
Billionaire's Personal Nurse

Axel a billionaire playboy has always believed that all women are gold diggers but that changed when he meets the beautiful and independent Caramel. Despite his initial skepticism Axel finds himself falling for her, and for the first time in his life he begins to question his beliefs. However, their relationship is not without it's challenges as Caramel struggles to fully trust him because if his past reputation. Will they be doomed by the constraints of their social status?, Can they overcome their difference even when Axel's family disapproves of their relationship?.

Victoria_Owuri · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

The Incident

Coming out of the restaurant and walking down the street, I checked the time in my wristwatch and noticed it was already 12 noon. With a sigh I rubbed my forehead

"I am really tired" I said to myself. I am just coming back from the hospital because I had my night shift so I decided to grab a bite. My job is kinda tedious, not that am complaining. I work as a nurse at Tera Hospital, I love my job because since when I was a kid my dream was to become a nurse.

"My bad, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Caramel Greystone, am turning 22 on July 2. My mom is dead, she died when my parents got involved in a car accident when I was 17 years".

I remembered that day clearly, I was coming back home from school, I was just in high school then.

I arrived home "Mom, dad am home" I shouted but the house was silent, I heard a knock on the door and went to open the door. Standing in front of the door was a police officer "Hello sir" I greeted

"Hello, are you miss Caramel Greystone?" he asked

"Yes, that's me"

"Am so sorry for what am about telling you" he said with a sad face

"Is everything okay, sir?" I asked because I had a feeling that this was not good

"Your parents were involved in an accident"

"What?" I said with horror written all over my face

"Your mom couldn't make it to the hospital, she died on the spot, but your dad is at the hospital right now fighting for his life, am so sorry" he said

Immediately I started crying, my heart shattered, this was not the kind of news one would expect to hear. "Where are they now?" I asked in tears

"Your mom has been taken to the mortuary, your dad is in the ICU battling for his life" he replied.

"Which hospital?"

"The general hospital nearby" he said

"Thank you for the information" I said to him

"You're welcome, sorry for your loss" he sympathized with me.

Immediately, I boarded a cab, arriving at the hospital, I went to the receptionist "Hello ma'am, am here for Mr William Greystone" I informed her

She flipped some papers and asked "Who are you to him?"

"His is my father" I replied

"He's at the ICU, the doctors are currently attending to him, you can sit at the waiting room and wait for the doctor" she said

"Okay, thanks"

20 minutes later the doctor came out I rushed to meet him "doctor how is my father?" I asked panicking

"Your dad is stable, but he is still not completely alright" he said

"Can I go see him?" I asked with teary eyes

"He has been transferred to another room, I will ask a nurse to show you the way, you can go see him" he said

" Thank you so much doctor" I said with a nod

"You're welcome"

I got to the room and saw my dad on the hospital bed, drips attached to his body, it broke me to see him like this on life support and artificial oxygen. I went closer to him and sat near him, taking his hands in mine, I looked at his face he was so peaceful.

"Dad, please don't go, don't leave me alone in this world it will shatter me. Mom has already gone please don't go too, I need you dad, please I beg you" I said snuffling.

Some hours later a nurse came inside and woke me up

"Child, aren't you going home?" she asked politely

"I will in a bit" I replied her with a sad smile

"Okay dear" she said and left. I got home and cried myself to sleep.

It's been two weeks since the accident it's not easy for me, it's been like hell on earth. I arrived at the hospital and went to see my dad, when I go there he was still unconscious. I went and sat beside him

"Good morning" I said

"Pls wake up soon I really miss you" I said and laid my head on his chest

"Amba" I heard my dad call out in a husky voice. immediately my head shot up.

(You all must be wondering why my dad called me Amba, well that's a story for another day.)

"Dad" I said happily

"Dad, you're awake"

"Princess" my dad said (that's his nickname for me)

"Doctor, nurse, my dad is awake" I shouted, immediately the doctor came in and checked on him

"Mr Greystone, am glad you're finally awake" the doctor said

"Same here" my dad looked down smiling at me

"What about your mom?, where's she?" my dad ask

"Dad" I chocked back a sb, I need to be strong for him, for us.

"Mom is gone, she didn't make it" I said

"What!!!" my dad said in horror

His heart then started beating at a fast rate "Dad please don't leave me, please I need you" at this rate I was sobbing hysterically

"Miss please go out" the doctor said

2 hours later, the doctor came out

"Your father is in a stable condition now, you can go see him, he just needs to rest" he said

"Thanks doctor".

Lost in my thoughts, I heard whispers which brought me back to reality, I saw a group of people standing and whispering amongst themselves. Moving closer to the place, I gently tapped a woman

"Ma'am what's going on here?" I asked

"There's a young man that fainted over here" she replied pointing towards the scene.

"Someone should call the ambulance" some among the crowd shouted

"Please move aside I am a nurse" I said passing through the crowd, when I got there I saw a young man lying unconscious on the floor, I couldn't see his face properly because his face was somewhat disguised, I couldn't make out who he was. I crouched down and started checking his pulse, after confirming that he has a pulse I checked his heartbeat placing my right ear on his chest, there was an increase in his heartbeat. I then placed two fingers at the front of his nostrils, his breathing was faint, it was as if he was about to stop breathing. I started feeling nervous because I knew that this man's life depends on me, I rolled him towards myself onto his side, bent his leg so that both his hip bone and knee are at right angle, then I gently tilted his head back to keep his airway open and then rolled him into his back and began CPR.