
Black Clover: Harmony's Resonance

In the serene village of Hage, where nature's whispers blend with the melodies of a humble church, destiny quietly shapes the lives of three orphans—Yuno, Asta, and Lyricus. As they grow, their bonds strengthen, and their individual journeys take unexpected turns. Join them on an epic journey across the vast canvas of the Clover Kingdom, where friendships evolve, destinies unfold, and the enchanting melodies that echo through their lives become the soundtrack to their growth.

SleepNyx · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Echoes in Hage

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm amber glow upon the tranquil village of Hage. The church, a haven of serenity, welcomed the fading daylight as Father Orsi, a man of humble cloth, opened its creaking doors. The cries from three cradles echoed in the courtyard, reaching the ears of Father Orsi.

Surprised, the priest hurriedly gathered the three intricately woven baskets, each cradling an infant. Fearing sickness, he swiftly brought them inside the church's protective embrace, the flickering candlelight now dancing upon the infants' faces.

"Oh my, you sure are energetic," Father Orsi chuckled, addressing the grey-haired child who ceased crying upon entering the sacred space. The child's wide, curious eyes stared back at the priest, hinting at a spirit as vibrant as the church's stained glass windows.

Inquisitive, Father Orsi searched for clues to the children's identity. A necklace adorned the black-haired child, a silver chain with a small charm bearing an intricate insignia. A letter accompanied the blue-haired one, sealed with a wax emblem of a celestial harp.

The attempt to open the letter proved futile, but upon closer inspection, a name emerged.

"Hah, it seems your name, young one, is Lyricus," Father Orsi softly declared, as if the very walls of the church approved of the name.

Turning his attention to the remaining two, Father Orsi mused, "But you two don't seem to have one. Well, you two will now be Yuno and Asta. Welcome to the family, Yuno, Asta, and Lyricus."

Timeskip: 15 years later:

"Sister Lily! Will you marry me?!" Asta's exuberant shout echoed through Hage Village, drawing a collective sigh from the townspeople, who had grown accustomed to such antics.

"Sorry, Asta, but as a woman of the cloth, I can't marry you," Sister Lily gently explained to the grey-haired young man. Despite the rejection, a playful glint in her eye hinted at a deep affection for the spirited youth.

Undeterred, Asta declared, "I won't give up!" and proceeded to repeat his proposal, presenting a handcrafted bouquet of wildflowers.

"Sister Lily! Will you marry me?!" Asta persisted, the sincerity in his voice juxtaposed with the mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

"Stop it!" Sister Lily retorted, summoning a water fist using her grimoire, the elemental display punctuating the playful banter in the courtyard.

"Don't bother, Sister Lily, you runt," intervened a black-haired, handsome young man, Yuno. His calm demeanor belied the wind magic swirling around him, a testament to his mastery of the magic arts.

"Yuno, you bastard! Don't interrupt us!" Asta shouted, unperturbed by the interruption, the camaraderie between the trio evident in their banter.

"Sister Lily is our sister; you obviously can't marry her," Yuno remarked while using his magic to dry some clothes, the breeze carrying the scent of the village laundry through the air.

"Ly said that I can do whatever I want and achieve everything if I just work hard," Asta said proudly, declaring, while puffing out his chest, as if he had already won the argument.

"You know as well as I do what Ly meant about what he said. He's obviously talking about your lack of magic, not about marrying someone," Yuno countered.

"Hmph, it's the same. Look at me now, without magic but still keeping up with you two," Asta boasted playfully. "Speaking of which, did Ly go to the skull again?"


Within the cavernous recesses of the giant demon skull, Lyricus, the blue-haired young man, sat against the statue of the first Wizard King. His melodious harp playing resonated, creating an illusion of nature dancing to the music. The haunting echoes of his music intertwined with the ethereal atmosphere of the skull.

As dawn approached, Lyricus, eyes closed, continued his harmonic symphony.

"Hmmm, it's already night; time to go home," Lyricus whispered to the air. "Melodia, let's go," Lyricus said to the glowing grey ball on his upper right shoulder, the ethereal companion responding with a gentle hum.

The grey ball vibrated, indicating its ability to communicate. A subtle connection between Lyricus and Melodia, a bond forged through years of companionship.

Lyricus descended from the demon skull, making a graceful landing. The cavern's shadows played on the walls, dancing to an unseen rhythm as he ventured into the night.

"Wonder what's for dinner?" Lyricus calmly pondered, his thoughts transitioning seamlessly from the world of music to the mundane concerns of daily life.


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