

After finishing the draft which needed to present to the Emperor the next day. he got out of the palace and roam the city to check what's happening. after roaming the inner city he directly goes to the outer city to see how the common people are holding up when he saw the commoners what they were eating he said to himself "After i go back to the palace i will tell the emperor to give the commoners some food". After he finished checking the commoner's district he directly goes to the capital wall to see how the soldiers are holding up so he can measure how long they will last.

After roaming in the capital for hours it was not time to present his plan to the emperor.


He arrives at the Palace where The emperor, the Prime minister and the Head of the military are waiting for him to present his plans to them. After arriving at the center of the courtroom he kneeled to the emperor and waited for the signal of the emperor after seeing the signal of the emperor he stood up and said: "Thank your Majesty".

After having finished his greeting to the three he suddenly started talking about the plans he made: "so, first of all, you already heard the first part of my plan so i am gonna start explaining the other steps to my plan first we're gonna poison their wine barrel because of that they are believing that this war is over no matter what and their just gonna wait until our stockpile of grain and food ran out so that is the second part of my plan any question?"

The head of the military raise his hands and said "how do you plan to sneak out if the gate of the city is being watched"

"now that's a nice question, the way i am gonna sneak out my men are by using the escape route for the emperor that was prepared if the capital fall. After we poison their wine barrels we are gonna wait for 1 or 2 days to see the effect of the poison and if the poison works were gonna bury their food supplies. after that, I wish to borrow the tigers and the bears of the emperor we are gonna unleash them to their camp after their focus is drawn to the 6 animals we are gonna lunch an attack of cavalry to them and we are gonna sneak some elite archers on their backline the day before we launch the attack so our attack will be more effective and efficient. or we could attack at dawn burn their camp and do all of the things i previously mentioned what do you honorable elders think.?"Prince.

Emperor" I approve of the plan so what do the general think?"

General"I also approve but i suggest a few more things why don't we place some elite assassins in there so when we launch our attack we can kill their commanding officer "

Prime minister"we can also sneak some of our in merchant convoys to get information of where their other army is and their food supplies so we can implicate more damage to them"

Prince" I agree to all of your suggestion so if our plan is successful how are we gonna face their other armies do you have a suggestion general"

G-"we could do guerrilla tactics and if they camp near a forest we could gather some wild animals and let them do the attacking while we burn their camp after we attack their armies we could slowly take back all the lands they have taken from us"

Prince" agreed but while attacking their armies we need to gather the citizens of the other cities to form a militia group so they can resist small armies of the enemies. We can also send some envoys to their empire to delay them for marching to us again"

"That's a good suggestion we but we need to send someone who knows them really well and can delay for some time so we can do all of our preparation" Prime minister

"So who do you suggest we send there and if they really agree to back out of our empire what is the thing we are gonna give up"Emperor "we can do political marriage or pay them tribute but that's just gonna be some diversion so we can muster up our military power and take back all of our lands

maybe even take some of their cities or fortress but i will be glad if we could just take back half or our lands to them"

Newbie author hereee!!!!

DunkNDonutcreators' thoughts