


Bobby's pov

I watched as she run toward the maid's quarter gate, without looking back for once, what have I done again? I asked myself, furiously. Running after her is not a good move, any of the maids can see us, leaving her alone just for tonight is the only option left. I stayed motionless on a spot, contemplating on what to do. I watched as she stopped when she reached the entrance of the gate, I can easily from where I was standing at, scared and wondering why she stopped all of a sudden, i know I fucked up big time, there us no doubt about that, but finding a solution to this is the only thing I can think of. Nothing matters except out. I took a few step waiting for her to go inside before I will also leave for my car, fortunately, I watched as Melanie came out of nowhere and help her in, I sighed is satisfaction, then turn around and walked back to where I parked my car earlier, i open the driver seat with so much force, i slammed it close, angrily. 

I remain silent for the next couple of minutes, without knowing what to do next, my head is blank, and my mind is bleak. It seems like a hard thing to even think straight. The only thing I can think of, the only thing that kept on appearing in my mind, is the picture of her crying. I tried shaking the thought off, but it seemed like a difficult task in which I have no control over it. The tears, the blame, the scar she has been keeping all this while got opened again just because of me, stupid me. I promise to stay by her side now, blabbing about becoming someone she could look up to, but only bringing her excruciating pain, before the day the promise was made could even run out. I slammed my hand very hard on the steering, and winced in pain, as I glanced at dark spots that were starting to form on my palm due to the pressure I used.

"What am I going to do now?!! I keep hurting her!!" I cried loudly, completely ignoring the fact that I am the only one here, screaming like a crazy person in the middle of the night, a car parked in the middle of the compound, as if I lost my way while embarking on an adventure of no return. Or should I just go to the maid's quarters and ask for Melanie's help, maybe she could find a solution to this, I thought, but I don't think she would also want to see me not to talk of her providing a solution to my problem, I just hurt her friend which she trust me with. But, I don't think I have any other choice than to meet her, I don't care if she sounds rude to me, a chuckle formed on my lips, laughing at my own thoughts. I find it hard to believe this is me, not caring about what others will say, to the extent of getting involved with maids, not caring if she is rude or not.

What am I going to do now? Tomorrow seemed like a long time, like today will take forever, and prevent tomorrow from appearing. Thinking about how I am going to survive throughout the night is a problem on it's own. I inhaled and exhaled, slowly, trying to calm down my boiling blood and think straight. I raised my hand and stared at my wrist watch in awe, mouth opened widely. 

"11: pm! " I used the palm of my hand to brush my face, just to know I am seeing clearly. Amelia? Meeting? 9:am? The flashback of what Amelia told me started to rush down into my head. They are coming to pick me up by 9:00am for a meeting I am not interested in. But, here I am thinking about a Maid's daughter I hurt, completely forgetting about something that's very important to my life, but wait, Melissa is more important, right? 

I used my left hand to slap my face in frustration, it looks like I have completely lost my mind, if not for this happening to me, I won't believe I could turn into this when it is not even up to a week of my arrival. Twilight is here, going to look for Melanie is not the right thing to do now, I have to try to survive tonight, at least on my own. 

I inserted the key, and the engine came to life. I grabbed the steering, aggressively, and then put the car into motion, made a turn, before driving back to my apartment with my heavy heart.....................................❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣

That night, I kept on turning from end to end throughout, like I guessed, I found it hard to sleep, as I found myself  tossing all through.....

The sudden loud noise made to jump out if the bed, looking scared, I yawned wildly, I pushed the bedspread that was covering me to a side, and then looked back at the stupid alarm that  kept on ringing continuously, after waking me up. I stretched my hand to the side of the table lamp beside my bed, and slammed it off with my palm. 

"7:00 am" I dropped back into bed, but this time I am fully conscious. I stared at the chandelier that's hanging above my head, observing.


The morning came faster than I could even imagine. 

But wait, Melissa? I don't know if I should just run out of the bed to their quarter or just call Melanie immediately to ask about her well being. If she doesn't want to see me, at least she should be able to talk to me over the phone. I stared at my iPad that was lying behind, part of the duvet was covering half of its screen, I stared silently, contemplating whether to call or not.

Suddenly, my phone starts to ring, jolting me out of my thoughts, a part of me fumed with happiness, thinking Melanie is on the line, not until I darted my eyes to the phone and see that the caller ID which is  "Amelia", I hissed, feeling disappointed 
