
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
136 Chs

Chapter 32 - Fire of Freedom

14.41 Hours, May 30th, 2187

Grid location: Proxima System, Planet Tethlis, Contested space.

The ground shook violently beneath their feet as they sprinted through the disintegrating corridors of the Automaton facility. The rumbling echoed like the roars of a colossal beast, the structure itself groaning in agony and protest as it began to collapse inward. Dust billowed around them, reducing visibility to mere shadows and silhouettes, each step forward a leap of faith.

"Move, move, move!" Alex yelled, his voice barely cutting through the cacophony of destruction. His helmet's light sliced through the dust, searching for the exit that seemed as elusive as safety itself.

Beside him, Elena kept pace, her eyes scanning for any sign of structural weakness in the walls. "This place is coming down faster than the morale at a peace treaty signing," she shouted back, her tone a mix of urgency and dark humor, typical of a soldier who had seen too many close calls.

Marcus, lugging his heavy weapon, grunted in agreement, a wry grin on his face despite the peril. "Well, at least we're not bored, right?" His laughter was a defiant sound amidst the groaning steel and exploding concrete.

Ava, clutching her device, stayed close to Alex. "The exit data is corrupted—it's a maze in here!" Her voice cracked under the strain, the usually composed tech specialist overwhelmed by the immediate danger.

Jack, ever the calm in the storm, pointed ahead where a faint light flickered. "There! Follow that light! It has to lead outside!"

Their boots pounded the metal floor as they navigated through the twisting corridors. Suddenly, a loud crash echoed behind them as a section of the ceiling gave way, blocking their path with debris and twisted metal. Dust choked the air, filling their lungs with a gritty taste of desperation.

Alex skidded to a stop, assessing the blockade. "Jack, we need a way through!" His command was sharp, the edge in his voice slicing through the heavier sounds of their perilous environment.

Jack nodded, dropping to one knee and quickly setting up charges along the debris. "Fire in the hole—twice!" he yelled, signaling them to shield themselves.

The explosion tore through the blockade, creating a makeshift tunnel. They crawled through one by one, the metal hot and sharp against their suits. On the other side, the light was brighter, beckoning them with the promise of open air.

They emerged into the dying light of day, the sun setting on the horizon, painting the sky with streaks of blood-red and orange. Behind them, the facility continued its self-destruction, the sounds of its demise loud against the sudden quiet of the outside world.

Catching their breath, they took a moment to regroup. Elena looked around, her face smeared with dust and sweat. "That was too close for comfort. I prefer my war zones less... collapsible."

Marcus laughed, slapping her back with a dusty glove. "You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if things got too easy."

Ava, checking her device, frowned. "The data I retrieved—it's not just about the Automatons. There's something else, something bigger at play here."

Alex turned to her, interest piqued. "What are you talking about?"

"It's not just a factory we blew up; it's a node, a hub for something much larger. There are others, interconnected, and they're all over—" She was cut off by a sudden alert from her device. "We've got incoming!"

Their brief respite was shattered as they heard the distinctive hum of drone engines, approaching fast from the distance. The sky darkened slightly as a fleet of drones descended upon them, their intentions clear.

Alex rallied his team, his rifle ready. "Looks like we're not done yet. Helldivers, let's show them what happens when they mess with Super Earth!"

Elena and Marcus nodded, taking defensive positions, while Ava quickly jotted down coordinates on her device. Jack reloaded his weapon, his eyes hard with resolve.

As the drones swooped down, their battle cries filled the air, a defiant stand against the dusk. They were far from home, but they were together, fighting for their planet, their beliefs, and each other. The battle for information had ended, but the war for survival was just beginning.