
Billionaire on revenge distracted by love

Long ago a couple were killed by a man. Presently Bella has to pay for her father's sins. Will her captor turn around to love her and forget all her father did? Or,will revenge be the right course?

Vanessa06 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Chapter 11

Excuse me Clint..the doctor said jolting Clinton out of his thoughts.

Is there anything I need to know about the patient under my custody?. You seem to know a lot about her unlike the good Samaritan attitude you displayed earlier

Well, can we have a walk?

Of course..Clint said after looking at the doctor thoughtfully

They both headed for the doctors office .

So? ..the doctor asked Clinton

He put his hands into his pocket, looked around as if to place his gaze on something

Well,she happens to be a prey

A prey? ..the doctor asked. If she was one of these girls you messed around with I doubt it will be a rape case . So spill. What type of prey and why is she badly injured.

I remember telling you in the past about my parents death.

Yeah,and that's why I'm close to you today. As far as I can remember I was a shoulder for you and a friend too

Good. It's nice you remember all that. The man who murdered my parents died many years ago as I have come to learn..

Last I remember, we weren't talking about your parents. We were talking about the girl you molested over there. I'm actually feeling bad covering up for an act that deserves apprehension. But..he said thoughtfully, I don't know you to be a beast and that is why we are still having this conversation.

Clinton gave him a long hard stare as if to ask him to shut up and listen first.

As I was saying,she happens to be the daughter of my parents murderer.

What! The doctor exclaims bewildered. He holds his head with his right hand and his head bent for some time

Now I see what's going on here. I'm so sorry. This must have brought back painful memories from the past..

But,how did you find her?..the doctor asked unbelievably. And, what was your intentions. We're you trying to rape her to death like the murderer did your mum?

I don't even know. Each time I saw her,the urge to revenge overwhelms me and takes control over me. And I become forceful and violent but after sometime it seems like I see my mother's face and I can't help but get up and stop immediately. I don't think I am courageous enough to murder someone, especially when it's not the person who committed it but the determination to revenge is strong..Clinton said with a mean look

I understand. Ive been with you during your trying times and I know how you get, but don't you think you went extra? Especially when you know she didn't do it?..

Well, people do not always pay for their sins. Those around them do. All I had to pass through in life were because of whatever my parents did to her father. So I think she should. When will she be awake?..

The doctor shakes his head. This is more complicated than