

Melissa's pov

"What!! you can't be serious."I spat out looking at him with so much hatred.

"Do you think I'm kidding you"he smirked, fixing his eyes into mine. I didn't even notice his Crimson eyes until now.

I raise my head to say something but nothing comes out. What if he truly means it? Or is he joking?

I can't say from his face that doesn't show any emotion.

I shot him a deadly glare.

"You are just joking, right? I asked, shaking my head.

He turns toward the hall before facing me again.

"Just get your stuff ready tonight, cause i'm not going to take any shit from you tomorrow,"he said bluntly his voice was barely above a whisper.

"Like I work for you, you are not the one paying my salary, "I suddenly snap, trying to free myself from his grip, but instead of releasing me he tightly holds my waist...

"What are you trying to do?"I questioned curiously.

"You want to prove stubborn hmmm?"Did he question? "That means I am going to report you to my mum and you know the implication,"he said, eyeing me from head to toe.

"What implication"

"That means you won't be fired alone, your parents are going down with you. I don't fucking care about the years they might have been working, and besides my mom doesn't even care about that,"he smiled wickedly, making my heartbeat come to a halt

'What!!!!!"I screamed 

I can accept anything but can't accept him hurting my parent cause of my stupid act. I didn't even take it seriously from the beginning thinking he was joking.

But here he is.

He loosens the grip on my waist before and turns to leave, but I suddenly hold his hand.

"I don't care if you fire me, but I don't want my parent to get involved in this"


"And for the fact that I don't even do anything to deserve this, you are just venting your anger on me because of bottled water, are you sure you are not a monster?"I outcry with venom in my voice and I scoffed in annoyance.

He jerked my hand off him, before moving closer to whisper in my ear.

"That's why you should have known your place, just a silly mistake you are gone "he walks away leaving me with my mouth wide open.

Am very frustrated and scared at the same time, what if he means it? My parent must not know about this, the cause has been warned not to get involved with him on anything, I can't imagine going to him, and asking him to forgive me.

"What have I done?"I muttered, to myself, as I sat on the floor while hugging my legs. I can still hear the music being played from the ballroom, am sure they must have been looking for me.

"Maybe I should just go and beg him?","No I can't do that."Without thinking twice, I picked up the tray that was lying beside me as I walked toward the entrance.

I found myself sitting on a bench at the back of the yard thinking, debating whether I should go and beg him or not.

"Melissa, is that you?"I heard someone calling my name cutting me off my thoughts and I regained my posture before looking at the person. On seeing my friend Melanie, I felt relieved.

"Melanie what's up"I mutter weakly as she walks towards me looking at me suspiciously.

"Why are you sitting alone instead of you attending to the visitors? Also, your dad is looking for you at the ballroom"she muttered as he brushed her hair to the side before taking a seat beside me.

"Really"I muttered, feeling tired.

"What happened, you look so dull,"she said. She turned my head to face her.

" You won't believe it, that stupid Bobby is going to hurt my family cause of ordinary bottle wate "I blabbered out before I could stop myself.

"What!!! Don't tell me u are in trouble with Bobby again? is not even up to 16 hours since he arrived"she questioned with her mouth wide open"

"Is not like that"I stammered, looking at the end of my skirt.

"Is it like that? you know your dad must not know about this right?"she grumbled, looking nervous.

On hearing the word "dad"I burst into tears. How am I going to explain to him, if he got to know he was sacked because of my stupidity.

"Bobby is going to sack me and my parent tomorrow' "I said sadly, amidst tears.

"What!!!"Melanie yelled, looking confused.

"And you are sitting here without doing anything"she spat out, she gets up pacing to and fro.

"I don't do anything wrong, I can explain........

"I don't want to listen to your explanation, just go and beg him or else... ``She cut me off, I can see she was very frustrated right now. I understand she is doing this, for my own sake. Melanie has been a good friend of mine since the first day she stepped into the mansion.

With this, she walked away angrily leaving me shattered.

After about twenty minutes, I stood up wiping my tears and adjusting my skirt before heading to Bobby Apartment which is on the first floor. I make sure to dodge all the people I come across. Because we maids were not allowed to enter the mansion at night.

I finally got to his apartment door, stood for about five minutes before knocking.

"Who is that? "I heard him grumble in a sleepy voice from the other side of the door.

"How dare you sleep after hurting me,"I said quietly.

"Is me Melissa"I mumbled, biting my lips in the process.

"I didn't order for anything, you can leave"

"Need to see you, pls,"I said in a pleading tone.

"Ok, come in."

I pushed the door open before walking in slowly, the room was damn big, everything was neatly arranged. I must say, all these rich kids are something else.

He was sitting on the couch opposite the big-screen plasma TV shirtless, revealing his six-packs. I raise my head only to see him glaring at me but immediately looks back at the floor.

"Sorry for disturbing you,"I said bluntly.

"Sorry for what "he questioned, as he stands up and walked to the microwave.

"Am sorry for disobeying you earlier, and I promise that it won't repeat itself"I murmured, barely above a whisper, am not even sure if he heard me. 

"Really?", He grins before walking back to the couch.

"Apology not accepted sweetie"he mumbled softly making my heart flinch at his words.

"Pls!!"I found myself pleading, "I promise to do anything you asked me to do, just spare me for once, I don't want my parent to get hurt because of this"I blabbered out before I could even stop myself.


"Yes,"I replied.

He places the bottle he was holding on a table before walking to me, making my heartbeat increase.

"What about babysitting me for one month sweetie"he muttered softly, fixating his eyes into mine.

My eyes widened, "What!!!!!!"