
The Man Born In Battle

The handsome young man stepped through the portal, only to be greeted with a spear to the stomach, as arrows rained down from above. This sensation was new, and extremely uncomfortable for the demon, causing him to roar in pain and rage. Quickly grabbing the man who stabbed him, the young demon tore out his enemy's throat with his bare hands, ignoring the clashing warriors in his surroundings.

Still in a berserk state from the pain, the young man tackled a solider to the ground before picking up a rock and using it to bash the man's head in. At this moment, an axe buried itself in his shoulder, bringing even more hate and fury. Pulling out the spear from his stomach, the demon thrust the newly broken haft into someone's eye. This was only the beginning of the young man's rampage.

Slowly, as he killed more and more, the demon grew calm, accustomed to the pain. It started to study, to learn, from its enemies. Wild swings became precise, glancing blows began to pierce flesh and bone. At some point in time, the young man picked up a sword and dagger, leading to his eerily dexterous movements among his enemies, with many missing limbs after.

At this point it should be mentioned that the demon had countless injuries, and black blood was pouring out of his wounds at an alarming rate, but that did not stop him. The pain was agonizing, but it was also educational. With each wound, the young man's skills grew, to the point where no normal solider could touch him. Leaving a path of carnage on the battlefield, it was only a matter of time before the officers of both armies noticed him.

Soon enough, a mounted knight shouted at the demon, issuing a challenge. Said demon could not understand what was being said, but was able to interpret the intent. A dark, ethereal howl came from his lips as the demon lunged forward, ripping apart any man unfortunate enough to stand in his way. Upon reaching his mounted opponent, likewise charging through the field, the demon leapt from the ground.

The first strike of the demon sent its gory blade through the armored steed, which shattered from the force. But before the demon could dodge the large carcass, the knight swept his shield across the demon's face. Sent flying by the momentum, the demon righted itself as it landed, ignoring its shattered jaw hanging lopsidedly from its torn flesh. But the demon could not avoid a blast of searing fire that came from beyond its vision, tearing its head to burning pieces. Finally unable to move any further, the demon's body collapsed onto the ground, as the war continued to wage around it.