
Between You and I, I choose Us

The story about Dolly who steals the dairy from a Wang and decides to read it. Which revolves around a mafia background, where there will number of mafia gangs, everyone has their own strategies to be in the topmost level, Marcus is one of them, a fine day he kidnaps Jack from his lover where it is important day in his life. Marcus have his own way to get succeed his works, there will be a greater number of secrets hidden behind Marcus, he makes Jack stay with him. Jack hates Marcus very much, will he continues staying with Marcus? finds a way to get out to from there, as it is incomplete story, Takes a decision to know about their end of the story and what happened to them, starts finding about them, will she succeed in it?

Chandu_88 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

I am going to kill them all:


It's been around 28 years since my wife left me, all I have is Dolly and business, as I am good business man I can handle all my business, with a single hand, but it is hard for being a father to a girl, that to I need to be both mother and father, I have been trying to give all the love I have for her, but I was failed many time, in her entire life she just asked me one thing that is not to involve in her work.

As a business man I understood her feelings, but as a father for a girl I was worried about her. She introduced her manager, after talking with him, I feel maybe he can take care of her, so I made him to stay near her, he used to update each and every detail, he also updated about vacation.

But today morning I got to know that, last night she was got attacked by someone, tried to harm her, Where Dean is not around, finally someone protected her, I wanted to thank them and also, it's been long time that I haven't met her, so I went to Kanchanaburi.

I went to her office and asked my PA to call her, He went to ask the employees about her, said that she went out for lunch with new investors and Dean is also went with her. 

I asked to inform once they come, I went into her cabin and waiting for her, after few minutes, Dean and Dolly entered the cabin. When I see her, I wanted to feel the father love and wanted to hug her and forget all the stress, but watching her face, it reminds my failure to raise her with love.

"How are you sir, it's been long time." (Dean)

"Fine, Why didn't you informed me about the work, who is that person that has invested the money." (Phongsakorn )

"Before raising your voice talk to me, I am the person who ordered him, not to share about the details." (Dolly)

"You would have told me about the details about the person, it's dangerous outside, so many people are waiting to harm you and me." (Phongsakorn )

"I think my big mistake is to be born to you." (Dolly)

I was tried to fight with her since childhood, suddenly I see someone entered into the cabin with the file.

"I was discussing something important with my daughter, who are you to disturb us."(Phongsakorn)

"Hmm, I think you need to discuss with her in the home, even walls have ears, be aware of it." (Wang)

"Sir, he is Wang, our new investor." (Dean)

"What about the things happened last night?" (Phongsakorn )

Dolly explained each and every detail about the incident, after listening the thing, I just wanted to kill them who try to harm my princess.

"Dean let's go to them, complete the things, I want to make sure that she is safe." (Phongsakorn )

I was about to leave, "For everything violence is not the option, try to think in a smart way." (Wang)

After listening to Wangs voice, the appearance it resembles my wife, the way how she thinks is the same Wang's words.

I withdraw from his words, I was thinking about what Wang said, I called my PA and asked him to know about each and every detail, after one hour, my PA back with all the details, where he is the memory lost person, he doesn't have his parents or family, he also got awards continuously 2 times for a best business man, but why didn't he appear in front of the media?

I was about to leave for Bangkok, Dolly came to me and asked that he will come with me to Bangkok, when she said that I was in happy, finally she wants to be with me.

"But one condition, no one should question me where I goes, what I do." (Dolly)

"But I can't let you alone out, I will find a person to take care of you." (Phongsakorn)

"Ok, fine do whatever you want." (Dolly)

I was about to leave the place, where Dolly went to talk with Wang.

"Take care yourself and Dean also don't let him alone, one more thing, shift to my room, I want you to be close with him, when I come here, you both should welcome me with good news." (Dolly)

"What!? how is that possible, Dolly we both are men none of us get pregnant." (Wang)

"Oh god, Dean I feel pity for you, I just asked that I wanted to know that you and him are a couple." (Wang)

"Ok My little princess, take care and don't hurt your father, he is old and try to understand him." (Wang)

I went to Wang and hugged him, "Thankyou for saving my girl, I will remember you until my last days." (Phongsakorn)

 "Dean, from now on take care of Wang too, he is a special person, where I don't want to see him get hurt." (Phongsakorn)

Dean nodded his head I and Dolly went to Bangkok in our private jet.