
Beneath the Con: The Rise of an Exorcist

"The once inviting living room was now bathed in an unnatural, eerie glow, the darkness seeming to pulsate with a life of its own. And then, it appeared. The banshee was as terrifying as the stories painted it to be. Its long, matted hair framed a face that was grotesquely distorted, the mouth pulled wide in a silent scream. Its eyes glowed an eerie green, full of malevolence and hatred. Its long, bony fingers ended in razor-sharp claws, and it wore a tattered, dirt-stained dress." ...... Synopsis: Ren Higurashi was just an ordinary guy - an ordinary guy who could see ghosts. Befriended by spirits and guided by the supreme demon Baal, Ren stumbled into a world veiled to most, a world brimming with supernatural forces and relentless phantoms. "Under the guise of a quirky exorcist, Ren forges an unconventional path as an exorcist. Each chapter of his life unravels an unpredictable saga, as he encounters everything from vengeful spirits to dark witches, and from skeptical officials to love-struck admirers. His life isn't all gloomy encounters though, as it's laced with moments of warmth, humor, and human connections. He shares food with his childhood friend Jiro at bustling ramen stands, rescues stray animals, and navigates through unexpected flirts and marriage proposals! Yet, in a world teetering between the normal and paranormal, not everyone sees Ren as their savior. Accusations of being a fraud, threats from black magicians, and repeated attacks by stronger entities keep him on his toes. "Beneath the Con: The Rise of an Exorcist" is a thrilling journey, teetering on the edge of horror and comedy, set in a world just like ours - only a little more haunted. Join Ren as he balances the scales between good and evil, all the while grappling with the realities of his own unique destiny. This is not just a story of an exorcist - it's the rise of an unlikely hero in an unseen world, all tucked away beneath the veneer of a simple con. Step into Ren's shoes, embrace the chill running down your spine, and immerse yourself in the world of spirits - are you ready to face what lies beneath?

CreamOfSroom · Terror
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18 Chs

Chapter 7: A Familiar Face

The morning sun filled the room, casting its warm golden glow over the documents scattered across Ren's desk. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the noise of the city waking up filtered through the slightly open window. It was another day at the Higurashi Exorcist Services, another day to face the uncanny, the spiritual.

As Ren was sifting through the pile of cases, a peculiar request caught his attention. It was from the Matsuda family, one of the oldest and most influential families in the city. The family's ancestral home, a sprawling mansion reputed for its mysterious incidents, was supposedly haunted. Recently, the disturbances had escalated, and the family feared that a powerful spirit was at play.

What truly piqued Ren's interest, however, was a name mentioned in the letter - Haruka Matsuda. A childhood friend, a familiar face from the past. They had lost touch when her family had moved away. Now, she was reaching out to him, asking for his help.

Before he could delve further into his thoughts, Jiro walked into the office, his charismatic persona lighting up the room. He had been out the entire morning, negotiating a deal with a local restaurant owner who believed that his business was being plagued by a mischievous spirit.

"Another case, Ren?" Jiro asked, noting the focused look on Ren's face.

Ren looked up, nodding slowly. "This one's personal, Jiro."

As he revealed the details of the case, Jiro could sense the gravity in his voice. He knew Ren had a past, but he had always respected his privacy. Now, he understood that this case would be a journey into Ren's past and that it would require more than just their professional skills.

"I've got your back, Ren," Jiro said, patting Ren on the shoulder. He knew that his friend would need him now more than ever.

With a deep breath, Ren picked up his phone and dialed Haruka's number. As he waited for her to pick up, he braced himself for the wave of nostalgia, and the impending storm they were about to face.

Haruka's voice was exactly as Ren remembered - soft, kind, and filled with a quiet strength. They caught up briefly, exchanging pleasantries and sharing a few laughs before addressing the real issue. The jovial tone of the conversation vanished as Haruka explained the dire situation at the Matsuda Mansion.

"We've been hearing strange noises at night, seeing apparitions, objects moving around... it's terrifying, Ren," Haruka admitted, her voice trembling slightly. "My parents are considering moving out, but it's our family home. We can't just abandon it."

Ren listened in silence, his mind already spinning with the possibilities. Hauntings of this level usually indicated a powerful spirit, possibly with a grudge or an unfulfilled purpose.

"Leave it to us, Haruka," Ren assured her. "We'll handle this. I promise."

The relief in Haruka's voice was palpable as she thanked him. They scheduled a meeting for the next day at the mansion and ended the call.

Once he hung up, Ren found his mind flooding with memories of Haruka. He could remember her vividly - her long, dark hair, the way she laughed, and the many times they played in the park near their homes. But alongside these memories was the harsh reality of their present situation. Haruka was in danger, and it was up to Ren to save her.

Ren and Jiro spent the remainder of the day preparing for the investigation, equipping themselves with the necessary tools and spiritual charms. They knew they were walking into a vortex of spiritual energy, and they couldn't afford to take any chances. Ren also felt the familiar stirring of Baal's power within him. It was more responsive, almost eager, sensing the impending confrontation.

But amidst all this, there was another challenge Ren was not prepared for - confronting his past. Returning to Haruka's life after so long was going to rake up old memories and emotions he thought he had buried long ago. As the sun set, casting long shadows in the office, Ren realized the dual nature of the burdens he bore - his supernatural power and his human emotions.

The morning sun was just beginning to break through the clouded skyline when Ren and Jiro arrived at the Matsuda Mansion. The house, imposing and grand, stood as a silent testament to generations of history. As Ren stepped out of the car, he could already feel the oppressive spiritual energy emanating from it. Baal's power stirred within him, like a dark echo to the spiritual energy surrounding the mansion.

Haruka was waiting for them at the entrance, her face pale and worn. She managed a weak smile as she greeted them, leading the way into the mansion. The inside was as grand as the exterior, with high ceilings, vintage furniture, and old family portraits adorning the walls. But the signs of the haunting were evident, from the cold spots to the faint, chilling whispers that only Ren could hear.

They began the investigation, with Jiro documenting and gathering physical evidence while Ren tuned into the spiritual energy of the house. The entity was powerful, its presence pervasive and oppressive. As Ren walked through the halls, he could hear its whispers growing louder, angrier. It was not just a haunting, but a curse, a relentless spiritual entity trapped in rage and agony.

The real challenge came when they entered the master bedroom, the epicenter of the paranormal activities. The spiritual energy there was so dense that it was almost visible to the naked eye. Ren could feel it trying to infiltrate his defenses, but Baal's power held it at bay.

Then, suddenly the entity attacked.

The spirit, a formless mass of pure rage and despair, lashed out, unseen forces sending furniture flying and windows shattering. The temperature dropped drastically, the very air becoming thick with spiritual energy. Jiro, though not as spiritually attuned as Ren, could feel it too, his eyes wide with alarm.

But Ren stood his ground. He reached out to the spirit, his voice firm yet compassionate. "I'm here to help you," he said. "I don't want to fight you."

The spirit roared in response, the sound echoing through the room, chilling and otherworldly. It was a sound of pure, unadulterated fury, one that made even Baal's power within Ren flinch.

But Ren stood firm, calling upon his shield. A black aura surrounded him, his eyes glowing an intense red. He raised his hand, a dark energy swirling around it, forming a shield against the spirit's onslaught.

Then, he spoke words in a language that was not his own, words that echoed with a power as ancient and as dark as the demon within him. It was a spell of containment, designed to suppress the spirit's power, to bring it under control. And as he spoke the words, the black aura around him flared up, forming a barrier between him and the spirit.

The spirit struggled against the barrier, its fury seeming to shake the very foundations of the mansion. But the barrier held, and slowly, ever so slowly, the spirit's attacks began to weaken.

Through the chaos, Ren locked eyes with the spirit, his gaze unwavering. "Release your anger, release your pain," he urged. "Let me help you find peace."

The spirit's response was a low growl, but the fury in its eyes seemed to lessen just a fraction. The fight was far from over, but Ren knew then that he had a chance to help this spirit, to free it from its torment.

And so, the battle continued, with Ren standing strong against the fury of the spirit, determined to save it, even if it meant tapping further into Baal's dangerous power.

The battle raged on, with Ren's dark energy clashing against the spirit's powerful rage. Yet, despite the intensity of the fight, Ren remained calm, focused. His resolve did not waver; he was determined to help the spirit find peace.

But the spirit had other plans. It attacked relentlessly, its fury growing stronger with every passing moment. Its form, previously a shapeless mass, began to coalesce into something more solid, more threatening. It towered over Ren, its eyes burning with a cold, unfeeling rage.

In response, Ren channeled more of his power. His eyes glowed brighter, the black aura around him expanding and intensifying. He aimed to contain the spirit, to negotiate, to reason. But the spirit seemed beyond reach, consumed by its anger.

The spirit lashed out, its newfound physical form becoming a weapon in its own right. Ren dodged, ducked and created barriers, but the spirit's attacks were relentless. In the heat of the battle, Ren realized that the spirit was not merely defending itself—it was trying to kill him.

The realization hit Ren like a cold slap. His intentions had been to help, but now he found himself fighting for his life. The dark power within him responded, rising to meet the threat head on.

In the midst of the chaos, Ren made a decision. He would have to use his power not to subdue, but to destroy.

With a heavy heart, Ren channeled his power into a focused attack. He drew upon the ancient words, the dark incantations that could harness and direct the demon's power. He let the words roll off his tongue, their sound resonating in the room, filled with deadly intent.

The spirit paused, as though sensing the shift in Ren's intent. For a moment, Ren hoped that it would back down, that it would choose to negotiate. But instead, it roared in defiance and charged.

And so, Ren struck. His dark energy collided with the spirit, a cataclysmic force that tore through the mansion. The spirit let out a chilling scream, its form disintegrating under the onslaught.

With a final, echoing wail, the spirit was no more.

Ren stood in the ruins of the mansion, his breath coming in ragged pants. The black aura around him faded, his eyes returning to their usual color. The power of Baal retreated, once again dormant within him.

He had won, but the victory tasted bitter. He had wanted to help, to save. Instead, he had been forced to destroy.

As Ren left the mansion, he couldn't shake off the heavy feeling in his heart. The weight of his power, the burden of his abilities, had never felt so profound.

In the pre-dawn quiet, Ren emerged from the decrepit mansion, his face etched with the vestiges of the night's struggle. The spirit's oppressive presence was gone, replaced with a palpable stillness that hung in the air. His heart was heavy; he had hoped for a better resolution, but the spirit had left him with no choice.

As he trudged along the gravel pathway, he noticed a figure anxiously waiting by the entrance gate. It was Haruka. Her face lit up in relief as she saw him, but her eyes held a shadow of the fear from the night's events.

"Ren," she called out softly as he approached, her voice trembling. "Are you okay?"

He managed a weary smile, nodding in response. "Yeah, I'm fine. You should've waited at the office, Haruka. It was dangerous."

A flicker of annoyance crossed her face. "You think I would have just sat there while you faced that... that thing?" She huffed, crossing her arms. "You're not the only one who wants to help."

Ren watched her, taken aback by her resolve. He remembered the woman who used to be too timid to confront a customer over a wrong order. She had changed. They both had. But there was a part of Haruka that was still a mystery to him. Their past relationship, her current feelings, everything was a confusing knot.

"I... appreciate that, Haruka," Ren said finally. "But I can't let you put yourself in danger for my sake."

Haruka looked at him, her gaze softening. "And I can't just stand by while you risk your life, Ren. We're in this together, whether you like it or not."

Despite the weariness, Ren chuckled. Haruka's stubbornness was a force in itself. He sighed, realizing that he was lucky to have her on his side.

"Thank you, Haruka," he murmured, offering her a genuine smile. "I promise to be more careful in the future."

The rest of the day passed in a blur for Ren. He felt the physical exhaustion set in as the adrenaline from the night wore off. Jiro took care of the formalities, explaining the situation to the local police while Ren returned to his office to rest.

He was just settling into his office chair when he noticed Haruka sitting in the corner, looking at him with concern. "You should rest," she suggested, her voice soft.

"I will, just... not yet," Ren replied, rubbing his temples.

Haruka raised an eyebrow. "Ren, you look like you're about to collapse."

"I can't," Ren muttered, "I need to check the seal... make sure it's holding... make sure that spirit can't cause harm..."

"Ren." Haruka's voice was stern now. "Rest. You won't do anyone any good if you pass out. I'll keep an eye on the seal."

Ren wanted to argue, but his head was spinning, and his eyes were heavy. Giving Haruka a reluctant nod, he finally allowed himself to lean back in the chair, closing his eyes.

The moment his body relaxed, he was asleep. He wasn't sure how long he was out, but when he awoke, the office was dark, the only light coming from the street lamps outside. Haruka was seated at his desk, her attention on a pile of papers.

"You're awake," she noted, not looking up from her work. "Feeling better?"

"Better is a relative term," Ren replied, slowly standing. "But thanks, Haruka."

Haruka offered a tired smile, "Anytime, Ren."

Despite the exhaustion, Ren felt a warmth spread within him. It was a strange feeling, having someone worry for him, care for him. The darkness of his power, his connection with Baal, it all felt a little less overwhelming in moments like these.

uf.... a long chapter.

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