
Untitled Chapte


Mafia Romance 💦💣🖤


Chapter Five.


Olivia's pov.


After the departure of Mia and her mom, I stood at the gate for what seemed like an eternity, enjoying the elegant view of the city from the comfort of my gate. Being December, the cold is a bit too much, and the crop top I’m putting on doesn’t help the situation but I am too furious to even care about the state of my already freezing skin right now.


I can't just believe my mom is doing this, I told her what I want, what I desire but she keep pushing me to be with Edward. We are not in the medieval era whereby parents decide their children’s life partners. But mom is taking it too far.


I once love Edward, there is no doubt about that. We started dating when I'm 17, and he was 20 back then. The first time I set my eyes on him was when I came back for Holiday during my first year in college, and I must say it was love at first sight.


He came with his mom who happens to be my Mom’s Best Friend, and along the line, we got to know each other and ended up dating eventually. Why did we break up?  Breaking up with Edward has never for once crossed my mind, not until he joined the police force, and we gradually turned from being the Romeo and Juliet to a stranger. 

As my mom claimed, I'm very clingy and craved attention, maybe that's because he is my first boyfriend, or I'm just kind of obsessed with him.


He tried explaining himself on many occasions, telling me I need to understand and give him more time, but the more I try to assure myself that I still love him, the more I realize that those feelings I felt back then when we just met, have gradually melted away even without me realizing it.


In the end, we broke up when I clocked 19. That doesn’t stop him from disturbing me every time that we can still work things out, especially since he already won my Mothers heart, maybe it made him feel we can still get back to the old days.

I'm no longer that 17 years old girl that was blinded, that knows nothing about the difference between Love and Obsession. 


I inhaled slowly, shutting my eyes close as the cold breeze clashed with my skin. Everything about this place is a bit strange, even though it's an estate, I don't think it is normal for a place to be this silent by this time of the year, and Christmas is two days away. Not that I have not set my eyes on a series of people but it is just too low beyond my expectations. 


I want something crowded, not that I have a tangible reason for wanting that. Maybe it's some kind of phobia that was birthed from the fear of living alone for the first time. And not just an apartment but a penthouse.


You know, there is some kind of peace that comes with you knowing full well that you are surrounded by people, and even in the worst scenario, you know you can easily shout for help.


When the cold is no longer bearable; it feels like my skin is likely to start peeling from my body at any moment, I summon some courage and walk back inside. 


I made sure I closed the gate, in case of an intruder; I don't know why the things that have been crossing my mind are all negative thoughts. If I had known, I would have not bothered to listen to Michael's eerie story..........


I shook my head slowly, trying to divert my attention from where my thoughts are heading again. His face.......


I practically flinched when something started to vibrate from my jeans Pocket, diverting my attention from whatever I'm thinking.


I hissed when I noticed it was my phone that was ringing.

I shoved it out, and stare at the caller’s name.


Victoria, I can't help but smile as I pressed the green button to pick up the call.


" Hello, Vic."




I rolled over the bed, stretching my hand over to the lamp table for the second time to press the side button of my phone, and stop it from ringing. A part of me is still in deep slumber, while the other part is a bit conscious. I'm fully aware that someone is calling me, but I'm too exhausted to get up and answer the call.


I rolled over to the other side again, intentionally using my leg to push the quilt away from my body.


I yawned, stretching my legs far away from each other.


Then, my phone started to ring again.


" Who the fuck is this!" I grumbled faintly, but still did not make any attempt to go for it. 


After a few seconds, I forced myself up. I crawled to the side of the bed and grabbed the phone.

Without looking at the caller I'd, I pick it up and then placed it on my ear, waiting for whoever on the other line to speak.


" Hi, Olivia, this is Edward," I became fully conscious as I heard the voice. I rubbed my left hand on my face as if the eyes were meant for hearing.


" Hi," I muttered, I just hope this is not what I am thinking.


The room is dark already, making me wonder how long I have slept. What's even the time?


I stood up from the bed and strode to the lamp button, and switched it on.

" Can you come outside? am at your gate," It doesn't sound like a question, not like I have any other choice since I already picked his call.


" Okay, I will be there in the next two minutes," I managed to say before ending the call.


I glanced up at the clock.


How! I jumped up from the edge of the bed, still finding it hard to believe my eyes. 8:00 pm already.


I walked to my closet, quickly grabbed my Pyjamas, and donned it before heading out of the room.




There he is, moving to and fro in the front of the gate like he was meditating. He stopped when he saw me, a big smile forming on his lips.


I moved to the gate and unlocked it.


" I'm very sorry for disturbing your sleep," He pleaded, I guess he already noticed that my eyes are trying to adjust to bright lights.


" It's fine," I paused, taking a good look at him. Indeed, nothing has changed about this guy even though it's been six months since I last set my eyes on him.


"Won’t you at least invite me in," He winked at me.


" Ohh! I'm very sorry about that," I mumbled in a gloomy tone.


" Come in,"


He chuckled.


"I initially planned to visit you tomorrow," He said as he walked into the compound.


 I closed the gate.


" You have got a nice house," he complimented with his eyes looking around.


" Like this is your first time seeing it," I rolled my eyes at him. He raised his hands.


" That's true, but beautiful things are meant to be appreciated just like you," He teased, and I can't help but blush even though I tried restraining myself from falling for his charm. That's just one thing about Edward, that charm comes with his Aura, you can't elude it.


Still smiling," Anyway, why are you here today?" I asked.


" I'm on an assignment," He explained.


" Let's go in," I mouthed when I noticed am starting to feel cold.


" I'm very sorry, but I won't be able to go inside, just for today," 


" Why?"


" The reason why am here is confidential, just think of it that am on duty," His forehead creased.


Something crossed my mind when he said this, but I didn't bother to ask him.


" I will be off then, see you tomorrow," He started moving toward the gate. 


He waved to me when he was outside, while I closed the gate back.


" I miss us," He muttered. I pretended like I didn't hear him, and then hurry back inside.




Wait, I'm pretty sure that the Sitting room lights are on when I'm going out earlier, I thought while walking through the hallway.


I stopped on my track, it seemed like I heard a sound. I waited for a few seconds thinking that I might hear it again, but I heard nothing. Maybe this is just an illusion.


I move slowly towards the Sitting room door, with my phone in my right hand. I wanted to dial 919 but I withdrew from the idea, what if it was nothing? and am just being like this because I have been thinking about crazy stuff lately.


I grabbed the doorknob and pushed it open, gently.

I can feel my heart moving frantically inside my chest, looks like it is finding an escape route before it bursts out of my chest. Everywhere is cold, but my palms are becoming sweaty.


Stay calm, Olivia.


It's not hard to find the chandelier button on the wall, since the bright light in the hallway is illuminating the room, but not that Bright. I gathered some courage and briskly walked to the wall, using one of my sweaty fingers to push the button on.


Immediately the light came back to life, Something grabbed me by my neck.

I froze on the spot. It took a few seconds before I realized it was a hand that was wrapped around my neck, a very huge one.



I wanted to scream, but the person has already put his or her palm on my mouth, restraining my lungs from making any sound.


" Just stand still, I won't hurt you if you follow my words," 

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