5 Magic-Channelling

Hitman Bang saw the serious looks on the two young men's faces and started to laugh.

"You two are so serious. At this point in time I don't want to make you two Eidos."

As he continued laughing, the two boys stared at him, stunned.

"You have misunderstood my intentions. I wish to turn you two into Renegade Adepts. Although the path may be harder, I think it would be better for the two of you."

Realisation hit the two boys as their eyes widened. Kim Namjoon had looked up to Renegade Adepts, and had become an Underground Magic-Channeller because of them. He was excited at the prospect of being one as well. He nodded at Hun-cheol who grinned in return and stood up and bowed to Hitman.

"We are under your guidance."

Namjoon also stood up and bowed. Hitman was very happy with this outcome.

"Very good. Now that that's out of the way, let's begin your training."

Hitman Bang stood up and walked towards the door. Hun-cheol and Namjoon looked excitedly at each other before following along. Hitman Bang led the two down to the basement, inside there was a room with tables and materials. Different contraptions were scattered about the place. Namjoon and Hun-cheol got excited as they knew exactly what this place was.

A Craft Workshop.

Craft Workshops were where Power Designers would come and develop weapons and armor that Adepts would us in battle. Adepts would often have their own Workshop to build and experiment.

Hitman Bang faced the two young men.

"This, as I'm sure you have both guessed, is a Craft Workshop. Specifically, this will be your Craft Workshop."

The eyes of both Hun-cheol and Namjoon widened. They got instantly excited at the prospect of their own Craft Workshop, one where they could hone their craft and become better Magic-Channellers.

"You will be spending a lot of time here so that you can both develop your abilities, not just as Adepts, but also as Power Designers. I want to help equip you both with the necessary tools and skills to not just be great Magic-Channellers, but be able to control and do every aspect of battle preparation leading up to your fights. As you understand yourselves best, it is better to know how to make your own weapons and equipment so you can make and adjust it to suit you."

Hitman Bang led them to a couple chairs where the boys sat down.

"So the first thing we are going to start with is your strengths. Magic-Channelling. Can either of you define Magic-Channelling?"

As usual, Hun-cheol spoke up first.

"Magic-Channelling is the ability to channel one's internal energy and manifesting it through a set of Word's built by themselves or a Word Smith. Being able to accurately chain together the right Words will cause your energy to explode out and attack the opposition. The chain and usage of Word's dictates the range, direction, power and size of how the users magical energy will be displayed."

Hitman Bang nodded approvingly.

"Well put. But you are missing an important part of the process."

Namjoon spoke up at this point.

"All energy has a pulse. A certain heartbeat, if you will. Even with the right Word's, if you have not tapped into the pulse of your energy and allowed the Word's to ride it, the energy will not manifest and can result in a backlash."

"Correct, Namjoon. Magic-Channellers refer to this as the Energy Flux. The importance of maintaining the right Flux is just as important as having the appropriate Word's in play. The combination of the two are what makes a truly great Magic-Channeller."

Hitman Bang led them over to a table with material, gloves, paper and a pair of sharp pieces of metal. These pieces of metal, both Hun-cheol and Namjoon were familiar with. Command Blades.

Command Blades were what Word Smiths used to cut open a rift, reach into their Magic Source and carve out energy for them to use. They would shape and mould the energies essence, chipping away at it and then creating their Word's. After the Word's are created, they are then imbued into the Adepts body, ready for them to call it out and use it.

Each Word and chain of Word's needed time to practice for the Adepts to properly utilize and realize the power within it. Although Spirit-Callers needed Word's to initiate their power, their Word's were often not as complex as the Magic-Channellers. A large majority of a Magic-Channellers power and impact came from the strength of their Word's, thus they put more effort into shaping and molding their Word's, and also why most Magic-Channellers were simultaneously Word Smiths.

"Here you will train, build and create. I want you to take those Blades and carve out a path for the two of you to walk. Decide on how you want to do things. For today, make yourself acquainted with everything; if you need anything just ask one of the staff. Tomorrow, the real training begins."

Hitman Bang walked out of the Workshop leaving the two young men standing there. The instant he had left the two buys moved to the desk. They started going through the material and examining the Command Blades.

After a couple of minutes of tinkering with all the tools, the two boys came together.

"If we're gonna be a team, I think we should learn more about each others power and fighting style. Then see in what ways it would be best to utilize and combine our magic."

Namjoon nodded in agreement. He liked having Iron around. He would resolutely take charge and cover him which allowed him to process and take things at his own pace. It felt good having a hyung to rely on.

"So where do you want to start first, hyungnim?"

Hun-cheol smiled at Namjoon calling him hyung, he liked this dongsaeng a lot already.

"Basic elemental details. I'll start. As my name suggests, I control metal. I create it in a liquid form before solidifying it into whatever shape I want. However, the shape, strength and usage are directly attached to the Word's I use. As with all Magic-Channeller's. And you?"

Namjoon didn't reply. Instead he went into thought. He had now thought about the battle they had previously. The thought of utilizing and complimenting each others powers came to mind. He had been known as a strategic genius, and that wasn't just a name for show.

He had an idea.

Hun-cheol stared at Namjoon who had gone quiet. He had completely ignored his question. He didn't know what was going on, but he waited to find out. Namjoon then looked at him with excitement in his eyes.

"Hyung, are you able to create a metal spike, like the one you made before but maybe a bit smaller, let it float in front of us for maybe four seconds and then shooting it forward?"

Hun-cheol didn't understand Namjoon's strange and oddly specific request. But he was curious and wanted to see what he had in mind. He nodded and began a quick chant. The liquid metal flowed out of his palm and created a spike the size of a spear. As it floated there, as was instructed, Namjoon gripped it and chanted quickly. Hun-cheol's eyes widened as he saw sparks flowing around Namjoon's hand and then vanishing. He could feel the metal spike had changed; there was a different energy to it.

Namjoon let go of it and nodded at Hun-cheol excitedly. Hun-cheol was now full of anticipation as he sent the spike flying into the wall. The spike pierced the wall and came to a stop, half of it sticking out of the wall. Although it looked like nothing was happening on the surface, inside the wall, lightning had began flowing out, into the wall and spreading out through the wall. Then the lightning exploded out. The wall came crumbling down as sparks flew around. As the smoke and dust cleared, shocked staff workers were staring at the two boys through the hole where a wall used to be.

Namjoon scratched his head a little embarrassed.

"I put too much power into it again. My bad."

As he bowed and apologized to the stunned staff, Hun-cheol just stared wide eyed at him. What kind of power does this kid have? Namjoon turned to Hun-cheol.

"My element is lightning. It has incredible power and strength. I focus a lot on the strength and power of my Word's, ensuring they have powerful meaning behind it, thus causing my strength to be rather high. But my power is a little clumsy, like me. Please take care of me hyung. I look forward to working with you."

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