1 The Talisman

Gwen's phone buzzed, signaling that a text message had come in.

Mom always wondered who the heck was at the other end of her screen but she gave up at a point.

"Gwen, you remember Uncle Marcus, right?"

Mom asked, hoping for an answer.

"You used to like him."

"When I used to be nine," Gwen replied, her eyes still darted at her screen.

"Gwen, get off your phone. I'm trying to drive and you're distracting me."

"Mom, don't be nosy." She shrugged.

"Gwen, you know you can tell me everything."

Mom drove past Serval Street and into Kerley- the road surrounded by trees.

"Mom, stop."

"Gwen, seriously."

"Mom, stop being a bitch and drive!"

"Gwen! I am your mother! You do not get to use that language at me!"


Suddenly, a deer skidded off the road and Mom tried to halt into a stop.

The car tumbled over the road and spun in the air. It crashed onto the ground with a loud bang.

Gwen's eyes fluttered open.

She gasped from the smoke spewing from the dashboard. She saw blood on her plain white shirt.

Even if she sustained a few bruises, the blood wasn't hers. It was Mom's.

"Mom?" She muttered as she looked at Mom.

Blood gushed from her temple and forehead.

"G-G-Gwen?" She stammered.

"Mom, you're bleeding."

"I-I won't make it.

"Don't say that. It was just an accident. You need a hospital, Mom."

Without a word, Mom reached into her back pocket shakily and slipped out a red necklace.

It was red as fire.

"Take this," She mouthed, grabbing Gwen's left hand and placed it.

"Mom, What is this?" She asked with her red eyes widening in shock and confusion.

"Blackburn," Breathed Mom.

"Mom, you're scaring me."

"Guard it with your life. Don't let them get it.

Don't let them find you."


Mom closed her eyes and breathe her last.

"Mom? Mom!"

She was dead. Gwen's eyes glazed to the necklace and began to cry.

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