
Being a Parasite To My Waifu(On Break)

(This is a story I made a year ago from Wattpad just decided to put it here and update it cuz I just feel like it.) SYNOPSIS: When a bored, lazy and manipulative neet that has already given up on anything else thats not gonna be interesting to her, dies, meets a goddess who's also bored but instead of getting her wish granted an AI decides what she got. Worlds: Solo leveling Tensura DxD ...? Current world: Solo leveling NOTE: The chapter starting from 10 and so on is gonna ba different from the wattpad version as am planning to rewrite some parts of this story. Starting from chapter 17+ will introduce a new writing and apparently better writing style. If your interested in the wattpad version and my other scuff story you can check it on wattpad usename Seiko_1711. Word count per chapter: Mostly 1500 to 2000 words but some are 1200 to 3000 words depending on my mood. Release 1 Chapter per week 2 to 5 if my mood is right. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the the characters aside from my OC, they all belong to their respective owners/franchise.

Sako_6179 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 12

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Floating in the air Zesshi can be seen observing the battle that's about to begin below her while hiding her presence.

As Maria's group managed to catch up to Scarlet's group now ended in a standoff as the two looked at each other when Scarlet spoke.


"Yo Maria! How are ya? Ready to accept that I'm superior than you?"


"It is nice to meet you Scarlet, It's been a while since we last fought though it ended in a tie. This time I'd rather want this war to end."


"Indeed I'd rather sleep or eat food than fight in this stupid war!"

As Maria took out her lance, Scarlet got her halberd ready.


"Everyone please doesn't interfere directly with our fight, just make sure no outside interference comes in ok?"

(Light faction army)

"Yes Ma'am!"

Scarlet looked behind her and said.


"Now you little bugger's job is to make sure those little buggers at the other side don't ruin my fight with Maria ok?"

(Dark Faction Army)

"Yes, Big sister!"

As both armies charge at each other on the left and right sides of the Battlefield leaving room for Maria and Scarlet in the middle.

Standing in front of each other both girls ready their weapons as Scarlet made the first move. Activating her speed skills she arrive in front of Maria and swung her Halberd with immense speed.



"As always you and your monstrous strength!"

She said looking at Maria who was just smiling at her while blocking the halberd with her lance.


"I appreciate such kind words though if not for my fast reaction I'd be split in half due to your speed, don't I?"

Maria knocked Scarlet away and then dash into her for a stab with her lance. Seeing this scarlet once again used her speed to escape and reposition herself to attack Maria at the back. Only for Maria to suddenly turn around and thrust her lance at her.


"Tch, Overcharged!"

Activating her skill that used even more of her energy she managed to avoid the thrust. As they continue their fight Zesshi who's looking above them is looking happily.


"I know you want to fight them right now but I think we should deal with the army first as the Mission stated. Now that we've seen what they can mostly do I'm pretty sure we can just wipe out the army and then fight them again if they already tire themselves out."


"But Shio who can I enjoy fighting if there already spent?"


"As much as I'd like to agree with you we're here to capture and tame them not kill so id rather do it when they're weak. We both know that even though we might be able beat and capture one of them, we can't capture both them if they are at full strength. Now hurry up we still have to finish the first mission."


"Hmm, fine it's not like I can ever disagree with you anyways."

She sighs and then proceeds to the area where the main army of both factions is fighting.

(Back to Scarlet and Maria's fight)


"Your Skill Predict is such a cheat! Especially with your strength, it's too annoying!"

She said barely dodging Maria's thrust.


"Haaaa, No matter how much I use predict I still can't catch you before I run out of energy. How about your skill Overcharged as long as you have the energy you can increase your speed without limit!."

Then silence spread as the two looked at each other and smiled.


"Hey, Maria how about we finally end this?"


"Tho I still have a lot of things to fix at the kingdom I do agree with you. War is never gonna be a win to anyone as losses will always be made."

Both put back their weapon and pulled out another weapon, a Katana for Scarlet and Rapier for Maria. Soon a huge amount of Mana flooded the area knocking both armies unconscious. Raising their swords Maria and Scarlet spoke.


"I, Maria Roseweiss the will of my kingdom thereby request thee light grant me strength to overcome such adversities, Release!"

Soon the sword glowed brightly as wings of pure light energy emerge on Maria's back while emitting a Light aura around her.


"Yo Dark give this one strength to protect this one's Empire, as I Scarlet Ravelfall will end in an awesome way, Release!"

As Dark wings come out of her back while also being enveloped by a Dark aura, Scarlet smiled at Maria.


"Here I come, Maria!"


"Indeed I shall as well, Scarlet!"

As The two charged at each other betting on this one attack will decide the fate of their Kingdoms/empires not knowing that this was their last chance of preventing something horrible.

(Main battlefield)


"Shio can I get access to those spells from the players that you've copied?"


"Fine but the next use must still need my permission I don't want you to suddenly use another one and bury a city down the ground."


"Thank you!"

As Zesshi thanked Shio, she then looked down and raised her hand.


"Widen magic: Meteor fall!"

Soon the world started to shake as every single soldier below stopped fighting and looked up only to see a giant flaming rock falling from the sky.

(Random Light Soldier 1)

"Wha- what is that!"

(Random Dark soldier 1)

"No-no the world's ending!"

(Light captain 2)

"This thing... I can sense mana from it! How is that even possible even the War maidens cannot do something like this!"

(Dark captain 2)

"Heh, looks like someone out there is finally fed up with our wars and decided to end it themselves... Sorry dear, I won't be coming home... Take care of our chil-"


As soon as the Meteor hits the ground it created an explosion spanning several miles eliminating everything in its vicinity.


"Woah, So these are the powers players use in the age of gods huh? It's beautiful!"


"Please don't start nuking everything you see."

[Mission Neither Light nor Dark survives 1 cleared]

- Kill Light faction units: Req 5000/10000 killed 9272/10000

- Kill Dark faction units: Req 5000/10000 killed 9312/10000

[Rewards shall be given at the end of the trial]

Looking at the screen Zesshi looked happy and asked Shio.


"So, what's our next course of action?"


"We will capture the two, plant seeds into them, and finally make them submit to us willingly by killing their own people in front of them!"


"Oh, the usual strategy you mean?"


"I guess you can call it that haha."


"Haaa let's just go and get this over with. But I wonder can we see their stats?"


"Hmmm maybe let's just ask about the trial. Hey, trial system or something can you show us the stats for Maria and Scarlet?"

They then heard a beep.

[Request is within permission... Request granted]

[Maria Roseweiss]

Half Human/ Half light Spirit

Lv: 125


[Light core]

-As Maria is also a Spirit she has a core made of pure light energy that's sustaining her life and energy. This also allows her to use advanced light magic and abilities.

[Light being]

-As the physical manifestation of the Light Kingdoms will, grants Maria immense strength based on their world's standard. This gives her enhanced body strength, mind, and soul while also giving her a calm mind.


-Gives Maria the ability to predict enemy movement. It also grants her enhanced reflexes, senses, and the Skills Fast eyes which allows her to see the world in slow motion on the duration of the prediction. During this duration, specific muscles and nerves in the body will be able to transmit information faster.

[Order: Other half]


[Master Weapon User: Sword/Lance]

-Allows being near perfect in using Sword and lance-type weapons. Also, grants increase proficiency in learning other types of weapons.

[Master magic user: Light]

-Due to her racial origins Maria is highly proficient at using Light magic. Also improves the learning rate for other types of magic.

[Scarlet Ravenfall]

Half Human/Half Dark spirit

Lv: 125

[Dark Core]

-Being a Dark Spirit, Scarlet has a core that acts as her lifeline and energy storage. This core allows her to use advanced dark magic and abilities.

[Dark Being]

-As she was born from the entire Dark empire's will, she has been granted immense strength by the world. Giving her an enhanced body, mind, and soul while also giving her a carefree attitude.


-Allows the user to increase their speed infinitely as long as they can keep up with the increasing energy/mana cost of the ability. Also gives the user faster brain processing due to being overcharged. During overcharged state user's body is enhanced.

[Chaos: Other half]


[Master Weapon User: Sword/ Halberd]

-Grants the user the ability to use halberd and sword-type weapons to a near-perfect degree. Also improves the ability to learn other weapon types.

[Master Magic User: Dark]

-Due to being born as a Dark spirit and being a world's will

Scarlet is highly skilled at using any Dark magic. Also improves learning for other magic types.


"Yep thank god we dint fight them during their peak strength or else we would have gotten owned not gonna lie."

Looking at the stats of the two generals. Zesshi and Shio were shocked.


"Even I agree with you on this one."


"But trial system why is the skill Other half just question mark?

[Message: " Hello Lily here I decided to hide those skills for a surprise to you later"]


"Looks like we wont get our answers"


"Just let it be it is what it is and i'm pretty sure those strong mana waves we have sensed are from them finishing up their fight."


"let's hurry I don't want them to recover suddenly due to them being a spirit or something."

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(A/N: Hello :3)