



Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


Melissa's pov

Melissa's pov

" But let me be frank with you....... his voice this  time sounds serious and sour again... " You can't be with Bobby, and that is the truth," his voice was a bit loud when he muttered the word truth.

"I don't want to talk about this please," 

" I know but you need to hear me out first" 

" Just st...

" Don't take this as some kind of jealousy,hear me out" he cut me off. 

" Ok, I'm hearing you" I agree at last.

What else is he going to tell me other than some certain reasons I can not be with him. Is not like I didn't have any idea of this from the beginning before diving into this, so, I don't think I can be confused with anything that he might say.

" Are you there?" his voice made me concentrate again..

" Yeah," I answered, my hand drawing an invisible line on the couch, moving around.

' I know you won't believe it, but I think I should tell you still, so that you won't be surprised if you eventually find out"  He explained, making me sighed loudly. 

The conversation is taking longer than expected,don't get me wrong, I really want to talk to him, in fact I'm craving for his face, and wanted to see him, but i just don't feel comfortable by having this kind of conversation with him. 

" He has a girl already, not even just a girl, but a fiancee" His words made my thoughts come to an halt immediately.

" What...t" I stammered, trying to confirm if I heard him clearly.

" He has a fiancee," he paused for a few seconds.

"I know it is very hard to believe, but that's the truth, and to make the matter worse, they're having there marriage in a couple of weeks to come" he concluded, while my mouth are wide open without knowing what to say, is this really true, or is he just trying to convince me so as to forget him? No, don't flinch because of this Melissa, he can never do that to you, moreover, he would have told you this. But, what if he thought he could do something about it and decided not to tell me anything about it?

It feels like my soul is about to leave my body, every joint of my body seemed to relax and tense at the same time, even though I don't want to believe Draven, but what if what he said is actually the truth, what if he only played me to fall for his charm, and then leave me shattered as if am nothing? 

Maybe I only need to confirm this from him before I jump into conclusion, or maybe Melanie will know something about this...

" Melissa," his serene voice almost made me drop my phone. I don't even remember that I am still on call with him.

" Yeah," I managed to say, clearing my throat silently.

" I'm in love with a girl two years ago, but due to some unknown reason, I was asked to relocate to South Africa" he hesitated, I guess he knew I might be wondering how his love story get into the picture...

" You will understand what I am diving at when I finish," he continued.

" Even tho am deeply in love with her, my father and my brother, Jack were completely against how relationship, part of the reason I was sent to SA is to forget about this girl"

He sighed, I suddenly forgot about Bobby as the story seemed to catch my attention, even though I don't why he's saying this, and where this is heading to, I find it interesting. Knowing that this cool was once in love made me yawn for more.

" So, what happened after that?" I asked.

"I once overheard my Dad saying her dad killed my Mom, I was shocked at first, but after some days, I forgot about the incident, besides is not like I really know what they meant by that"

" And you still love her after hearing that?" 

He chuckled, " This is love, moreover, I don't know if they are saying the truth or not" his voice was tranquil..

"I left without getting the chance to say goodbye, I was threatened by my dad not to ever contact her again, can't ever forget that night,because I wept like a baby after hearing that from my Dad "

" That is very sad," I muttered.

" Fast forward to this year, I came back to England, only on one condition, and that Is...."

" Not to see her again," I blabbered out before I could stop myself.

" Correct" he acknowledged, " I later found out that she was now a famous journalist" he paused.

His last word made me feel some kind of unusual feeling. I don't know why I am feeling that way, but the picture is somehow making sense, but I still don't understand.

"Her name is Harry Amelia, I trust you must have heard about her" that's when it struck me, I remember Melanie telling me about one Amelia the other day, about her having a date with Bobby, no,this doesn't make any sense, does that means Amelia was actually Draven........ Fuck! Why don't I think about this possibility from the beginning?

" I'm sure you have an idea of where we're heading to now" His voice was husky this time...

" I found out the two are getting married"
