
Chapter 14- Great Couple

"I'm not hiding anything from you." he opened one of his eyes to peek

"Oh really?" she smirked and fondled his waist gently

Everywhere her fingers traced gave him goosebumps. His breathing became heavier as her fingers playfully wandered around his waist and down. He gulped and subconsciously tiptoed as her fingers moved lower.

"Wahh!!!" he held his breath and finally broke the silence. He opened his eyes and pulled her into his embrace as he caught his breath.

She hugged him back and smiled, "Give up?"

"W-What did you think you were trying to do?!" he tried to sound calm.

"Hehe, I told you that you suck at hiding things from me. Did you really think I wouldn't realize it by now?" she broke away from his arms.

"Y-you know?"

"Mhmm..." she smiled sweetly and looked into his eyes.

"Since when?"

"Since you came back to the room."

"H...how did you know?"

"Of course! It was so obvious since you didn't change your clothes or smell like soap when you came back!"


"You said you were going to practice, but you didn't bring any clothes to change into. When you came back, you weren't sweaty and didn't smell like sweat or soap! It's obvious that you didn't go to practice."

He sighed in relief, "Is that it?"

"No! There's more than that and I know you are hiding from me."

His body tensed up once again and heart raced as she leaned closer to him. When she felt his nervousness she chuckled, "How come you're so tensed, hmmm?"

"I-I... let me explain.."

She slipped her hands into his back pocket and took out two pieces of candy. "What is there to explain?" she opened her palm and revealed the two pieces of candy. He blinked multiple times before staring at her serious face.

"Hei, since when have you ever hid anything edible from me since we've met? hmm? Did you think that I wouldn't be able to sniff the Strawberry Lemon flavored candy from you?"

"So....all that was for the candy...?"

She nodded and positioned her other arm on her waist. "So..?"

"So.. what?" he asked.

"Didn't you just said that you'll explain?"

"Oh... I was going to .. uh... give it to you as a surprise."

She tilted her eyebrows up, "Then why didn't you take it out when I trapped you against the wall earlier?"

'Because my mind was obviously concentrated on your touching and roaming movements' he thought to himself.

Ya Nuo waved her hands in front of his face making him blink several times.

"Oh.. uh I didn't tell you right away because I thought you already tried it."

"And why would you think that? Also, if you thought that I've already had it before, how would this be a surprise?"

"This is from Qi Yang. he came back from his trip recently and got a lot of souvenirs. Every time he goes on a trip and comes back, you are the first to receive a mountain load of snacks. Since he gave me these two pieces of candy, I figured that he might've given you some already."

"He didn't give me anything yet! I wonder if he forgot about my share.." she looked down and placed the two pieces of candy to Huan Hei's hands.

"Don't worry, that guy will forget anyone's souvenir but yours."

"mmm... hopefully he didn't forget about me."


Qi Yang enters the room with a large bag filled with different snacks, "He's right. How could I ever forget our precious, Ya Nuo's, snacks."

"Are those for me?" she smiled when she saw the bag of snacks.

"Yep. All for you. Here." he handed her the bag.

"Wooooo~~~ Thank youuuu~~" she happily took the bag and hugged it.

Huan Hei let out a soft sigh and looked at Qi Yang's amused expression.

'This guy... don't tell me he was watching this whole time.'

"Ya Nuo, how are you going to go to school tomorrow?" Qi Yang asked.

"huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, if I were you I wouldn't go to school dressed as a girl."

"Oh, shit... you're right. I need to go back to my apartment and get my uniform."

"Don't forget to get your friend to remove your makeup too."

"Yeah, that too." she scratched her head.

"Do you need us to accompany you home?" Huan Hei asked in a concerned tone.

"No, I will ask Aunty Marina later to help me get the things I need for school."

"Are you planning to stay here for a while?" Qi Yang asked.

"Only a few more days. After that, I'll go back to my apartment."

"Do you think your apartment is safe?" Huan Hei asked in a concerned tone.

"Well, I was in a female outfit when I got attacked. So, my apartment should be safe after I change back to my regular outfit."

"If you're not sure about your safety, then stay here until you find a new place. We don't know what those people know and it's easier for us to protect you if you live here."

"Yeah, at least you could sleep in peace here. With Grandpa Hoon and Qi Yang here, even if those people who were after you come here, someone will be able to protect you."

"mm.. you two have a point, but unless there are any traces of them finding out my address, I'm not moving. It's too inconvenient."

"It's your call. Just remember that no matter what, you can always depend on us." Qi Yang smiled.

"Don't ever think that you're a burden to us either. If a similar situation like last time ever happens again, I or whoever is with you at that time will not leave you. We will fight together. Understand?" Huan Hei took a box of chocolate koala shaped cracker from the snack bag and opened it.

"Okay. I'll make sure to let you guys know if anything ever happens."

"Even if nothing happens or you have the slightest suspicion of any danger, contact us immediately." Huan Hei said as he ate the chocolate crackers.

"I have an emergency right now though." she tilted her eyebrows

Huan Hei smirked, "You mean this?" he continued eating the crackers in front of her as she stared at him with her arms crossed.

"You're eating my snacks."


"Where's my share?"

"Heh, darling, if you wanted a piece you could've just said it." he took a piece of chocolate cracker and fed it to her mouth. She opened her lips slightly and ate the cracker delightfully.

"It tastes so good!" she smiled and pointed at her lips again.

"Hmm? I wonder what it is that you want."

"Give me another piece."

"Then you need to ask nicely." Huan Hei teased as he held another piece of cracker between two fingers in front of her face. She smiled mischievously and said, "Why ask when I can just~"

she bent her body slightly and ate the piece of cracker between his fingers. She licked her lips after finishing the cracker and smiled.

When she looked at Huan Hei, she noticed his playful smile.


"You forgot some melted chocolate on my fingertips." he lifted his fingers and licked it while maintaining eye contact with her.

"Ahem, I'm right here and you two are flirting shamelessly again. One of these days I will end up either blind or deaf or both from being with the two of you like this."

"Hahaha! You'll get used to it one day."

"For that, I'll make sure you do double the amount of practice later. And when I say double, I mean double the amount I told you to do earlier~" Qi Yang laughed as he exited the room.

"Noo!!! My arms and legs will ache like an old man's body tomorrow! I'll try not to flirt as openly anymore!!" he chased after Qi Yang.

When Ya Nuo looked up, both of them were gone and she continued munching on the crackers. 'Hmm.. they would make a great couple.'

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