
Who am I ?

Iam Deb. Iam 26 years old .Iam a simple man , who works in an I.T company . I have a 9-6 shift at office.I work there as a junior Software developer. Iam pretty good at my work and work with full dedication at work. Ofcourse not everyday . I am not much open to people .But i have quite a good number of friends but as expected Iam not much close to any of them.So in case of Some really friendly invitations like going out for alcohol party or pranking an office member i often remain uninvited.My range of conversations with them is really limited .

I have some really uncommon interests that no one in my office has.I live in a rented apartment and with my salary i manage quite well. But I have no problem with it.Since my childhood i was always bad at social interactions or it will be appropriate i say i have awkard social skills . But I can't say i haven't improved at all . I have also got into troubles in my high school due to this. I remember one case in highschool where one bully named Ilias asked me to sing a song infront of whole class.I was really scared that time .I had a few friends back then and they were laughing along with the whole class.I thought to myself back then," Is this betrayal ?" . But to save myself from beating I had to say something and thinking of a sing suddenly my smart sociable mind reminded of a movie dialougue in which the hero says to the villain ," Your era of terror has ended and now I will end You." The aftermath was as expected horrible. I have actually come a long way from it.

I have actually become a lot smarter in social skills. Now i pretend to be close to my office friends only when i get in some trouble.They know that too and they do the same. Due to tjis behaviour I am also a part of their" behind the scenes" discussions. It has been 1 year since I have joined the office but nothing changed .Everything is same. I have a neighbour who lives just in the apartment next to me .His name is Mith.He is a person having the same common interests as me.Obviously we talk for long hours and my stupid behaviour to the oitside world doesn't apply here. He Works in a bank and also writes web novels.We don'ttalk about things like politics and stupid web series people these days watch. Most of the times we talk about things such as conspiracy theories, ghosts , Manga and anime .

My daily routine is simple. I wake at 6 am .Workout and get fresh till 7am. I eat my breakfast and read a webnovel till 8am .After that i go to the metro station.I reach there by 8:15.The metro arrives at 8:25 and I reach my station by 8:50.Then i have to walk for 5 minutes and there is my office.Huge building of 50 floors.I wonder how those workers reached that much height .I appreciate them. Then I go inside the building show my id card to the security guard and take the lift to 25 th floor.And here I go .I always reach there by 9 or few minutes befire or after but the difference has never been more. I have never reached office after 9:05 or before 8:55.Today i arrived at 8:58 After working till 6 pm if there is no overtime i rrach straight to home, take a bath and then I cook my food read novels , Play Multiplayer games with Mith , take dinner and go to sleep by 11 or 11:30 pm.

I prefer an ordinary life , a life without chaos a life far away from this disappointing reality.Maybe that's why i always avoid getting deep in people's life .I too have many problems but I often don't think about as most of the times thinking about problems wastes precious enjoyment times. "When time comes i will see".

I don't care what others think about this.I enjoy this life.But sometimes facing awkard problems seems to be unavoidable

(Rainfall starts).

Well its already 6 .I should leave now.I have bought a new bike recently i brought it to my office today.I don't have to care about metro.I will go home by enjoying rain and cold breeze today.

( He Starts his bike , reaches home ).

After reaching home :

Damn it the rain is really in an angry mood.Iam feeling sick.

(He takes out his towel under his bike's seat wipes himself a little and goes to his room )

Iam not feeling well today.I will just sleep today.Tomorrow is sunday.I DONT have to go to office tomorrow . Let me take a fever pill medicine just before sleeping.

(He takes it and instantly goes to sleep) .

(Next day.)

I have to go to supermarket today.(Wakes up and yawning)

(After getting fresh he moves out of his house and got surprised)

Bike , Where is my bike ? My new bike .Where !


-to be continued .

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