
Bank Robbery (Part 1)

Time: 03:40PM

Location: Inside the President's car


Ice Queen wants to form an alliance. Do you Accept or Reject?]


"Who… You're…" I tried to formulate a question in my head, but because there were so many, I can't seem to get one out. How in the world is this possible?

"You must be confuse?" President Jasmine asked.

My mind is still processing everything, so I could only give her a nod. It must have looked weird because she was giving me a wry smile.

She chuckled before speaking, "There are a lot of things you don't know…" She paused before continuing, "And your father is in the center of all of this."

What? My dad? What does he have to do with this? Now that she mentioned my dad, the questions in my head are now beginning to add up. She must have seen the confusion on my face.


Suddenly the radio connecting to the driver buzzed and the driver's voice came from it. "Madame President, you have a scheduled meeting at 17:00 hours. We have to go now if you want to make it."

The president acknowledged it and looked at me with a smile. "We have to go for now, but I'll be in touch. Accept the alliance for now so I'll know where to look for you and I'll be able to contact you anytime."

I nodded and the tapped on the <ACCEPT> button.

A messaged popped up in front of me:


You have gained your first ally! You and your ally can fight the same opponent and can have the same group quests. You may share experience as long as you are within 100m radius of one another.]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up! You are now level 6!]

This… I leveled up just by gaining my first ally? Isn't this just a minor thing?

[The host can gain experience points by unlocking achievements. Since you have unlocked the achievement "Who to trust?" you have gained experience points. This achievement can only be gained by having your first ally. Gaining more allies will not trigger another achievement.]

It appears that there are hidden missions in this system. But the question is, how did Ice Queen get the same kind of system? Did she know that I could gain experience points just by adding a friend?

Well whatever…

I could always contact her or I'll probably ask her when I see her again.

I got off the car and started walking towards the bunker while observing the system's status and other functions. After walking about a mile, a notification popped up.

[An ally has sent you a message!]

What now?

"I know you want to ask me a lot of questions, but I promise you that I'll come back after work. For now, why don't you take a stroll in the city and see if you can gain any missions for you to gain experience points. Make sure you reach around 50,000 hero or villain points. I'll explain why when I see you. Until then, do your best!" Ice Queen said.

She must be joking, right? I turn away from the screen and rubbed my eyes just to see if I was just seeing things. After doing so, I checked again to see if I saw the numbers correctly. I even counted the number of zeroes a couple of times.

Is she crazy?! How in the world would I get 50,000 villain or hero points?! There isn't much that I can do. She must have something in mind if she wanted me to save this much.

I sighed and opened the system interface to check my current points.

Right now I'm currently Lvl 6.

And my points are…

Hero Points: 0

Villain Points: 3,750

Experience Points: 2000/5000

Right now, saving up villain points would be the better option since I have more of it. Now that I think about it, the president didn't specify which point I should save up. The goal was just to reach 50,000 points for both stats.

Assuming that I would go for <Villain Points>, there isn't a way to accumulate points for the meantime. The missions I got were randomly generated by the system. There's no way to know how I can trigger it.

Should I just rob a bank?

The president won't mind, would she? Besides, she told me to gain points for both categories and not just for the <Hero Points>. Otherwise, she would have specified to gain <Hero Points> instead of <Villain Points>.

While I was pondering what to do, I happened to pass by the Sky City Bank. It's the safest and most secure bank in the world. It has multiple security systems and it's basically hack-proof. The only way in and out was brute force and luck. Lots of luck.

I chuckled at the thought of actually trying to rob this bank.

Did I actually think of stealing from this place? It was practically impossible to steal from this place. Even if I manage to have a good mentor like Ice Queen, she would probably ignore me if I tried to rob a bank. Besides, her sense of justice is very high.

I went up the stairs and made my way to the entrance to scout and see at least how tight the security is.


Before I knew it, I was sent back flying. I probably rolled a couple of times before bumping on to one of the pillars of the place. It did stop my from rolling further but it hurt like hell.

What the heck was that?!

I was still a bit stunned as I shook my head tried to pat the dust of my clothes. The pillar was a great support as I sit on the ground while leaning on to it. I was trying to gain my senses since I was still dizzy from what happened and there was a constant ringing in my ears.

Everything else sounded muffled. A few seconds went by and the ringing turned into sirens and screaming.

I could hear again.

The smoke cleared up and what I saw shocked me.

The doors of the bank turned into a giant hole and people were coming out from it with horrified expressions and they were running from something.

Everything was a mess! It was total chaos!

I tried to approach a woman who was asking for help. I wanted to know what was going on but as I was doing so, she suddenly fell down on the floor lifeless. A bullet had pierced through from the back of her skull. That's when reality hit me.

Someone was trying to rob a bank.

I ran over to the wall near the giant hole and took a peek.

"1… 2… 3… 20 people. And 8 of them are employees. The guards are already dead. Most of the people are also dead. There's nothing we can do." I thought.

This is bad. I should get out of here and let the police handle it.

As I was about to stand and make a run for it, a notification popped up and it made me hesitate.

[New Mission: Superhero Debut]

[The Sky City Bank is currently being targeted and robbed. The mission is to stop the robbers and don't let them escape. Make sure the hostages are safe. Mission Reward 30,000 Hero Points. Accept or Reject?]

Are you kidding me?! How am I supposed to say no to that?!

On second thought, I can't do anything about this. I'd probably get myself killed.

This is a bad idea. Should I just reject this?

[If the host rejects this mission, the town's favor will turn against you.]

Dang it! Do you have to say that now?!

Without thinking anymore, I tapped Accept and a timer appeared on the side of the screen. It displayed a 20 minute count down.

Isn't this a bit too fast? I inwardly sighed and just shook my head. My luck has to be this bad. But it won't get any more worse than it already is right?

[Mission update: For every death of a hostage, you will lose 5,000 <Hero Points>]


Never mind… never mind….

Let's just get this over with! I don't want to end up with negative <Hero Points>, nor I don't want to end up with the town's favor turning against me. I have plenty of that in school. I don't need the town to do the same.

I took a peek once again to see what I'm dealing with.

There were 12 robbers earlier, now there are 8. They must be inside trying to get the vault open. Now, there are 4 robbers trying to lead and guard the hostages in the manager's room. The rest are trying to get what they can from the desks and counters.

Great… They would be divided into 3 groups. The vault, the hostage guards, and the people in the lobby area. All are armed with military grade-4 assault rifles. Each can store up to 50 rounds of plasma bullets. So in each group, I'll be facing 200 rounds of plasma bullets.

That doesn't sound too bad…

Strike that! It sounds impossible!

Meanwhile, I don't even have a weapon. Going in now would be suicide.

I thought about for a while and thought that I still had some of my <Villain Points>! I just need to find something that would stun them.

As I searched the weapons category of the Villain Shop, my smile slowly became a frown. There weren't any weapons for knocking out someone. All the weapons here are for killing and destroying.

Well… What can you expect in a Villain Shop?

I can't use these. I can't just kill anyone.

"AAAAAH! Please no! Please!" A familiar voice of a woman came from the hostage room.

"No, it can't be." I turned to look inside, and my heart sank.

Nathalia… What is she doing here?

Nathalia Gonzales is a neighbor of mine and is also the same age as me. As far as I know, she lost both of her parents at a young age and now she had to work two jobs while studying at Sky City High. The thing that I admire about her, is that she gives money to the lesser fortunate people and she took care of me when I was being bullied.

Now… she needed my help. Hearing her scream like that, the robbers were probably doing something unthinkable.

Without hesitating I scanned the shop for a weapon that I was familiar with. Everything here is practically expensive, but something caught my eye and I pondered for a while before I bought it.

I immediately tried swinging it and it seemed like this blade was just waiting for me to buy it.

"3,000 Villain Points is definitely worth it." I said as I eyed the dagger in my hand.

The dagger was as black as the night and the hilt was made of wood. The blade was wavy and was about a feet and a half long. It might look ordinary but it was emitting a dark aura that it looked like it was emitting smoke.

Reaper's Blade

Level 5 weapon

Weapon Attributes:

Amplifies Villain traits and skills

Has 10% chance to activate the skill <Curse> that stuns the enemy for 2 seconds.


This is something that I can definitely use. But hesitated again as I remembered that I'm about to go in with the intention to kill.

"Absolutely do not pick up a weapon and use it to hurt someone. That's unless you're about to use it to save someone's life. Including your own." Dad's words reverberated in my head.

This is to save lives… including my own…

My head turned blank as I looked at the clock.

14 minutes left…

I covered my face with a handkerchief and took a deep breath in to calm myself.

Let's get this done…

[Invisibility Hoodie activated: Host will be undetectable and invisible for 30 minutes unless the host is attacked.]

Another timer was blinking at the bottom left corner of my vision.

I entered the hallway and went straight to the manager's office. If I want to kill them without raising suspicions, I have to start with the ones guarding the hostages. Why? Because they're probably cramped up in that tiny office and it makes it easier to swiftly kill them.

As I draw near the office, I was still hesitating to kill, but when I saw Nathalia who was half naked by now, my mind snapped.

I immediately sliced the throat of the person who was guarding the door. He was the only one who was holding a weapon and the rest were trying to rip the clothes of the three women.

The hostages were stunned as to what happened but since I did it cleanly, the robber couldn't make a sound. The rest of the robbers were facing their backs at me so they didn't know that their friend was already dead.

I then walked over to the two robbers who were nearer and swiftly killed them. Having high STR and high AGI makes it easier to stab them. It's like cutting butter with a hot knife.

The dagger went through the back of one of the robber's skull and without dwelling on it I pulled the dagger and stabbed the other guy through the neck before he could turn and see what was happening.

The last guy who was stripping Nathalia was more alert than them so he stood up immediately pointed the gun at me. Seeing that there wasn't anyone in front of him, he became slightly lax as he took his finger off the trigger. I didn't let the opportunity slip pass me.

I immediately slapped the gun sideways making it fall to the ground and stab him just below the jaw, but I didn't stab him deep enough.

Just before he was about to die, I remove my dagger and stab him two more times. One in his stomach and the other on his chest.

"So you like treating the lives of people like livestock? Let's see how you like it…" I stared at his eyes before pulling the dagger from his chest and planting it on his forehead.

"Go to hell…" I muttered under my breath.

[Host has killed a human in the process. For every human killed you get 1,500 <Villain Points>]

I was surprised with the sudden notification. I get points by killing people?

I shook my head at the thought.

My mind went greedy for a second there. I can't take human lives lightly just for points. But these people deserve to die. That's right. I think I'm just trying to convince myself right now.

Well whatever… Let's move to the next one…

Before I left the room I untied the hostages and told them that I'll take care of the people outside first. I instructed them to close the door and lock it, as well as to never come out until I tell them too.

They were pretty terrified to be hearing from someone who they can't see. But they believed me anyway. They probably believe the guy who slaughtered the people who took them captive.

I checked the timer and saw that there were only 10 minutes left.

After I settled everything I dashed towards the vault…


Hey Everyone!

I apologize for the late update. I'm currently writing the next chapter. What are your thoughts so far? Don't forget to give a review and vote. Thanks!

Doxicreators' thoughts
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