


Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid



Melissa's pov.

He faced me, " Melissa, come out for a few minutes" he asked softly, I noticed he was still stealing a glance at the strange girl. Maybe opposite do attract like they usually say.

Melanie suddenly grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the glass door, with Draven walking behind us. 


A part of me wanted to blame them for coming at this time, this only made the Gossip more true, and for Draven admirer? I can't even look her in the eyes, thinking she might get the wrong idea when I have actually promised her.


I jerked my hand off Melanie. Gasping for air.

" Can you please explain what this is all about?" I managed to say looking at the two blankly...

Draven just stayed mute, looking at me without saying a word. Melanie on the other hand was breathing heavily like she ran up here without taking a break. Is hard to assume why they are doing this.

" Did you meet Bobby?" Draven's voice stopped my train of thought, I looked up at his face that was bleak, what can lead to that kind of a question when it been two days since he last saw me.

" What..t" I stuttered, looking confused at the same time. 

"Can you just please answer my question?" his voice was a little bit harsh, making me wonder why he's behaving like this, this is not the Draven I knew.  I darted my eyes back to Melanie, who didn't say anything since all this while, just stayed motionless behind me , glaring at me like a ghost.

" Melanie, can you please tell me what's going on?" I pleaded. The truth is that their bizarre behavior is scaring me, I know this is all about Bobby, but at least, I deserve to be a hint of what is going on before taking it all me, without even knowing anything.

" Just answer him," she tilted her head to a side, in an attempt to avoid my gaze.

I gulped down.

" I didn't get the chance to see him, but one of the maids told me he came looking for me," i managed to say.


" That's all,I believe you can now explain the hell that is going on!" I tried sounding angry, but my voice failed me, I ended up sounding like I was begging him not to keep me out of the picture.

His forehead relaxed as the words flew out of my lips, the angry look vanished almost immediately, and Melanie sighed loudly behind me.

" Can someone please talk now?" 

" Bobby told me something about your Father" 


My heart nearly skipped more than a beat as Melanie muttered.Hope is not what I am thinking? No, there is no way he will know about it now if not that he knew already from the onset, but he was hiding the truth from me.

" He said your father saved him when he was in the bridge of Death"


