4 So much for new beginnings

I pushed myself away from the bed, making myself a harder target by standing up; but it was no use, I wasn't able to put my feet under me fast enough, the two intruders tackled me back into the mattress.

Not giving up yet, I decided to break one of their necks as long I was fast enough, but I didn't once I heard their soft sobbing. Killers don't just burst into tears, this isn't a bad soap opera. I tried shifting into a sit but they clung to me relentlessly, it was no use with their death grip on my waist. Shit, calm down, don't rouse him up.

I lovingly ran my fingers through the hair of the girl on my right, we have the same resplendent brown hair that shined in the light, the only difference was mine was streaked with yellow gold; like highlights. She was the one who was sobbing and seemingly getting my T-shirt wet, great. Ovelle, my little sister; you could already tell she's going to be an Aries even in her tender age of thirteen, the Aries red of her eyes are dead giveaways.

This one on my left is the one seemingly having a death grip on me, another great, I gently rubbed his back and ruffled his hair; blindingly golden swaths and curls, he takes after Lynnette more, but the curls were from me; definitely. Seth, my little brother; in complete contrast to her twin sister, you could already tell this one is going to be a Leo.

Can't a guy go home without getting pounced every other hour?

I gripped their shoulders and gently pushed them off me just for them to stop, they reluctantly let go and stood in front of me. I can finally sit now. I couldn't help the sweet smile tugging at my face as I saw the two of them. They were way taller now than they were a year ago, when I left them the hints of puberty were just starting to show; now it's almost done.

"Aren't you two supposed to be in school?" I didn't know what to say after being a year away.

Seth did a scowl and looked away, "School? I don't need school I'm too smart for that."

"Say that to your employer kiddo and let's see where you end up." As if he's going to take any normal job.

It was Ovelle who answered for me, "School just ended for us, we rushed back as soon as Butler said you were home."

Oh, yea, it was already noon, five to be exact. It didn't help that the time zone was different from the mountains. "How was the monastery by the way," Seth asked me like he was hearing my thoughts.

"That reminds me," I grabbed my pack under my bed, and dug out two souvenirs for them. I gave Ovelle a moonstone mediation pendant which she was egging me to buy since day 1, since Seth didn't really ask for anything, I decided to give him some monastery paint.

She was clearly ecstatic, with a smile that lit up the whole room; her twin didn't show much of a reaction but when he kept readjusting his grip on the box I knew he as eager to use it.

"So climbing through ledges and going through windows are your new past time now," I asked with a raised brow.

"Blame Ovelle, she got caught redhanded by mom and dad, now she couldn't even go around the halls without Butler trailing her." Seth said, always oblivious to selling his sister out.

Ovelle pouted, "Not being able to enter the conservatory was a stupid rule to begin with anyways."

I just managed a laugh, the dreamer, and the painter, that's how I see them anyways. "So kids, where's your older sister Lynnie, actually where is everyone?" I've only seen these two since I got here.

"Lynnie is with Dad, they're preparing for her ascension back in Tirana. Mom brought Ben along to Capriss; 'Aries business she said'." Seth answered for me, he looked worn out reciting the same story.

So Lynnie is with dad, they should take a month with the Ascension, little Bennie is with mom for who knows how long. I can see why they look beaten, it feels like the family is breaking apart, me coming back is the only good news so far, but I doubt it is.

I gave his head a reassuring ruffle, "Now could you guys let me rest up, I still got school tomorrow."

"Oh of course," Ovelle forcibly pulling an unwilling Seth out of the room, but I suspect she isn't quite going to let me rest, who knows when they're going to pop out of a window again.

Master Grokoa's words rung in my head, your curse will take over you unless you learn how to control it this year, how am I going to control something when it takes everything I have to prevent it.

----------{ slip slip slip slip }----------

"Don't forget to wear your senior year cap." Roy said while driving to school, he already had his driving license for a year now, he just got it when I left; he seems so confident now.

I groaned my protests, the uniform was hideous now, they revamped it for the worst. I wrapped my hoodie close to my body, no way I'm going to wear that stupid cap. I made a little checklist in my head for the things that might force me to transform, I didn't expect the list to be filled with the little stuff like my old nursemaid waking me up for school.

The traffic wasn't heavy in Aurora, so it wasn't such a horrendous decision to choose driving over walking, the light rains that plague the city actually make driving preferable even though I hate it; and I like rain as weird as that may sound.

We passed cars showing off what kind of sign their owners are, it was rare to see a plain looking rig without a show of paint or symbol that says what kind of sign someone is; even in clothes, people would cut holes proudly showing what kind of zodiac sign they were. It's all about the pride these days, how much you could represent, that's the story in this age of social media; everyone is looking to be famous.

My clothes have no such increments, maybe because I have no sign to show off. I looked over to Roy, who clothes seem to bear the same traits as mine, though he already has a sign located at his left collarbone, the proud symbol of a lion's maw roaring a challenge, the Gilera family sign.

"Hey, I just noticed, why don't you show off your sign like everyone else does?" It might have sounded more of a command rather than a question.

"Your family rubs off on people, they're protective of you, so all of them don't flaunt symbols like normal people do; even your mum and dad. Hell, even my mum and dad, Butler, and the other servants."

Huh, I never knew me not being able to ascend was something to be protective off. It does make sense though, a child of a significant family not being able to ascend is a serious matter, more so if it affects my candidacy for royalty.

"So me being not like every other prince's out there is making all of you nervous and protective?"

He looked stunned and hurt for me, a reaction I wasn't expecting. "We're protective because we love you, nothing else, plus I don't think it would sit well with your family with all the useless flaunting; you're weird like that. Now get out before I kick you out for self-deprecation."

We pulled up in front of a wide campus with no shortage of trees, parks, nature. The tone Roy used brokered no argument, so I got out with a yes boss.

There was already promotional signs along the walls of the school for Combat Games with Roy as their poster boy, I forgot Roy was actually famous in school. He's playing centurion today, so I wouldn't doubt he won't catch up later. Another check in my list of ever-growing annoying things.

It was then that I jinxed myself, the biggest check in my list came around the corner shouting my name. It was my best friend Mervo, along with him are a year's worth of questions -- questions I'm in no mood to answer.

Deep breaths, slow and deep breaths, my concentration didn't last as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and basically bludgeoned me along with him inside.

"How's my favorite sign-less kid doing? It's been a year, you're all jolly chubs now, what happened to all that lean edginess?"

"You're heavy." Was the only thing I managed to say through gritted teeth.

"Don't be like that first thing in the morning, come on the gang's waiting inside. Ho Ho Ho, do they have a lot of questions for you."

----------{ slip slip slip slip }----------

"I'm so glad you're back by the way, with you here all the chaos with the bullies and whatnot would finally subside." Mervo prattled on like his usual self

"Wait, bullies? And what do you expect me to do against bullies?"

"What are you talking about, you were like the grim reaper back then, 'OH! Great overlord of death' no one would touch you, with your legendary rampages, you'd destroy half of the school."

"Grim Reaper?!" I blurted out, I remember why I hated school so much; everyone was afraid of me. This year, this could be a new start.

"Hell yea Grim Reaper, anyways when you left there was this fiery-void that needed to be filled, a transferee came in last year, fire-signed jerk that one; he's like all pompous Aries jerks, even claims he's nobility, what an ass."

Someone grabbed me by the collar and slammed me at the hallway lockers, I got the breath knocked right out of me the only thing that still has me standing was my physique, it helped me take most of the blow. The same force was used right next to me, I think it's Mervo's body colliding with the lockers. My best friend started coughing violently, he wasn't really the physical type, he went straight down the floor.

"Hey Connor, we were just talking about you." Mervo tried to get out in between coughs.

"Yea I heard everything." With that, he kicked my best friend right in the gut, enough to make him puke.

There were five of them, two were holding me down, the other two was flanking the jock in the middle who I can assume as Connor, the yellow-haired soon-to-be brain dead bully.

"Whose this new blood with you? I didn't know you were recruiting freshman chumps Mervo, they might turn out as senior losers like you." His attention was trained at me, I didn't wear my senior year cap, shit.

It was practically all my effort to keep my self-control, "I don't like the way you're looking at me, don't you know who I am? It's not a good idea to mess with Arian nobility." But I still kept glaring at him, he dealt me a backhand slap across the face; it actually had enough force to throw my head back.

Spitting out the metallic taste of blood from my mouth, fuck new beginnings, in one swift motion I elbowed guy holding me as I pulled back my fist into a punch. Then I let it fly, a deadly attack, a punch made to kill.

Connor was sent flying across the hallway, along with him was my self-control -- and the beast inside me.

So much for new beginnings

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