
Beyond Captivating

Lucas Tyson good looks has always Been his problem ...a big problem to himself and also to his billionaire parents. He had it all, he is tall, built, s-xy, everything about him is hundred percent beyond captivating ... Funny, he sees life in a different way, he flirts, smokes, parties and one thing is ...he believes everything he does is right .. women bows at his feet, he feels on top of the world, his looks was his power, his strength, his everything.. no future plans ... his parents couldn't stop him , absolutely no one could, that's what he believes though,, Not until he met Silvia Fred .. A woman of steel, whom years back suffered a hard night by an unknown rich thug, A bad thug who indefinitely left her son fatherless Since then her heart has been filled with hatred towards men, she's heartless, brutal, and a skilled martial art guru. What happened when Lucas parents felt its high time they set his life right only to set him up with Silvia Fred who accepted the job offer to help put some senses to his head.. She's the devil who did nothing but made his life miserable, he made his life a living hell.. With time Lucas finds himself falling for this crazy woman even when his wedding to some rich girl was fast approaching . It felt absolutely odd to start falling for an annoying strict woman who did nothing but place your life on time. What happened when he finds out they might have one time shared a bit of the past... It was a realisation which did nothing but turn his life into a disastrous hell. It was then I knew Even rich guys do suffer...

Chinenye_Okereke · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 65

The taxi stopped at the road that lead to the estate silvia lives ..she started to walk home through

the predawn darkness, she did that hoping she might let out most of her pains before she reach

home... she move with her head down and her mind to everything she found out tonight ..

she fell in love again and everything had gone totally worst...

Why me God ...?? She said to herself

She walked on and on with tears dripping from her face

Her body was tired long before her mind ...but she kept walking

Oh Lucas,

She touched the necklace on her neck and flashed back on his words

"No matter what happens Promise me you won't leave me Silvia, the truth is i might die if you do, a

minute without you is gonna kill me"

"Worst was the truth about you Lucas, you've committed so many crimes, your past sucks, I can't

be with you ...no I can't be with a rapist , stupid drunkard, gold digger, man wh*re, all of that for you

only" she scolded unto airs

Was he hoping I was gonna forgive him, no, never ...when she got to the entrance she cleared the

tears on her face and shakily dialed her mums number

"Mum" she said soberly the moment Mrs Fred opens the door

"Silvia, what is it, what happened" her mum glared at her surprisingly then almost hurriedly

widened the door for her to come in.

Silvia dragged herself in holding the flare length of her gown as went to take her seat ...

"And my little boy," she asked

"Already asleep In his room of course, you can't believe that boy of yours kept jumping around

today just because Lucas Tyson is coming to check up on him, "

"Check on him" she stare up at her mum with tears locking on her eye ball

"Of course, they spoke tonight remember"

Silvia nodded and sni|ed on her tears

"Oh Silvia"

Her mum gave her a minute ease then spoke as she watched her cry

"he was the one right, he's Jamie's father,"

Silvia nodded as more of her tears fall

"Mum he slept with Celine too, he even impregnated her and told her to go for an abortion" she

said between tears..

"Celine betrayed me mum, she slept with Nathan, and still made my meeting with him a

coincidence all in the name of meeting with Lucas, if I never met that gold digger I wouldn't have

been r*pped mum..."

Mrs fred shook her head, sat close to her and pull her for a hug ..

"Oh mum, Nathan was the freak and Celine, I never imagine she could do that to me ,, I trusted her

with my life,"

"You are going about it the wrong way darling" her mum caressed her hair and released her to

look straight into her red eyes

"Celine slept with Nathan right let's admit she did all in the mame of meeting with Lucas Tyson, and

she made your meeting with Nathan a coincidence, but she never forced you on him, you were

blindly in love my dear, you loved Nathan"

Hot, salty tears filled Silvia's eyes as she stare back at her mum, of course it wasn't Celine at all, it

was her, she loved Nathan, she had felt that from the very first day she saw him, the bad day she

had beat up some bad guys who stole his phone....

"But she coaxed me to date him" she said soberly

Mrs Fred smile and cleared the tears that came sliding down her face..

"We both know it wasn't her coaxing that made you accept Nathan, i told you he wasn't the one

you're suppose to be with then didn't I,"

She only nodded finding it difficult to speak, she keep staring at her mum and wonder how she still

yet manage to stay calm despite how heavy and hurting her heart was, why won't she, she isn't an

ordinary human being anyway, she even understood the whole issue more than she herself does

"But you refused darling, you loved Nathan that was why you agreed to be with him, Celine did


She gestured with her hand

"if any one is to be blamed about the r*pe issue its no one but Nathan, Lucas Tyson is innocent

darling, sleeping with Celine and all those crimes he committed were just his past, If you keep

going back to his past, nothing is gonna work out,

And what do you expect you knew the type of person he was before you fell for him Silvia, that

kinda of man, if you wanna be with him you've gat to accept him for his past... you love him, only

that matters, so forgive him not for the sake of love only but your son Jamie, he needs his father,

they look so much alike anyways"

"mum I don't wanna see him anymore don't you get it,"

"Really but why is your mind saying other wise," Mrs Fred smile at her softly

"Don't read that aspect of my mind mum, its personal"

"Alright but I see no reason why you won't forgive him, he r*pped you unknowingly ....you've gat to

tag that unknowing word huh ..."

Mrs Fred stood up and moved towards the kitchen

"why are you defending him mum, you keep defending him"

"why won't I, who is gonna father the one about to grow in your stomach, don't tell me you are

gonna father and mother that one too, oh come on"

At that Silvia got shocked and stare back at her mum who was pouring her a cup of water.

"Mum" she walked almost aggressively towards her

"shhh You are gonna wake Jamie" Mrs Fred smile and stretch the water towards Silvia whose

mouth was slightly open as she watch the happy expression on her mums face ,what kind of

human being is this woman ...with a heated face she grabbed the cup from her hand and gulp the

water in...she knew she and Lucas made love, she never thought about that and how did she know

"Mum ,how did you know..... me and Lucas you know"

She tucked her hair shyly behind her ear

" how did you know we got intimate, I mean I never thought about that, who are you mum, tell me...

. how do you get the powers to know this things"

"Gift darling, just gift, it wasn't my fault am able to know this things too," she said as she return the

water back to the fridge

Silvia lost fully touched her stomach as happy tears keep falling down her face

"So I would be carrying his baby soon, Lucas Tyson's baby" she said in a whisper

"Of course darling, you would" Mrs Fred smile and rested her elbow on the kitchen counter...

"Someone is happy,"

"Why won't I be mum, I ....I...."

"You love him"

Silvia nodded shyly

"But I wouldn't want that baby to be born without a wedding between you two ,, you've gat to be in

your husbands house okay"

"Oh mum ..... So you knew Lucas was the one from the beginning, why didn't you tell me"

"Darling, all I did was leave everything for fate to decide the journey of you both.... The day I saw

his mum herehere, and all the encounters you had with him then I knew the Journey has began,

Lucas Tyson is your star Silvia, the man you are suppose to be with, and I see a woman in between

you guys ..."

A certain breeze blew in, at that all hairs on Silvia neck stood like rock as she watched her mum in

awe that must be Matilda she thought to herself

" that woman is willing to take your star away from you, in other not to loose him honey ,, you've

gat to go back to that star as soon as possible"

Silvia moved to a corner and tucked her hairs behind her ears ...regret battered her form as she

remembered the slaps she gave him tonight, his body hitting on that glass, the bloods sliding

down his face, how he was racing after the taxi and screaming out her name

"my love God have hurt him mum"

Mrs tyson moved towards her and pull her close...

"That's why you need to go back to him darling, your place is with him and not here ...


The guys tried coaxing lucas to stop drinking, but never was he listening, tom had helped in

attending to his wound though, but the sight of him was like some Marlboro man he doesn't look a

bit like a man who cared about a plastered face... its been two hours after the girls and nathan left

but here he was already bare chested touching the little nail dig Silvia had dropped at the back of

his neck when they were making love

"Silvia" this time he lifted a whole bottle of whiskey to his lips, the moment it flamed down his

throat he dropped it ...


The best his friends could do was to stay close to him as he drunkily displayed gentle

madness..Elliot watched him keenly as he pull a drag of his cigarette, Jack and tom who were tired

of fighting him to stop drinking kept staring at him as they sip on their cup of wine, this was the

first time they've ever seen their friend lucas tyson getting drunk over a woman, a woman at that

end now they were sure he could hurt himself more than he's doing now if Silvia refuses to come

back to him

"Mtchiii, what kind of life have I lived huh, this thing of mine knows no shame...huh," he touched the

area of his privates and stare down at it ...

He remembered his desperate hold to control himself for her, he also recall how he'd ask her if he

can allow him make love to her ...how she had agreed ...he remembered every second ,every

breath of it, he saw in vivid details , the beautiful color of her hair, and the lapis brown of her eyes

and her reluctant , stunning smiles as he joined himself inside of her...

He closed his eyes and thought of how he had her neck against his mouth


"I love her so much"

Forcing himself to concentrate he picked up his bottle again ...

"I don't want anything else, not money, not fame, but her guys, she and my son right here,"

he hit his fist on the table and laughed then reached his bottle back to his lips ...he squeezed his

face at the hotness and dropped it ...

"Right here to love her endlessly,"

"What a drunkard" jack mused to himself

Then slowly he dropped his head on the table and closed his eyes ...

"Wait is he"

Jack was about grabbing the bottle in his hands but sat back when his head flew up again...

Jack shuddered and there they almost laughed as they watched him clung the bottle to his chest

"I know what you are trying to do ,, but I need this don't you get it ,, I can't sleep without this"

He hissed and reached the bottle back to his lips

"F-ck that was hot " he touched his throat and smile..

If Silvia was here she would have gone crazy at his sight, he was looking nothing but hot and cute

in his drunken state....

"Lucas you've gat to stop drinking now, you are turning mad" tom said and tried reaching out for

the drink but he shouted at him instead

"Fuck you huh". Tom wasn't ready to give up he moved closer to him and tried telling him to calm

down but the hiccupped that came gasping out his fine mouth gat him back fleeting back on the


"Damn That stink" he shouted Jack and Elliot laughed out and there Lucas began laughing along with them

"That stink" he shouted and moved to tap Elliot on the head ...

"Hey what's that for man" Elliot said

They all watched as he stood up on his tall frame still laughing and hiccuping ...

"You got hard because you saw her thighs am gonna pee on your head Elliot"

"Man are you crazy"

Jack and tom laughed as they watched the expression on Elliot who tried struggling on his feet but

Lucas was fast to pin him down,

"Am gonna pee on your face stupid taunter huh,"

"Hahahahaaaaaaa" that was jack ....

"Get this drunkard off me" Elliot shouted ...

"F*ck Lucas is gonna pee on Elliot," Tom gasped with a huge eye as he watched Lucas struggling

with his zipper along with a wicked laugh...

"Am gonna pee on you Elliot," he licked his fine lips and laughed

"We've gat to get this drunkard into the bathroom before he destroys whats left of my apartment"

Jack screamed the moment he saw Lucas struggling on his belt all ready to destroy Elliot ...

"Get away from me" Elliot pushed Lucas so hard on the sofa and raced to the corner of the room

gasping with a huge eyes as he watched Lucas drunkily pushed down his boxer ..

"Noooooooooooooo" Jack screamed at the sight of lucas

"What theeee get a bucket tom" Elliot screamed

There Lucas stare at them and back at jack who had flew into the kitchen and back with a bucket

on his hand ....

Lucas only smiled softly and brought his boxers back up....

"That tells you am in my right senses, just leave me okay, I want to be alone"


After checking up on her cute little son who was already sound asleep ...Silvia walked into her room

and dropped her heels ,already missing lucas like hell, she sat back gently on her bed as her mind

strayed, it took no effort to imagine Lucas making love to her on a sky scrapper, to feel where the

sun had warmed his hair as she ran her finger through it.

Oh Lucas, forcing herself to return to her thoughts, the question of right and wrong didn't matter

anymore because her mother had assured her, she had given her the answers to her confusion..

Lucas Tyson was her star and had again given her a gift and that gift she would be carrying

about soon ...

So in other to tell him about this whole thing her mum had told her about a baby that's coming ...

she needs to forgive him ...

The sooner the better ...