
Beyond the Cupboard

Join Alex on an unexpected journey as he stumbles upon a magical portal hidden within his own cupboard. When curiosity gets the best of him, he steps through and finds himself in a mesmerizing otherworld filled with odd cupboards leading to unimaginable places. As he begins to explore this enchanting realm, his craving for adventure ignites. Amidst the wonder and excitement, Alex is cautious not to reveal his true origin, aware of the potential consequences. He's captivated by the intriguing inhabitants of the otherworld and the secrets it holds. Eager to fit in, he learns to harness the power of dark energy, using it to navigate and adapt to this unfamiliar environment. In his pursuit of understanding and adventure, Alex takes on an unexpected role as a combat instructor. With his newfound knowledge of dark energy and his own combat skills, he teaches students the art of self-defense in this extraordinary world. But as he imparts his wisdom, he must constantly guard his own secret and navigate the complexities of this unique society. Alex's journey is a blend of fascination, caution, and self-discovery. As he balances his desire for exploration with the need to protect his identity, he unravels the mysteries of the otherworld while leaving his mark on its history. Get ready for a quirky adventure filled with magic, mystery, and unexpected twists as Alex delves deeper into the enigmatic realm beyond his cupboard.

0mit · Fantasia
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11 Chs

A Day in Two Worlds

Relieved to be back in the comfort of his own home, Alex turned his gaze to the familiar wooden cupboard that had served as his portal to the mystical realm. It stood there innocuously as if concealing the secrets of two worlds within its wooden frame. His mind danced with thoughts of the enigmatic realm he had visited and the wonders he had encountered.

With a sigh, Alex contemplated the concept of returning to that supernatural world. He wondered if the doorway between worlds would open again, allowing him to explore the hidden paths once more. The anticipation of another adventure stirred within him, filling him with a mixture of excitement and curiosity.

As he lost himself in his thoughts, his phone rang once more. The caller ID revealed the name "Eddie," his college friend. Alex muttered under his breath, "Shit," in anticipation of what might come next, before answering the call.

"Hey there, ready for college ?" Eddie's voice crackled with a mix of mischief and familiarity.

Alex chuckled, well aware of Eddie's playful approach to college life. "You know it, Eddie. Can't wait to be overwhelmed by the sheer greatness of academia."

Eddie laughed heartily on the other end, his amusement infectious. " I'll be there in 20 minutes, so get your academic armour ready!"

Before Alex could respond, Eddie ended the call, leaving Alex with a grin. He glanced at the time on his phone and frowned. It was still early in the morning, 8:39 AM. Confusion gnawed at him — he had spent an entire day in the otherworldly realm, yet only a short time had passed on Earth.

He scratched his head, trying to make sense of the time difference. As his thoughts swirled, his mother's voice echoed from the hall, reminding him to join the family for breakfast.

"Alex, come and eat before your food gets cold!" his mother called.

"Coming!" Alex replied, pushing aside his thoughts for the moment. He glanced down at his clothes and realized that the white shirt and black pants he had worn yesterday had somehow transformed into a makeshift pair of pyjamas with sleeves. With a bemused smile, he quickly changed into a fresh set of formal attire and made his way to the hall.

Around the table sat his mother, a government school teacher, and his sister, who was also pursuing a degree at a college. His father, a government servant, was absent, having left early for work.

As he savoured the homemade breakfast, the flavours mingling on his palate, Alex's mother shared anecdotes of her school day while his sister discussed the upcoming semester's workload. The chatter created a comfortable ambience, a reminder of the familiar routine that anchored him.

His mother's voice softened as she mentioned that she would be dropping his sister off at college, her love and concern interwoven in her words. She then turned her attention to Alex, a gentle smile curving her lips, and asked if he wanted a ride as well. He declined her offer with a nod, mentioning that his friend Eddie would be arriving to whisk him away on their shared journey.

After savouring the last morsel of his meal, Alex's phone once again chimed, the familiar melody resonating in the air. With a quick goodbye to his family, he stepped outside, the sunlight caressing his cheeks, his laptop bag snugly resting on his shoulder. The journey into the ordinary was poised to begin once more—the mundane lectures, the bustling campus, the camaraderie of friends—but the mysteries of the supernatural realm persisted in the recesses of his thoughts, an unfinished chapter waiting to be explored, a tale waiting to be continued.

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