evident on his face. "What? He's been holding out on me?" He stretched, trying to alleviate the stiffness from all the reading. "Ugh, this is making my brain mush. Break time. How 'bout a spar?"

''Haha...'' Grinning, Yuna pointed at his stack of books. "And give you another excuse to slack? Think again."

He groaned in playful exasperation. "Why do you always have to be the voice of reason?"

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

"Looks like another stray soul," Hideki called out, his eyes catching the ghostly figure of a woman drifting aimlessly through the rain-soaked streets below. They'd been flash-stepping through rooftops, their uniforms now soaked and clinging to their bodies. "You wanna take this one, Yumiko?"

"Yeah, I got it," Yumiko responded, her voice steady. She leapt down, landing with a fluid grace on the wet pavement. Her zanpakuto shimmered in the dull light, capturing the spirit's attention as she hovered in the air, her gaze filling with a glimmer of recognition.

With a gentle smile, Yumiko closed the gap, stopping a few feet away from the translucent woman. "Hey there, miss," she greeted, her tone warm and inviting. "I'm here to help you move on to the next life."

"You can actually see me?" The spirit's voice wavered, echoing softly around the empty streets. Her eyes moved over Yumiko, settling on her distinct uniform. "Who...what are you? What's with the getup?"

"I'm a Shinigami," Yumiko began, extending a calming hand, her other one inching towards her zanpakuto. "I'm here to help. I promise, I won't let you wander lost any longer."

The spirit's ethereal form trembled, her voice rising in a panicked pitch. "Wait! Don't... What are you doing?"

Yumiko paused, her expression softening, "It's okay. This will bring you peace." And with a swift movement, she gently tapped the spirit with her zanpakuto, setting off a burst of light, causing the soul to fade gracefully into the ether. Yumiko whispered, "Safe travels."

"Hey! Perfect score from up here!" Hideki's voice rang out, as he leaped down beside Yumiko, creating playful splashes upon landing. "Solid ten outta ten!" He grinned, offering her a playful thumbs up.

"Thanks, now let's keep—Whoa!" Yumiko's words were cut short as Hideki pushed her aside, his blade unsheathed in an instant. The sound of steel slicing through the air punctuated the moment, cleaving a blue reishi arrow in half before it could reach her.

"Fujioka, what was that?!" Yumiko sprung to her feet, unsheathing her own zanpakuto. She looked at him, then shifted her eyes to where the arrow had originated, an icy mix of shock and confusion settling into her gaze.

''Beats me, but...'' Hideki's eyes narrowed, his sword pointing defiantly toward their new threat. "Looks like we've got company."

Hovering on one of the taller structures in the vicinity, a figure draped in white stared down at them. The bow in its hands hummed with another reishi arrow aimed their way. Oddly, the downpour that was soaking everything else seemed to shy away from the bow, as if repelled by an invisible force, leaving it untouched by the rain.

"That's... unexpected." Hideki muttered, ensuring only Yumiko could hear. "Doesn't give off a hollow vibe, and sure as hell ain't a soul reaper. What's going on?"

Yumiko shot him a quick glance, her voice edged with urgency. "No idea, but let's handle it before another shot is fired." As the rain plastered her hair to her face, she saw Hideki advance slightly, his every muscle coiled, ready.

Without warning, the enigmatic archer let the arrow fly. Hideki, quick on his feet, parried it aside and, in one fluid motion, propelled himself into the air, barreling toward the attacker. The archer, with an uncanny agility, sidestepped, anticipating the incoming threat.

"Coming through!" Yumiko flashed behind the archer in mid-air, her blade slicing through the rain with deadly intent. But before her zanpakuto could connect, the archer vanished into thin air. Confused, she landed back on the rooftop. "That wasn't a flash step. How did he dodge that?"

"This is starting to feel like a bad movie," Hideki muttered, landing with a splash, swinging his blade as he spinned around, his sword managing to graze their attacker, who had just reappeared behind him. "I hate jump-scares, you know?" He flashed him a grin, his blade painted in red.

"Really now?" The hooded figure hesitated, his fingers delicately touching the sliced part of his cloak, a mild look of disbelief evident even through the mask of shadows. A few beads of blood dripped onto the rain-soaked ground. "I have to hand it to you; that was quicker than I anticipated."

''I appreciate the compliment.'' Hideki smirked, stepping back and nonchalantly placing his blade over his shoulder. "How about we avoid further trouble? Identify yourself, tell us your intentions, and we might let this slide. Put the bow down, and let's chat."

''A truce?'' The archer's laughter held a mocking edge. "Just like that?" As he spoke, the blue glow of his bow faded, disintegrating into tiny luminous particles that were quickly swept away by the rain. With fluid grace, he reached into a pocket, his gloved hand pulling out a small white tablet etched with intricate symbols around its edge.

Yumiko tensed, her fingers curling tighter around her zanpakuto's hilt. "What are you holding?"

The archer tilted his head slightly in her direction, though his face remained shrouded. "Ever heard of Hollow Bait?" His words came out as a crack of lightning tore through the sky overhead. And before Yumiko or Hideki could react, the figure ruthlessly crushed the tablet in his grip, its remnants dispersing into the rainy night like fine ash.

Hideki paused for a moment, scanning their surroundings with a mix of confusion and anticipation. A few beats of silence passed, save for the rhythmic patter of raindrops. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he shifted his attention back to the archer. "So... about that conversation we were supposed to have..."

His words were cut short as the cloaked figure swiftly conjured up his bow, launching another reishi arrow. Hideki smoothly sidestepped, bringing his blade around in a swift arc, splitting the arrow in two before it could reach him. He rolled his eyes slightly, drenched hair clinging to his forehead. "Seriously? If that's your best shot, we're gonna be here all night," he remarked, smirking. "You'll need to up your game if you want to tag me."

Suddenly, a harrowing shriek sliced through the rain-soaked ambiance. The two Shinigami barely had time to register the sound before a ghostly white monstrosity, adorned with a grotesque horned mask and a void-like chasm in its chest, crashed down from above. Earth and rubble erupted around its point of impact.

With fluid agility, Hideki and Yumiko pivoted out of harm's way, skidding to a stop with their guards raised. Staring back at the newcomer, their expressions mirrored a mix of shock and realization.

"Wait, a Hollow? Now? We've been patrolling for hours and nada...'' Hideki muttered, the pieces clicking into place, "A Hollow Bait, was it...? Does something like that even exist?" He shot a wary glance at Yumiko. ''I must have slept through that lesson."

"I have never heard of it, either," she replied, her voice wavering, her eyes locked on the monster, whose massive presence cast a dark shadow over them. "But it seems to be working." Yumiko glanced behind the beast, spotting the retreating figure of the cloaked archer, leaving the hollow to do the rest of the work as he disappeared into the darkness.

''We've got a pest problem,'' Hideki declared, his tone light, as he eyed the hollow. The beast stood four meters taller than both of them, its mask contorted into a vicious snarl. Its body was covered with thick plates, making it appear akin to an armored insect, its tail swaying lazily behind it. ''Think this is gonna earn us some extra credit with the instructor?''

''It just might.'' Yumiko smirked, her eyes narrowing, the adrenaline starting to kick in. ''I think we should rush him. I'll hit it from the right. You take the left."

Hideki nodded, taking a stance. "On three. One, two..." The hollow, with a roar, charged. ''Rude! It can't even wait till three?'' As the beast barreled towards them, Yumiko and Hideki split apart, their figures spinning in the rain, blades cutting through the droplets of water as they closed in on their opponent from opposing angles.

With a ferocious growl, the beast's clawed hand swung through the air. Yumiko flipped over it, her lean figure twisting mid-air as she slashed her blade downward, slicing down the creature's hand, intending to sever it. However, her eyes widened when her blade bounced off its scales.

'So tough...!' She thought, as the creature turned its attention on her, swiping its tail in her direction. Leaping to the side, her uniform fluttered as the beast's tail sliced through the air. She ducked, her breath catching in her throat as the wind from the missed strike rustled her hair.

''Bakudō #54, Kyōmōn!" Hideki called out, a golden barrier springing to life, blocking the creature's path. Yumiko darted behind the translucent barrier, the creature's claw slamming into it as it bounced back. The beast staggered backward, growling as it recovered, its black tongue slithering from behind its mask.

Hideki, still on the left of the hollow, used the chance to close in. The beast turned its attention to him, lunging forward. Hideki, anticipating its movement, pivoted, avoiding the strike with a swift flash step. Running up the creature's arm, he launched himself into the air, his zanpakuto drawn high overhead.

''...!'' He swung, the blade singing through the rain as it made contact with the creature's white mask, splitting it cleanly in half. The beast reeled back, its eyes fading as the light dimmed, the creature's form crumbling to dust. Hideki's eyes lit up in victory, a victorious smile appearing on his face.

''Heroic landing!'' He exclaimed, flipping and landing squarely on his feet, striking a pose. ''Did you see that, Yumiko?!'' As the dust cleared, Hideki's victorious smile froze, his confident tone dying in his throat. Before him, towering and unscathed, stood a new Hollow, a lizard-like monster with a menacingly jagged, fang-like mask. ''The hell...?''

Yumiko was quick to respond, jumping on top of the newly appeared beast's head. In a single fluid motion, she stabbed her zanpakuto straight through the mask's center, sending a spray of blood and black dust flying through the air. She smirked, looking at her partner. ''How is this for a heroic land—'' And again, she was forced to dodge, a new, but just as massive hollow crashing through the creature she had just felled, its fist slamming into the ground where she had just stood.

''You are kidding, right...?'' Hideki clenched his teeth, his gaze shifting to the other side as a fourth and fifth beast appeared. '' Yumiko, her back now pressed against his, sighed, a hint of frustration in her voice.

''This is not how I pictured this patrol would go.'' Yumiko sighed, glancing over her shoulder. "I'll call for backup with the Jigokuchō. Cover me."

"You got it." Hideki's tone was light, ''I'll set up another barrier, once you are done, just step out of it, it's easy to escape from the inside." Without another word, the duo flash stepped backwards, just enough to evade an incoming attack from the nearest hollow, Hideki's lips moving as he finished his incantation. "Bakudo #57: Sōheki Rikugō.''

The space around Yumiko exploded in a radiant burst of blue, and as the light settled, she found herself encased in a barrier from all directions, even above and below, forming an impregnable barrier of blue reishi.

'Amazing.' She thought, her fingers brushing the wall. '... Right, backup, got to focus on that.' She reached for the Jigokuchō, a small fluttering black butterfly, resting on her finger, its wings opening and closing slowly. "We need assistance, send a team immediately," Yumiko stated, her voice loud and clear. ''We have at least five hollows on the field, possibly more to come, an unnamed individual has managed to attract them here with the use of some kind of bait."

From outside the barrier, Hideki weaved a torrent of some kind of projectiles, each one being release from the back of one particular hollow that looked like a giant hedgehog. ''Woah...!'' Flash stepping to the right, a couple of the projectiles whizzed past him, leaving a trail of smoke in their wake. ''You sure are one weird looking creature, aren't ya?''

'This is easier than I thought...' Hideki smiled to himself, jumping over the creature's next attack as he casted a Hadō #31: Shakkaho, his incantation drowned out by the rain. The blast of crimson light slammed into the monster, tearing through its spines and igniting it, causing the creature to stumble forward, screeching as its back erupted in flames.

Hideki blinked, his instinct telling him to jump, and without wasting a second, he followed, leaping into the air as a new beast attacked him from his blindspot, its claw narrowly missing him. 'Tch...' He clicked his tongue, feeling the rush of air caused by the missed strike. '...I'm surrounded again, two new ones, huh? There's just no end to them.'

His figure vanished from his previous position, the beast's claw crashing through empty air, splattering against the ground. He reappeared atop one of the larger hollows, a massive bird-like creature, its mask shaped like an eagle. As he steadied himself, he couldn't help but open his mouth, the sound of his laughter even catching him off-guard.

''... Ah... What's this?'' His lips stretched into a grin. ''This is kinda fun...'' The beast he was standing on tried to turn its head, but his blade had already pierced its eye, sinking through the soft tissue as the creature howled as Hideki's body was flung into the air, his blade ripping through the beast's skull, cleaving the mask in two.

Before the Hollow could collapse, Hideki was already gone, his flash-step carrying him past the other beasts, the sound of their furious roars causing his lips to spread into an even bigger grin. With the grace of a dancer, he twisted, his blade cutting through the rain, decapitating the closest beast in one swing.

''I don't get it...'' He felt it, a tingling sensation, his every sense sharpening, the adrenaline, the rush. The feeling of the wind on his face, the smell of blood, the taste of rain, and the sound of his heart beating. Every single fiber of his being was on fire, and the more he moved, the stronger the flames burned. ''I don't understand what's happening... But I feel... amazing...''

His thoughts ran wild as he spun in the air, dodging the incoming claw of the next beast, his feet planting firmly on its forearm. Without hesitation, his sword was drawn, its edge splitting through the beast's wrist and severing the limb. He watched the creature roar in agony, the severed arm disintegrating as it fell into a heap.

Backup? Hideki needed no such thing, he wanted this, no, he needed it. He felt as if he was walking on a tightrope, and one wrong step would mean the end, and he loved it. His figure became nothing but a blur, the drops of rain slamming into him, his speed only increasing. He was in his element, free and unrestrained.

''Hadō #33: Sōkatsui!'' A torrent of blue light tore through the rain, illuminating the entire area, blasting away two approaching hollows, chunks of their masks and bodies crumbling away as the remains were scattered by the heavy rain.

''...'' Hideki stared at his own hand, a mixture of shock and excitement spreading through his chest. His reiatsu, which he often kept tightly bottled up, had begun to leak out. He felt it coursing through him, pulsating with raw power. ''I'm strong.'' The thought sent his mind into a whirlwind, his heart racing with anticipation.

''I'm strong.'' He repeated to himself, his grip on his zanpakuto tightening, as his gaze swept the field, the numbers of the hollows had increased, even more monsters now filling the street. ''I'm strong.'' He was smiling, the rush was intoxicating, his reiatsu growing stronger.

'... What...?' Yumiko, who had just finished her communication, couldn't even step out of the barrier, her eyes locked on her friend. His reiatsu, one which had already been high for his age, was rapidly skyrocketing. 'Has he been hiding it all this time? What's going on...?' She wondered, watching as a beast, far too large for him to slice in a single blow, was cleaved in half, its remains splattering to the ground.

She was no slouch herself, she was, after all, the very best in their fifth-year class when it came to zanjutsu. Her swordsmanship skills were top-notch, and her reiatsu was well above average. However, compared to Hideki, the gap felt vast, so vast in fact, she was unsure whether she should bother helping him at all.

'... He's laughing.' She was sure of it, even through the sound of the rain, she could hear it, the sounds of his laughter, his figure a whirlwind of motion, his blade spinning in a torrent, slicing through the onslaught of monsters. For the very first time, Yumiko could actually understand why he had such an ego, because right now, there was no question about it.

'He is the strongest.'

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

'... This is the last of them, I think...,' Yumiko thought, wiping a speck of blood off her uniform as the rain was finally starting to lessen, the last of the hollows turning to dust. Several minutes had passed since Hideki's outburst, reinforcements had yet to arrive, but the seemingly endless flow of hollows had stopped.

She let her eyes travel over the destroyed area, the streets had been reduced to rubble, the buildings now little more than a pile of debris. The once-paved street was now little more than a muddy puddle, and the sky was still a mess, the clouds still dark and gloomy, though the downpour was now nothing more than a light drizzle.

And in the middle of it all stood Hideki, his breathing shallow, his blade, along with his clothes, painted crimson. He was drenched, his hair covering his face, the rain doing little to wash away the blood splatter. Yumiko approached him, her steps slow and deliberate, not wanting to startle him.

The blood was not his own, it had come from the beasts, every single drop belonged to a monster he had slain, his sword and his uniform proof of his work. ''Fujioka?'' Her voice was far from its usual, confident, tone. She felt uneasy, the way he was, she couldn't read him, his reiatsu, which was still dangerously high, made her feel as if she was talking to a stranger.

''...'' He was silent, his gaze was fixated on the ground, the only sounds around them being the pitter-patter of the rain. Hideki's fingers dug into his palms, his breathing shallow, the muscles on his arm twitching. And just when Yumiko felt her own heartbeat rising, his expression softened, his head raising, a goofy smile on his lips.

''Heroic victory pose!'' He struck a dramatic pose, his eyes sparkling. ''How's that?''

Yumiko could only blink, staring blankly, her words coming out in a mix of disbelief and relief. ''What?''

''Oh, come on! Don't leave me hanging, Yumiko!'' His smile widened, and in a split second, he had his arm around her shoulder. ''I was amazing, right? Super cool, right? Right!?''

''I-I'm sorry, what?''

End of chapter nine.

I REALLY, REALLY apologize for the long time without uploads, I was just... Well, depressed, overworked, and facing a horrible writer's block.

But I'm back! This was a horribel chapter to write, I couldn't figure out quite how to explain the flashback and make it natural, like...

I decided to skip seventeen months ahead, a period of time where he goes from his time as a first-year-student in the advanced class, to a fifth-year-student.

It wouldn't feel natural to do more than one time-skip in a single chapter, so I had to scrap the idea of showing him in his first day in a new advanced class, and his experiences there.

I'll, however, show both of those experiences sometime in the future through a flashback, or a short, isolated story, even. Like I said, Hideki's STRONG when compared to average, unseated soul reapers, but really WEAK when compared to a Lieutenant.

Run-of-the-mill Hollows are no match for him, no matter their numbers. As far as who the Quincy was, no one of substance, just one of the surviving Quincys from the 200 year purge.

Mayuri himself stated he experimented in 2600's quincys when he became the Head of Squad Twelve, and that was like two decades from now, so I imagine there's still quite a few vengeful, angry quincys around Japan still.

KindaWeirdChampBrocreators' thoughts
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