
Black clover just having fun

Avi transmigrated in black clover world and doing all thing that coming to mind. Avi is so op even Lucius look like kid in front of him. and rest read to know

Avinash_Pandey_3820 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Auction and Grimoire ceremony

After giving all the money to captives, Avi become broke again, but still he had weapons and magic weapons with him and he decided to give asta one of the normal weapon to Asta to practice sword. Avi could have given magic weapon but Asta doesn't have magic to use magic weapon. So, he decided to sell the weapons and magic weapon in auction house, may be he can get some money this way. it's not going to be that much, like in the bandit den but, still magic weapon should not be cheap.

It took 2 days for Avi to found a good Auction house, but he couldn't go there in the dirty and poor clothes. No one will give him any value, and no one believe that a poor boy have magic weapon with him.

So he decided to go to some good clothing shop or tailor to get a good dress. He investigated and found about some bandits and found that, about 50km from there some bandits were looted some merchants. Avi decided to go their but found a noble man beating a commoner for some reason.

A grin appear on Avi's face, and he decided to loot no.. take revenge for the poor commoner

He changed his already changed appearance and went after him, he first beat him up for beating his brother and asked to compensate or he will kill him for his brother commoner obviously.. 😒.

He manage to get around 500k yull from that kind noble, and went to one of the best tailor, and ordered to make him lot of clothes of his choosing from his hard earned money.

Tailor: "It will take 2 days to make the clothes, but as for emergency, I can give you one of these clothes for free to wear."

Avi: "Ok, thanks"

After wearing a better looking clothes of his choosing, he went to auction house, by a marvelous carriage he rented (have to look good).

he thought that every one will be surprise but, to his surprise, no one was surprise, because he was in one of the biggest city no one was surprised at all. A lot of them were looking at the carriage as the carriage was good, but not in surprise, as carriage were common there.

After coming to the auction house, he went in.

One of the employee welcome him

Employee:"welcome great sir to our auction house."

Avi: "I want talk to your higher up. I have some thing important to auction."

Employee: sure sir. please come with me sir.

After that employee lead Avi to a luxurious room and told him to wait.

After sometime, a elder looking person came and greeted Avi.

Elder: Hello Sir, My name is Patro Roosevell general manager of this branch. Can I look, what are the things, that sir want to be auctioned.

Avi: sure.

After that Avi pulled out a small pouch, that he bought from the system, as he can't reveal his inventory in front of people. He opened it and waved it after that all the weapons and 2 magic weapons appear from the pouch.

General manager got shocked to see a space magic item. He already believed that Avi is not some small Noble, he must be powerful and rich or belong to a great family.

Patro: May I know who is this 'Great Sir' is ?

Avi:No. I don't like people to know me

Patro:Forgive me for my rudeness Great Sir.

After examining the weapons Patro said

Patro: These two magic weapons are incredible, and this sword and shield are made up of very great alloys, and looks like the don't belong to this era, this can also be auction to great or even greater than those two magic weapons.Avi got shocked he pull out the long sword that he wanted to give to asta, and let Patro examine it. Patro confirm, that the long sword also of same quality as the sword and shield.

Avi ask Emma about it, and Emma said that it's not that great, vibranium is 10 time greater than that alloy, and uru don't even ask.

Avi decided then to not think much about it and after keeping long sword in pouch, he told Patro to auction the rest of the weapons.

Patro:"Other leftover weapons can be sold in our shop,if Sir want we can buy from you at a great price."


After that Patro gave VIP token to invite Avi to auction, and sent off Avi with respect.

Auction was after 5 days and Avi decided to wait in his private dimension where he never went even once. He decided to explore his dimension in this 5 days, and enjoy.

After coming to his private dimension, Avi jaw dropped, He regretted to not coming here all these days. There was a Magnificent,Magical, Marvelous, Wonderful, Heaven defying castle, was there with no end in sight.

A garden with a beauty of heavens or even greater.

sky looked so magical that no one can take his eyes off it. Avi was so enchanted that all this days, avi just roam around, with mouth wide open, just looking around doing nothing. after five days Emma reminded him to go to auction house.. after coming out of his stupor, Avi frowned he asked Emma what's this happening, how can his mind be enchanted and divert when he has origin mind eye


[Host mind cannot be affected by anyone but his own emotions can effect his mind]

Avi: and what is the solution

[Emma can suppress host emotion if host want]

Avi:"No I don't want that, I want to have emotions everyone of them but don't want them to affect my mind or decisions"


[host can exchange mind skill suitable for this, from system store by using skill jade token]

Avi:"ok suggest all suitable skill then"


[1. Absolute mind defense = 50000 Sp

2.Thought conquer Arts = 30000 Sp

3. Monk mind art= 45000 Sp




. ... ]

Avi: "ok stop, what is this Absolute mind defense"


[Absolute mind defense is a passive skill but can be very dangerous to normal people, it needs very strong mind to not let it harm you, but host don't even have to worry, host have one of the strongest mind so it is the best skill for host]

Avi: "Awesome, this.. I want this skill right now"


[purchased, 'Absolute mind defense' passive skill deducting 50000 Sp]

[ does Host want to learn the skill]


Avi: Of course yes.

After getting skill Avi felt that the surrounding was beautiful, but this time Avi didn't get enchanted.

he came out of the private dimension, and after renting same carriage he went to auction house but because he was 15 hrs late, auction already ended. He collected the money, which was around 200 million yul, He went to the tailor and collected his clothes, and after wearing one of them he went to the other shops and bought a lot of toys, and 10 flying broom for all the members and father Orsi. After that he bought lot of sweets and cooking ingredients, utensils and lot of rice and wheat, like a lot, and also bought clothes of different sizes. After that he bought the carriage that he rented. He put all the things in the blood space ring that he bought from the system. After that he went back to orphanage.

[blood space ring: space ring which can only be used by the blood contractors. You have to bound this ring to a person by Blood. For others it's just a normal metal ring.]

Before going to orphanage, he changed his already changed appearance to a Noble old man, and then rode his carriage to the orphanage. When all the people saw a Beautiful carriage, they got tense because only noble can afford this magnificent carriage and Noble's reputation were not that good amongst commoner. Avi came out of carriage and the went to the orphanage. There father Orsi came out to greet him

Orsi:Hello sir, My name is Orsi Orfai Father of this church and one of the caretaker of orphanage.How can I help you.

Avi: Hello Father Orfai, I would love to introduce myself too, but I can't do that. I don't like people to know me.

Orsi: It's ok. So can I know the reason of Sir's arrival.

Avi: Actually few weeks ago , I was in a bad state and a child saved me and I wanted to help him, but he said that if I want to help him then help the orphanage in the hage village. His name is Avi. So here I'm to repay his kindness and to see this holy place who raised such kind young man.

After that they went in to talk. And Avi pulled out his ring and aks the father to wear this he removed his blood contract form the ring and bound the ring to all the nun and father. So, all of them can use it. He teach them how to use it when they saw how much things were there in that ring, they were shocked. Father orsi refuse but Avi said that it's not that I'm giving you something, It's like I'm trying to be free form the repayment to that boy. After that he also gave 10 million yul to orphanage.

Orsi bowing and thanking him, but he said not to thank him because he is doing it because that boy ask me to do it.After that he went away. After removing the mask and with original appearance he went back to the orphanage. when he reach there he saw father Orsi was crying and Praising himself for raising such kind hearted boy. Other nun and children were staring at him with annoyance. Avi decided to go there next day, to not raise any suspicion.

The next day when he reach there every children were wearing good clothes eating, playing with toys, happily running here and there. And father and others were happy to and they were working on the church restoration, and renovation. He went there, Asta saw him first and ran towards him screaming his name. Everyone heard him, they too ran towards him to greet him. It was like a great hero returned after a long time and people are welcoming the hero with joy. Watching their smiles and happy face, Avi felt warm. He never felt like this before, even not in his past life. A tear of joy came in his eyes. When father Orsi heard that Avi came back, he ran like wind, and pounce on Avi with tears in his eyes, but Avi dodge, and Orsi fell on his face. Everyone started laughing, even nun giggle a little. But Orsi didn't mind it even a little bit. Avi asked him as if he didn't know what is happening.

Avi: What is this father

Orsi: (explained what happened yesterday)

Avi: oh? so that old man was really rich.. I thought he is just bragging.

Orsi:Yes, he must be richest person. from his clothing he looked like a noble.

Avi:I forgot to ask his name? did he told you?

Orsi:No, he said he doesn't like people to know him. what a selfless guy. He don't even want to take credit of his good deeds

Avi:"_" 😒

after that day, atmosphere in the orphanage became good and joyfull.Avi also gave sword and sword manual to the Asta (sword manual bought from system at price of 25000Sp he asked system to convert this manual in form of book which will be encrypted directly in the mind,and after that it will become like normal book. Asta become so happy to finally he can become strong and catch up with Yuno. Avi also keep enjoying his everyday.

Time skip 3 years

Avi just came out of training dimension and was a little excited as he was finally going to have his grimoire. He was curious as what kind of grimoire he will get. He was now 15 years old and looks like a 17 year boy, and his hight is now around 6.4 feet.

His face look so enchanting that no would believe that he is a mortal. He looked godly and his body was like a beautiful work if art. He took a bath and wear his new clothes and went to the grimoire tower. After few minutes tower master came and gave his speech (just like in the anime) and ceremony started. As in story everyone got different grimoire and and Yuno got 4 leaf Grimoire and everyone was shocked to see a legendary 4 leaf grimoire. Asta got none, and rest goes as in anime. When Avi went forward to receive his grimoire, every grimoire shook and started glowin not only that everyone else's grimoire started glowing too, and Avi expected this to happen and that is why, he already changed his appearance to a 15 years looking boy.The light coming from all the grimoire merged, and then a golden white beam of light came from Avi and merged with the rest of the light and then appear the grimoire which was look like a book Made of light. It was looking so divine that even Avi flinched and then became extremely happy. The moment he touched the grimoire...


[ Grimoire of Origin bound to host]

[can host every spells and knowledge of magic]


that's it for today

Happy New Year

Today for new year I uploaded this huge chapter enjoy and comment if you liked it.
