3 Sedric Morgan

They said I was ruthless and reckless. A bad combination I was everything they called me but the worst of them all was that I was naïve. All I wanted was money and power. That's when Sinister comes in. He was everything I was but extremely smart. He was brave and had all the qualities. I learnt a great deal from him. He was kind and I was …. Well not kind. He was twice the person I was. We were friends. The manlier way to say it would be "we were buddies …." Hahaha.

Then I learnt that he was not only in the mafia, but he was the boss. I never wanted his place because no one could handle it like he could. But he fell in love and when harm came to his family he stepped back and left his whole life to me, his ancestor's blood and sweat. I took it with honor, and I haven't seen him since.

I bought a slave and bedded her, but we fell in love eventually. We had a son, now my boy is grown, and I have taught him well and very soon I will hand over the mafia. I don't want him to do the mistakes I did, or Sin did ...

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