
Better Off Without Me

Across a chasm of forgotten millennia, two souls are destined to reunite. In a bygone era where magic pulsed through the veins of the world, Lyra, a warrior of unrivaled prowess, and Kael, a prince burdened by a five-hundred-year war, fell into a love as forbidden as it was fierce. But fate, a cruel jester, threatened to tear them apart. Looming on the horizon was another war, a tempest that promised to consume everything. Fearing oblivion's cold embrace, Lyra and Kael defied the ancient laws, delving into the forbidden art of reincarnation. It was a desperate gamble, a chance to defy the inevitable, but success hinged on a single, glimmering hope - a magical repository strong enough to preserve their memories across the eons. Lyra's essence was woven into a magnificent ring, a silent testament to their love. Kael, in turn, entrusted his memories to a jeweled necklace, a beacon in the swirling mists of time. Then, with a whispered plea and a surge of forbidden power, they surrendered to the unknown. Millennia bled into the present, a world devoid of magic yet brimming with its own mysteries. Emily, heiress to a veiled fortune, traded the gilded cage of her birthright for the grit and danger of the FBI. A master of disguise, she danced on the razor's edge, faking her own death to vanish from the clutches of the law. Fate, however, had a cruel sense of humor. A chance encounter in a grocery store, an undeniable pull towards a handsome stranger named Max - these were the whispers of a past whispering through the ages. Their connection was undeniable, a spark that threatened to ignite a firestorm. But the shadows of Emily's past refused to stay buried. A vengeful former partner resurfaced, jeopardizing everything she held dear. As Emily fought to shield Max from the darkness, a horrifying truth shattered the fragile reality she'd built. The ring, the undeniable pull towards Max - these were fragments of a love story etched across time. The shocking revelation - they were Lyra and Kael, reborn. Their forbidden love, a melody echoing across the centuries. Now, armed with the knowledge of their past, they must face a new battle, a fight not just for their love, but for their very existence. Will their love story defy the odds once more, or will they be forever prisoners of a tragic past?

ChrisBrainiac · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Grudging Alliance

"Okay, okay," he conceded, wincing again. "As much as I'd like to stay and listen to you lecture me, I think I do need some medical attention. Could you at least help me get to the hospital?"

"Hold on," she said, her voice sharp. "I'm making coffee. I barely had any sleep last night, taking care of you."

"Well, whose fault is that." He interjected.

"Clearly not yours, obviously," she replied while walking away.

"Hey, where are you going? I need some help here" Max said while trying his best to sit up.

"Didn't you hear me earlier? I'm going to make some coffee because I barely had any sleep last night trying to keep you alive."

"Don't you think the coffee can wait? I mean, I'm in a lot of pain right now," he pleaded, his voice strained.

"Yes you have made it abundantly clear that you are in a lot of pain," she replied sarcastically. "Consider it noted and well registered. I'll make a mental note to take you to the hospital after my coffee break."

Max gritted his teeth, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "don't you think you are being unnecessarily rude to me? Since I've known you, you have been nothing but rude."

"I'm sure what normal people say to someone who just saved their life is thank you." Emily scoffed.

Max couldn't help but let out a humorless chuckle. "My savior, huh? That's a bit dramatic, wouldn't you say?"

"Where are my manners? Sir please do you need me to do anything else for you? I am forever at your service whenever you need or want something just ring the bell" Emily said sarcastically, turned on her heel, and disappeared into the kitchen.

Max was finally able to sit up but was in too much pain so decided lying down was the best course of action at the moment. Max sank back onto the couch, the throbbing pain a constant reminder of his predicament.

'I don't know exactly what's wrong with her but one thing I do know and I'm sure of, is that there is definitely something wrong with her. One minute she's soft-spoken and seems concerned, then out of nowhere switches to rude and ice-cold as if someone was controlling her moods with a switch. To be honest it's a bit frustrating. I just want to get out of here.' He thought, bewildered by her erratic behavior.

As he was deep in thought Emily was also deep in thought in the kitchen.

'What's wrong with that guy? I am not very good with social cues but I sure know that's not how to talk to someone who just saved your life. He is seriously getting on my nerves.'

As if on cue, the insistent shriek of the coffee pot pierced the silence, disrupting her thoughts. She poured herself a cap and went to the bedroom for a change of clothing.

"Headache incoming. This has been a disaster from the start."

It was going to be a very long day. She just had a feeling in her gut. It was going to be a very, very long day.

Moments later, Emily emerged from the kitchen, a steaming mug clutched in her hand. She was dressed in a baggy t-shirt and jeans, a baseball cap pulled low over her forehead.

This guy has been trouble since they met. And also she hated hospitals. Why did she even decide to bring that brat home.

"We're going to the hospital," she announced, tossing an extra shirt towards him. "Slip this on, and we can get moving. I'll call you a taxi."

Max was now lying on his back unlike when she left; when he was trying to sit up. 'This guy must be nuts to think he could sit up with a stab wound in the stomach.'

Max caught the shirt with a grimace. "Great," he muttered, the sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Just what I need – a hospital visit with a grumpy companion."Emily's jaw clenched, but she said nothing further. She knew she wasn't exactly winning any Miss Congeniality awards, but the entire situation had thrown her off balance. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to focus on the task at hand.