
Beyond Death: a love defying fate

In a world where fate intertwines, Hikaru Kojima finds solace as he was suffering from unique phenomena making him fed up from his life. However, his perspective on existence takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Ayumi Kaneko, a girl who was also suffering from a unique but dangerous phenomena, because of that she was trapped in her own house by her own parents As their eyes meet, Ayumi's yearning for adventure and to see outside world a sparks connection that transcends the boundaries of their individual struggles. Together, they embark on an extraordinary journey, facing unforeseen challenges and discovering the resilience that lies within them. In this tale of intertwined destinies, follow Hikaru and Ayumi as they navigate the mysteries of life, each seeking something profound beyond the constraints of their own realities.

MythBeast · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter "Unexpected Gathering"

As Hikaru comes and sees the guest, his gaze widens because Chiaki was standing there, and Hikaru's mother was talking to her. Hikaru whispers to himself saying, "What is she doing here?" Mizuhara playfully says, "Oh, that's not the way to welcome your girlfriend." Hikaru looks at Mizuhara and says, "She is not my girlfriend." Mizuhara starts smiling. Hikaru quickly comes downstairs, and as Chiaki looks at Hikaru, her cheeks turn red. Hikaru stands facing her and asks, "What are you doing here?" His mother says, "Hikaru? She is your guest." Hikaru closes his eyes to control his anger, then opens them, saying, "Let's go to my room; we will talk there." Mizuhara's smile widens, and Chiaki's cheeks turn even redder. His mother excitedly says, "Yes, go ahead; I will send some refreshments to your room." Hikaru nods, and they enter his room. He shuts the door and starts staring at Chiaki with anger, arms folded. Chiaki says, "I'm sorry, but I didn't have your number, so I couldn't ask before coming and-" Hikaru interrupts her asking, "Why are you here?" She says, "As you know, we promised to study, but you were busy at school and i really want your help, as we have another progress test tomorrow, and I want to do great. Please help me." Hikaru still staring at her. He takes a sigh and says, "Alright, but just for two hours." She gets excited, nods with a smile.

Hikaru and Chiaki were sitting on Hikaru's bed, and he was teaching her. Chiaki's focus was on Hikaru; she continuously glances at him. Suddenly, Hikaru's phone starts ringing. Chiaki quickly looks away so Hikaru can't notice her glancing at him. Hikaru says, "Excuse me," picks up his phone, and it was Yuta calling. Hikaru answers and said, "Yes, Yuta?" Chiaki turns her focus to Hikaru. Yuta says, "Hey Hikaru, I want your help." Hikaru asks, "What's the matter?" Yuta responds saying, "You know, progress test." Hikaru says, "You want me to help you in tomorrow's progress test?" Yuta says, "Yes." Hikaru looks at Chiaki, who looks a bit sad. Hikaru then shakes his head in disappointment and says, "Alright, come to my place, but let me tell you Chiaki is already here studying with me." Yuta says, "Wow! So you both really are dating." Hikaru says, "Shut up. Just come if you want." Yuta says, "I will not come alone; Ayame will be with me." Hikaru says, "I don't care. I'm free for just two more hours soo be quick." Yuta says, "Alright, we will be there soon." Hikaru puts his phone down and looks at Chiaki, who was staring at him. Hikaru says, "Why are you staring at me?" Chiaki says, "Why did you allow him to come?" Hikaru asks, "Why does his presence bothers you? Whatever happens between you two was in the past, and he is my friend; I have to look after him." Chiaki says, "Alright, but.." she cane and sits very close to Hikaru, who nervously asks, "What are you doing?" She responds, saying, "I will sit like this all the time." Hikaru asks, "But why?" She replies, "Because I want to show him that I am happy without him." Hikaru says, "Coming close to me doesn't show that you are happy." She says, "Why does it bother you? We are good friends now." Hikaru shakes his head in disappointment.

After a few moments, Yuta knocks on Hikaru's room door, saying, "Hey Hikaru, we are here." The door opens, and upon seeing Hikaru, Ayame, and Yuta's eyes widen because Chiaki was standing near, wrapping her arms around Hikaru's arm. She had a smile on her face, but Hikaru was standing expressionless. Yuta says, "Wow, you both really started to get along" Ayame seems a bit upset. Hikaru says, "Come in; we don't have time to waste." Yuta nods, holds Ayame's hand, and says, "Come, Ayame." They both enter the room.

Now, everyone was gathered on Hikaru's bed. Chiaki sitting close next to Hikaru, and Yuta and Ayame were sitting in front. Ayame was continuously staring at Chiaki, who was sitting very close to Hikaru and glancing at him all the time. Yuta was focusing on hearing Hikaru.

Suddenly, Ayame says, "Chiaki, you should focus on the book." Chiaki smiles and stares back at Ayame. Hikaru and Yuta both start looking at Ayame with confusion. Yuta asks, "Then where was she focusing?" Chiaki teasingly says, "I think you should also focus on the book instead of focusing on Hikaru and me." Hikaru now looks at Ayame, who says, "I was focusing on the book, but you kept looking at Hikaru." Yuta looks at Ayame, and Chiaki smiles, asking "Why? Are you jealous?" Ayame stares at her with anger. Hikaru chimes in saying, "Alright, that's enough. Everyone should focus on the book; we are here to study." Chiaki teasingly smiles and starts looking at the book. Hikaru continues teaching.

Hikaru was still teaching, and Yuta was focusing on learning, but Ayame was still staring at Chiaki, who was still glancing at Hikaru. Chiaki picks up a biscuit from refreshments and extends it towards Hikaru's mouth and Hikaru eats the biscuit from her hand. Ayame's eyes widen; she was completely shocked and in disbelief, staring at Hikaru. Chiaki then smiles and stares at Ayame, both locked in each other's gaze.