

Molten Mage

A lone boy stood at top of a hill, he wasn't wearing fancy noble clothes or even something that could be considered expensive, no, he was dressed in a white short sleeved shirt, brown leather pants, and a pair of boar skin boots.

The boys long charcoal-black hair was tied up in a loose ponytail, while his vermilion colored eyes sharpened into slits at his target.

The boys right hand was raised into a pistol-like shape, while his left hand gripped at his right wrist in support.

Taking a breath, the boy channeled mana around the tip of his extended pointer finger, and after a while a small ball of reddish-orange viscous liquid formed around the tip.

He stood there gazing at the liquid when suddenly, the surface of the hall started to slowly change, gaining a thin layer of silvery crust over the top. Thinking quickly, the boy steadied his breathing and prepared himself for what's to come.

He aimed his finger right at his target, and after a few more breathes he released his magic.


His small ball of Magical lava ripped through the air, traveling at speeds the boy himself could barely keep up with, and just like he planned, his attack connected with its target.


A giant boar, the size of a modern day truck fell to the ground with a small hole in the side of his head, the wound was already cauterized demonstrating the sheer heat from the boys attack.

The boy on the hill sighed as he fell to his but. 'I didn't even use that much Magic and I'm already out of it.'

He sat in the same spot for a hour before he finally moved towards his kill and inspecting it.

Giant Boars had been labeled as pests by the common folk he grew up with, but he himself enjoyed them. It was the only time he got to eat meat instead of his regular diet which consisted of potato's or pieces of bread.

He reached into his pocket and soon pulled out a serrated stone knife, this was something he had made in his spare time to save himself work and money.

Usually, if he were to bring a kill to a village the local butchers would haggle him down on the price, leading to him getting minimal money and a few pieces of meat. So after a long time of watching how butchers cut up and quartered the Boars he started trying it himself, leading to him cutting up and saving enough Boar for himself while selling the rest for a good price.

Inside of a small wooden cabin isolated from anyone the young boy sat near a stone stove, his eagerness to enjoy his newly killed boar was written all over his face.

He didn't take much for himself, only a few pieces of the ribs and some of the bones —that he'd use to make tools and other items out of—. The other pieces of meat along with the hide of the boar had been packaged in cloth and placed in a wooden carry case that he would take to a local town tomorrow.

This was his normal way to gain currency, the selling and trading of food or animal hides, though it wasn't his only way of gaining money. His favorite way was to explore dungeons, even though it was forbidden for anyone to enter -unless allowed- he would always take a chance, he had entered 2 dungeons in total, finding treasures that could put some nobles to shame, But always right before he could figure out what to do with all of the treasures, Magic Knights arrived and greedily took everything, never leaving even a single coin behind.

Since his last dungeon encounter had left a bad taste in his mouth, he had been searching for another dungeon ever since. Every day whenever he would go out to hunt he would spend an extra 2-3 hours searching and looking through foliage and under rocks in hopes that he'd see a dungeon opening.

Grabbing his freshly cooked boar ribs from the stove the boy took his time enjoying them, the meat was tender and slightly sweet with a hint of nuttiness. If only he could afford those spices that butchers use when they cook then this meal would be better.

Shaking his head of the negative thoughts, the boy fished off his meal before he wondered to his bed and allowed sleep to embrace him.

The next morning the boy was up before the sun had even risen, he dressed in cleaner clothes which consisted of a long sleeved black shirt, a pair of leather shorts, and his trusty boar skin boots.

He was outside of his hut preparing his wooden carry crate. He made sure that the meat wouldn't be damaged on his travels by placing the cloth wrapped pieces inside of the rolled up hide.

As if remembering something the boy ran back inside and came out a few minutes later with a leather belt tied around his waist. The belt holstered a orange book that was decorated in black swirling patterns that originated from the 3-leaf clover that was located directly in the center of the book.

Walking back to his wooden crate the boy grabbed the leather straps and hoisted it up onto his back, and started his journey to the nearest town.

After around two hours of walking he finally reached near his destination, Saussy Village. The village was built on top of a small flattened mountain, it had long-standing reinforced stone walls, and two entrances. One entrance was from the stone-made road in the front, or the dirt road that lead out the back of the village.

Deciding to speed things up, the boy changed his path and made his way towards the back entrance of the village, normally he would be stopped and questioned by the gate guards but today they had been asleep, so using this to his advantage he silently made his way past the guards and into the village.

Going through alleyways and behind houses the boy ended up in front of a small stone building that had a sign above the front door, it read 'Butchers Shop'.

Entering the shop, the pungent smell of blood hit the boy's nose, no matter how many times he came into this shop he always hated that smell.

"Whatcha got today Lex? A gruff voice resounded throughout the shop.

Lex(The Boy) smiled slightly, --forgetting his discomfort of the building— as his eyes settled on a middle aged man who was standing behind a wooden counter.

"I have some boar today Mr. Anderson." Lex said as he walked over and lifted his crate onto the counter.

"Pre-cut?" Mr. Anderson asked.

"Pre-cut." Lex agreed.

Nodding his head Mr. Anderson took some time to go over the items before he went to total up the amount he would pay Lex. Mr. Anderson took the items into the back before he returned with a small leather bag in hand, "25,000 Yul" he said while placing the bag on the counter.

Lex smiled happily while grabbing the bag along with his empty crate then he turned to leave, and just before he could walk out of the building Mr. Anderson called out to him.

"Hey kid."

Lex stopped and turned around, failing to hide the curiosity in his eyes, "Yes?" He questioned.

"How old are you again?"

"I received my grimoire one year ago, So that makes me 16!" Lex replied as he walked out of the store and made his way back towards the rear entrance of the village. He didn't really like staying in populated places ever since he got used to living in the forest.

It didn't take long for Lex to make his way out of town and for him to start his journey back towards his home, though he did stop along the way to look for dungeons.


(A/N: did you find this interesting? Would you read the next chapter?)

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